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On 5 March 2013, the NGO, Centre for Political Initiatives or CPI posted an article on ‘NEM at ground level: same old model, no paradigm shift’. The article revealed how pork importation has degenerated from a free market to a semi-monopoly controlled by a UMNO-BN linked business-political mafia involving the highest level of political leadership in the Ministry responsible.

On 13 March, the Malaysian Association of Pork Importers (MAOPI) issued a press statement in which it denied the charges in the CPI article and alleged that the contents of the article were untrue and aimed at smearing the good name of MAOPI.

Since then we have received further damaging disclosure from both members and non-members of MAOPI on the subject.

We are reproducing below edited excerpts from another informant.

We hope that the new information can be the basis of an open inquiry into the monopolistic and cartel practices emanating from and justified by those manning the higher levels of politics and the civil service.

These market control practices aimed at extracting undeserved or exorbitant rent returns are found not only for the pork importation trade. All sectors of the economy in which licences are required are vulnerable to corruption and manipulation by the public officials responsible for licensing.

Fingers need to be pointed and guilty parties exposed when dubious licensing and quota systems proliferate or are permitted to run amok as is happening with the New Economic Model.

Another major area of concern raised by our latest informant’s letter is that the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has been acting in support of the corrupt parties and complicit in preventing the issue from being publickly exposed or fairly investigated. This – if shown to be correct – confirms the widespread belief that the MACC is not an independent body.

Finally, we note that the officials of MAOPI present at the press conference stated that the CPI article was written with bad intentions by someone with political motives and belonging to the opposition party.

We would like to place it on record that the Centre for Policy Initiatives does not have any association with any political party and that I am not – and have never been – a member of any political party.

Our mission is to provide the public and other key stakeholders with accurate information, data and analysis on national issues, and the best way of doing this is by ensuring our independence and integrity.

Dr Lim Teck Ghee

CPI director
Letter received by the CPI (below)

Dear Dr Lim Teck Ghee,
Thank you so much for your article titled ‘NEM: Old Model in New Packaging" dated 5 March 2013 where you had candidly highlighted half of the very true insights and challenges faced by current Malaysian pork importers.

In fact, the 50 cent per kilogram surcharge were pocketed by the two Datuks’ personally owned companies since early 2012 until end 2012.

The consortium mentioned in your article was approved to collect 50 cents per kilogram only via MAOPI’s second AGM meeting in March 2013, that is, only AFTER the release of your article.

Another main part of the truth is, since year 2012, all pork importers were "threatened" and forced to "share" 50% of the quota allocated with the two Datuks' owned companies. In short, the two Datuks' owned companies will actually hold more than 50% of total import quota allocated and become majority of the market holders instantly.

For any importers who refused to contribute 50 cents and refused to "share" 50% of the quota with the 2 Datuks, MAOPI will blacklist or "mark" those "uncooperative and disobedient" importers. Eventually, those blacklisted will have their importers’ quotas withheld and labelled as “cut throat” suppliers (meaning they are uncooperative and disobedient) by none other than the Director General of the Department of Veterinary Services…

The unfair practices and policies of MAOPI are fully supported by Director General of Department of Veterinary Services. During many occasions, …it was made very clear verbally that the import quota will be given only if they cooperate with MAOPI (even though it is not the official policy of the Ministry of Agriculture to allocate quota to MAOPI

Another problem is none of the importers and distributors "dare" to question or challenge the validity and legality of Consortium (a two-ringgit company) to collect the 50 cents per kg surcharge. In fact, many letters were written to the Ministry of Agriculture and even Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to complain and highlight on the corruption and collaboration between MAOPI and Director General of Department of Veterinary Services.

However, most of the complaints letters were looped back to MAOPI due to its strong "networks" of connections….

Attached are 2 MAOPI’s official letter dated 8/8/2011 sent to many importers and letter dated 1/8/2011 was sent to many foreign embassies / trade commission / importer members.

These letters are a clear proof of monopolization, power politics, cartelization, foreign discrimination, and against free trade act. For a true NEM, quota implementation in many industries especially small industry such as pork importation should be ceased immediately.

Quota implementation in pork importation is just a legalized excuse and powerful tool to encourage and further boost corruption at the expense of the importers and final consumers.

The attached letter given to President of MAOPI dated 8 July 2011 by Director General of Department of Veterinary Services is another proof of power abuse, as quota allocation is given to the individual importer instead of the association.

Another attachment is the list of committee members of MAOPI as at 2013. The companies mentioned are all controlled and owned by person of MAOPI. Again, this is a clear proof of monopolization of import quota. Based on SSM search, the first five companies were allocated quota since implementation in 2011.

Importers urge the intervention from exporting countries to demand that Malaysia cease the quota implementation malpractices since it is a main barrier to free trade and free market.

CPI note:We have not included the attachments in this article for now and have blanked out the names and i/c numbers of various individuals listed as heading the companies.





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