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Recently a member of Parliament asked what appears to be an innocent but construed to be unnecessarily provocative question about the Malaysian civil service. The question was on the breakdown of the racial composition of the civil service and if the government has any plan to make it more representative of the “Keluarga Malaysia” concept promoted by Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob.

Most people do not seem to be aware that Malaysia already has a multiracial civil service. As clarified by minister in the prime minister’s department Abd Latiff Ahmad, of the total number of 1.2 million civil servants, 987,333 comprised Malays, 73,190 Chinese, 60,084 Sarawak Bumiputeras, 59,978 Sabah Bumiputeras, 47,751 Indians, 2,417 Orang Asli and 8,698 others. 

As for the top posts (super scale) above the Grade 56 category, 3,300 are Malays, 386 Chinese, 240 Indians, 74 Sabah Bumiputeras, 53 Sarawak Bumiputeras, three Orang Asli and 42 others.

The racial composition breakdown shows that no racial group has been left out. There may be as many as 10 or more racial communities in our civil service. Perhaps a world record which can go into the Guinness records. 

How has Malaysia achieved such a fantastically racially diverse civil service is quite a feat. It is also a big thing which the government does not want to brag about. In fact all our Prime Ministers and even the media have been shy in sharing this with the public. In the past, such an issue unfortunately would have been covered by the Official Secrets Act. Today the spirit of “Keluarga Malaysia” - and not “Ketuanan” - has opened the door to a new era of transparency in which there will be few secrets and censorship by the authorities.   

Malaysia’s incredible achievement of a multiracial civil service can be seen as the outcome of a long term dedicated ‘impartial’, ‘fair’ and ‘transparent’ recruitment and promotion policy in the sector practised since independence. 

As background the Reid Commission members had recommended that a racial quota system was to be implemented as part of Article 153 to give the Malay community and natives of Sabah and Sarawak special privileges. This included the implementation of a quota system in the civil service and other sectors. The Commission had also, as balance, emphasised the importance of safeguarding the legitimate interests of other communities. 

But the Alliance and Barisan Nasional governments found the imposition of any quota system to be unnecessary for the civil service. Hence this also implied that there was no need to safeguard or guarantee the interests of the other communities.  

As explained by Abd Latif and now finally recorded in the official records for posterity, the government does not impose any quota for the intake based on race or ethnicity. In his words, “All recruitment by the Public Services Commission is based on merit and competency. This is to ensure only the best and quality candidates are chosen as civil servants.”

“There is no quota based on race and ethnicity in the intake or promotion of civil servants. All Malaysians are given equal opportunity as it is based on open and fair competition.”

This is historical negationism taken to possibly its most extreme articulation in the Dewan Rakyat. 

Ending Public Debate on Civil Service Matters 

The Government’s response should for once and all time answer critics who have ‘mischievously’ alleged that that the government practises discriminatory policies in the civil service.

Of course, it is unfortunate that there is a numerical superiority of one community. But this is through no fault of the government. 

According to the Congress of Unions of Employees in the Public and Civil Services (Cuepacs) President, Datuk Adnan Mat, this situation is entirely the fault of the non-Malay communities who have refused to apply for civil service jobs and not because the Public Services Department (PSD) or the government is practising race-based bias.

In supporting the government, Adnan described the allegation as “serious and baseless”. He also warned “all quarters not to use the public service for their own political interests". But he stopped short of calling it “anti-national” so that we can expect this controversial issue to continue being raised by a sceptical public.

Malaysians should be proud and thankful that not only do we already have a “Keluarga Malaysia” in the civil service but the highest rank of superscale officers such as the Secretary Generals and Director Generals comprise the ‘creme de la creme’ of the country’s human resources. They have turned our civil service into a ‘world class’ one, lacking in perhaps one area recently identified by the Prime Minister - the standard of English. 

In every other important aspect - leadership, competency, efficiency, creativity, problem solving skills - we have a surfeit of the best talent in the nation that has advised the political masters who have gained all the glory whilst the humble civil servant has carried out the totally independent and politically neutral work of policy making and restructuring society and economy quietly and effectively.  

But brains are not only in super abundance in our civil service. Incorruptible, dedication to service, resistance to cronyism, devotion to the public welfare, transparent, accountable and committed to helping irrespective of race and religion - these everyday qualities of our senior civil servants are never reported on. Instead there are attempts made to single them out for criticism.     

Today too the focus is on the size of the civil service and its cost in the national budget which may bankrupt Malaysia. Critics need reminding that size matters. Also if you pay peanuts you will get monkeys. That is why the Government has consistently ensured that the civil service - even if non Malays continue to avoid applying or refuse to join in serving the nation - will grow in size, budget and status (it is only partially true that civil servants have a monopoly of Tan Sri-ships, Dato ships and miscellaneous other titles). 

Expect that the coming budget and general elections will again provide the Government and Treasury the opportunity to show the nation’s appreciation to our civil service. 

It is necessary to acknowledge the good work carried out by many unsung civil servant heroines and heroes. 





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