





因此,在最近在犹他州帕克城举行的寻求连任筹款活动中,拜登告诉捐助者,中国政府是由“坏人”主导的,他们可能会在经济处于崩溃边缘时采取危险行动。 在阐述这一论点时,他声称中国政府陷入了“麻烦”,因为中国经济问题是一颗“定时炸弹”。拜登说:“他们(中国)遇到了一些问题。这不是好事,因为当坏人遇到问题时,他们就会做坏事。”












林德宜《拜登对中国的伪善》原文:US President Biden: Hypocrite Extraordinary on China

News that US President Biden has expressed regret that China President Xi is not attending the G20 coming meeting in India has been given prominence in western media recently. We can expect this news item to continue hogging the media headlines together with Biden’s comment that he was going to "get to see him". Apparently the next opportunity for the two leaders to meet will be the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in San Francisco in November.

President Xi has not responded to Biden’s public statement. A clue to China’s position is the post from China’s Ministry of State Security on its WeChat social media page that "To truly realise 'from Bali to San Francisco', the United States needs to show enough sincerity". This reference was to the last meeting between Biden and Xi on the sidelines of a G20 summit on Bali in November last year. 

The Ministry noted that Biden's administration has adopted a 2 prong strategy towards China, inviting competition with China but also wanting to control the competition.
It said while U.S. officials who visited China recently said there was no intention to curb China's development or "decouple" but at the same time the U.S. approved arms sales and military financing to Taiwan, and raised issues about Tibet and the South China Sea as well as openly criticised and tried to undermine the Chinese economy.

The Ministry concluded that China will never let its guard down because of a few 'nice words' from the United States …. The various obstacles, containment and suppression by the United States will only make China more courageous and self-reliant". 

Biden’s Objective in Talking Down China and Xi

Ever since he became president, Biden has been engaged in a campaign to run down China and Xi. 

Why Biden - and other US presidential candidates and political leaders - engage in China bashing is obvious. Top among the reasons for Biden’s public positioning on China is to raise funds for the coming presidential election when he is likely to face off against Trump. 

Thus during one of his recent re-election fundraising eventin Park City, Utah, Biden told donors that China’s government is run by “bad folks” who may take dangerous actions as their economy is on the brink of collapse. Elaborating on this, he claimed that the Chinese government was in “trouble” because Beijing’s economic problems were a “ticking time bomb”.  “They got some problems. That’s not good because when bad folks have problems, they do bad things.” 

Analysts of the event have noted that Biden tried to back up his speech by engaging in outright lies which claimed that China had the “highest unemployment rate going” and more people of retirement age than of working age. Biden also claimed that China’s economic growth has slowed to 2%. 

In fact,China’s GDP rose at a 5.5% pace in this year’s first half, compared with the US rate of around 2.2%. The country has more than three times more people of working age as compared with people 60 and older. According to IMF data, China’s unemployment rate stands at 4.1 compared with the US’s 3.8 and U.K’s 4.2.

Biden has tried to sugarcoat his privately made comments by claiming that he wants to have a“rational relationship”with China, adding, “I don’t want to hurt China, but I’m watching.” But the world can expect more fierce anti-China rhetoric  and action from Biden ahead of the election.  

US 2024 Presidential Campaign Fund Rising Scoreborad

President Joe Biden and his team finished the second quarter raising more than $72 million.
Biden’s reelection entities have $77 million total cash on hand. Biden outraised the rival Republican campaigns of former President Donald Trump and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis by more than $30 million each.

For his Utah fundraiser donors paid at least $3,300 to attend. Hosts paid $100,000, and guests who contributed at least $50,000 were allowed to speak with Biden and have a picture taken with him. Those paying $10,000 to $25,000 could get a photo with the president.

Money holds the key to winning American elections and political power. It is the lifeblood of every U.S. political campaign. It buys media ads, hires staff, finances travel and election propaganda, and pays for events and other activities to reach targeted voting blocs.  

How much money a candidate spends not only determines the longevity of his or her campaign. It is also a key factor in its outcome.

One should not be surprised that Biden in his drive for election funding will be stressing his commitment to democracy, freedom, human rights and the international rules based order whilst at the same time engaging in hostility towards China. For now we can see US competition with China take on a comprehensive and multi-level feature. More ideological based factors can be expected in economy, trade and finance to be incorporated in US strategy in the name of "comprehensive deterrence”. 

According to a report released by the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies at Renmin University of China, since February through May this year, the US has engaged in 24 moves to suppress China in the spheres including economy, trade, finance, ideology, military science and technology, and geopolitics. 

As actions speak louder than words, it will not be surprising if President Xi decides to give San Francisco and meeting Biden a miss.  





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