


但凡一项大型投资项目的开发,均会导致地理空间一定层次的良性扩散作用(spread effect)和非良性的极化作用(backwash effect)。隆新高铁的开发,意味著吉隆坡终端大马城中心及其周边地段将获益、地价飙升,吉隆坡至新山沿途西海岸停留站城市周边地区也会起到扩散作用的惠利,增强发展潜能,人口和商业活动向它靠拢。










黄大志《再谈一波三折的隆新高铁》英文版:On the Twists and Turns of the Kuala Lumpur-Singapore High-Speed Rail

The development plan of the Kuala Lumpur-Singapore High Speed Rail which was suspended twice, has seen a turn for the better in the 11 months since the Malaysian unity government came to power, and there is the possibility of resuming construction. Based on my own interpretation, the reason for the previous call to stop was more political factors than economic factors, and I may even blame the racial factors influenced by the former Prime Minister Mahathir over the issue of gains and losses in this Malaysia-Singapore joint project. From Mahathir’s perspective, Singapore is projected to get more benefits than Malaysia when this high-speed rail is completed.

In fact, this calculation is very simple. Kuala Lumpur and Singapore have each a terminal station in the high-speed rail. The Singapore terminal is connected to Changi International Airport, which is far more successful and efficient than the Kuala Lumpur International Airport. Currently, the number of international tourists passing through the Changi Airport exceeds far more than the Kuala Lumpur International Airport. With Singapore's international financial status and regional influence, Kuala Lumpur is also far behind. Besides, the total length of the Kuala Lumpur-Singapore High-Speed Rail is 328 kilometres, and it is only a short 15-kilometre section that Singapore is required to build on its own land. Thus, Singapore’s overall investment is small.

When evaluating the gains and losses of both Singapore and Malaysia, Mahathirism and its logical thinking seem to make sense. Those more extreme Mahathirist followers or those who lack international vision may even think that building a high-speed rail might be better to have it ended just at Johor Bahru as connecting it to Singapore will only benefit Singapore much more than to Malaysia. While examining such remarks, I would like to analyze the principles of economic geography and share my views with you.

Indeed, any large-scale investment project will lead to a certain level of positive spread effect and negative polarization effect (backwash effect) in geographical space. The development of the Kuala Lumpur-Singapore High Speed Rail suggests that the Kuala Lumpur Terminal at Bandar Malaysia site and its surrounding areas will benefit and land prices will soar. The areas surrounding the Peninsula’s west coast stations along the route from Kuala Lumpur to Johor Bahru will also enjoy a spill-over benefit, enhancing their development potential by attracting workforce and business activities close to them. 

As diffusion takes effect, a trickle-down effect will occur in less developed areas on the east coast, inducing their populations to move to locations that benefit from diffusion and seek employment opportunities. 

As population pressure in less developed areas decreases, the per capita income of the remaining population will increase. Subsequently, the declining population pressure and rising wages there will promote the process of their mechanization and automation of production activities.

In general, the successful operation of high-speed rail will greatly promote the flow of people and logistics interaction between urban agglomerations and between urban and rural areas, generate agglomeration economic effects, boost the efficiency and quality of connections in the entire region along the line, and hence drive the inflow of population from lagging areas. This process of economic stimulus can also assist the transformation of the Malaysian economy into a higher level of development. 

From the perspective of ethnic integration, the high-speed rail system will drive more Malays, Chinese and Indians from less developed areas to settle in newly developed zones, inclusive of those second- and third-tier townships around the stopover cities.

Although there are many favourable factors for building high-speed rail, its economic feasibility still needs further review, because today, when Malaysians rely heavily on cars for travel, passenger flow is not easy to estimate, and relying on international tourists requires tourism-based development and its quality services. In view of the high construction costs, including land acquisition expenses, the fare cannot be low and is estimated to be more than double the fare of a large bus currently running between Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. 

According to the latest news, the costs and risks of high-speed rail construction will be borne by private investors, and the construction cost is estimated to be between S$20 billion and S$25 billion (approximately RM62 billion and RM77.5 billion). The news continued that there are five Malaysian listed companies that are expected to win the bid for the construction project. They are YTL Corporation, MMC Corporation, MRCB, WCT Holdings and Berjaya Land.

As to why we don’t invite tenders from international companies with advanced technologies, I think it’s just to give local companies the opportunity to undertake the construction. Those who successfully bid for the project sections can invite foreign companies with advanced technologies to collaborate. The development model includes five procedures: design-construction-financing-operation-transfer. The final procedure is to hand over the asset management rights at the completion of the trial operation period. Who will take over the management rights will be a key issue, and in this regard, the governments of Singapore and Malaysia must negotiate together and handle it carefully, fairly and responsibly.

The resumption of the Kuala Lumpur-Singapore High-Speed Railway will undoubtedly bring new breakthrough to Malaysia, which is already on the threshold of an advanced economy. As long as both Malaysia and Singapore can strengthen their mutual trust, be honest with each other, place their common interests as top priority, and eliminate the political-cum-business cronyism that was used by the previous Umno government in large-scale projects, the successful construction and operation of this high-speed rail will not be far from reality!

In conclusion, although high-speed rail can strengthen connections and flow efficiency between cities and between urban and rural areas, it will also tend to encourage funds, talents and other resources from underdeveloped areas to gather in more developed and administratively efficient areas. Consequently, strong urban agglomerations will benefit more, leading to a widening gap between them and lagging behind townships and rural areas. In light of this, the Malaysian central government must take precautions and make timely policy adjustments to minimize such polarization effects.





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