






也许这位作者并没有粉饰故事,而是找错了人。因为,如果快速浏览一群在中国旅游的外国视频博主在YouTube和Tik Tok发布的大量视频,就会发现一个现实,这个现实与外国游客被指因中国的社会和政府法规或中国本土应用程式而止步中国的指控是自相矛盾的。





恐惧是美国想要遏制中国的唯一原因。当关税失败后,技术制裁随之而来。当关税和制裁都失败后,“脱钩”就成了流行词。 当发现脱钩对美国经济的伤害大于中国经济时,就改为去风险化,这实际上意味著“缓慢脱钩”,直到更合适的时机。现在,恐惧已经侵入欧洲人的思想,欧洲人也想走上美国粗暴的策略。








林德宜《BBC反华报道:最新制裁行动》原文:BBC Anti China Reporting : Latest for Sanctioning

In the BBC’s continuing China series, the latest story is titled: “Domestic tourism soars in China but foreigners stay away.”  

So why are foreigners staying away?

Tucked away in the story is the observation that most individuals in Western nations hold unfavourable views towards China. Further it argues that the Chinese government’s tightening grip on societal regulations could potentially cause discomfort for foreign travellers in China.

However, nowhere in the article is there any evidence provided of foreign travellers being worried about or discomforted by this allegation of “tightening grip”.

Instead the article goes to lengths to inform that foreign travellers are turned off by the country’s state of the art phone app payment and booking system. Quoting an expatriate authority on the economics of tourism in China, the article relates: 

"Technologies such as social network websites, online maps, payment apps, among others, which foreigners have long been accustomed to using, are either unavailable or inaccessible when they travel to China.

On the other hand, there are Chinese alternatives to these technologies that remain inaccessible to foreigners due to language barriers and differences in user habits."

The reporter has added the observation that an Italian couple found the process of using China’s payment apps a challenge and informed that it is “much, much, much easier” if you have a Chinese friend to help you. Any discerning reader will be wondering whether the quotation with its unnamed informant and triple “much” has been inserted to sex up the storyline to make it appear insurmountable for foreigners to travel in China.

It may be that the reporter has not been embellishing the story but has  been talking to the wrong people. However, a quick visit to the numerous youtube and tik tok videos put out now by what is now a small army of foreign vloggers travelling in China reveals a reality that contradicts the  allegations of foreign travellers being put off by China’s social regulations and government or by China’s homegrown apps.

It is not only the videos running into many viewing hours that depict a safe nation with a largely happy and contented people throughout all the provinces of the country. This includes Xinjiang where the BBC has been a main channel for the lies, falsehoods and duplicity with regard to the alleged genocide inflicted upon the Uyghur community and the groundless slanders about the ‘pervasve’ prison camps, detention centers and absence of civil liberties and human rights in China. Meanwhile in the US, the latest State Department report condemns the so-called ‘genocide’ in Xinjiang whilst ignoring the ongoing genocide taking pace by its Israeli ally.

It is also the comments from the multitude of commentators in the unfiltered and uncensored China exchange in social media - some are visitors from past and more recent trips - which provide opposite views to the propaganda cranked out by western media on China. The commentators contrast what is taking place in their own countries with what they have discovered in China. Many write to lament about how they have lost faith in their own leaders and societal development and how impressed they are with developments in China.

These two comments typify much of the feedback from recent travellers to China coming from countries around the world, some of which relate to geopolitics and which, for obvious reasons, are not available from the BBC.

I visited China last year to see if they are collapsing in the last 20yrs, they are still moving along nicely. Beautiful infrastructure, amazing landscapes, transport efficiency, people are rich, high tech, all the cars on the road are brand new, high end vehicles. Seeing is believing. Don’t listen to all the BS lies in Australia or America. Go visit yourself, very safe and clean.

Fear is the only reason the U.S. wanted to contain China. When tariffs failed, technology sanctions followed. When both tariffs and sanctions failed, de-coupling became the buzzword. And when de-coupling was found to hurt the U.S. economy more than China's, it was changed to de-risking which in effect means a "slow de-coupling" until a more appropriate time. And now, fear has invaded European minds and the Europeans want to adopt the American low-life tactics.

To its credit, the BBC article has identified one important reason for the slow return of foreign travellers to China though it failed to discuss this more. Thus it noted
Washington warns potential travellers to "reconsider travel to Mainland China due to the arbitrary enforcement of local laws, including in relation to exit bans, and the risk of wrongful detentions".

Australia advises "a high degree of caution" warning that "Australians may be at risk of arbitrary detention or harsh enforcement of local laws, including broadly defined National Security Laws". 

Why even the better BBC reporters engage in slanted writing and why we cannot expect fair reporting from western media organisations has been identified succinctly by a recent commentator in an article subtitled, “Why are China hawks exaggerating the threat from Beijing”.

Over the past few years, the Pundit Industrial Complex has gone into high gear on China. A new generation of scholarly, governmental, and journalistic reputations is being built on the idea that the United States has entered a new cold war, with China in the role of the Soviet Union and a reduced Russia as its eager helpmate. Scores of books and articles are being sold, weapons systems developed (including the United States’ first new nuclear warheads in decades), promotions and tenure awarded, and so forth.

Next anti-China target for the BBC’s fake and non-independent news is likely to be the Paris Olympics especially when China’s competitors perform well. 

Unfortunately much of the non-western media buy their news coverage from western media agencies. How to fight this neo-colonialism in global news coverage should be the concern of the global public as well as of every media organisation in the world.





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