



1. 通过“苏丹依布拉欣马来研究高级访问学者教席”搭建学术桥梁

2. 通过语言项目拓展文化外交

3. 探索科技合作新机遇


《以国家元首访华为契机加强马中教育外交》原文:Strengthening Malaysia-China Education Diplomacy through the Sultan Ibrahim Chair of Malay Studies at Beijing Foreign Studies University

The recent state visit of Sultan Ibrahim of Johor to China has opened up significant opportunities for strengthening education diplomacy between Malaysia and China. One of the most prominent outcomes of this visit was the renaming of the Malay Studies Chair at Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU) in honour of Sultan Ibrahim, a gesture that reflects the deep historical and cultural ties between the two nations. The Ministry of Education Malaysia (MOE) is now presented with unique avenues to build on these advancements and enhance educational and cultural exchange between the two countries.

A Milestone in Bilateral Relations: The Malay Studies Chair at BFSU

The renaming of the Malay Studies Chair at BFSU underscores the long-standing relationship between Malaysia and China, which dates back to the era of the Malacca Sultanate. This initiative will play a pivotal role in promoting a deeper understanding of Malay culture, language, and history among Chinese scholars and students. It also reinforces the importance of education as a tool for diplomacy and cultural exchange. Sultan Ibrahim’s engagement with academic institutions during his visit, particularly his interaction with the Malaysian diaspora in China, further highlights the crucial role education plays in bolstering diplomatic relations.

Technological and STEM Cooperation: A New Horizon for Education

In addition to the cultural significance of the Sultan Ibrahim Chair, the visit also opened doors for technological collaboration. Sultan Ibrahim’s visit to the Beijing Aircraft Technology Research Centre, better known as COMAC, signals the potential for future partnerships in aviation technology and innovation. This sets the stage for a broader collaboration in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education between Malaysia and China, offering both nations the opportunity to advance in fields critical for the 21st century.

Recommendations for Strengthening Educational Diplomacy

As Malaysia looks to build on these opportunities, there are several strategic initiatives that the Ministry of Education can pursue to further strengthen Malaysia-China educational relations.

1. Building Academic Bridges through the Sultan Ibrahim Chair

The establishment of the Sultan Ibrahim Chair offers a platform for deepening academic ties between Malaysia and China. The MOE should consider facilitating joint research initiatives, academic conferences, and student exchange programs between Malaysian universities and BFSU. This would promote cross-cultural understanding and knowledge exchange in Malay language, history, and culture, further solidifying Malaysia's cultural presence in China.

2. Expanding Cultural Diplomacy through Language Programs

In addition to BFSU, MOE could explore partnerships with other top Chinese universities to establish Malay language programs. Scholarships for Chinese students to study in Malaysia would incentivize deeper engagement and foster stronger ties between the academic communities of both countries. Such initiatives would broaden the reach of Malay culture, extending beyond BFSU to create a network of institutions committed to fostering understanding between Malaysia and China.

3. Exploring STEM Collaboration Opportunities

Given the burgeoning technological advancements in both nations, Malaysia should explore STEM collaboration with China, particularly in areas such as aviation technology, robotics, and artificial intelligence. Exchange programs for students and researchers focusing on these cutting-edge fields could be developed, building on the momentum of Sultan Ibrahim’s visit to the COMAC research center. This would not only boost Malaysia’s technological capabilities but also position both nations as leaders in technological education and innovation.

4. Proposing Bilateral Education Forums

To ensure long-term collaboration and dialogue, the MOE could initiate Malaysia-China bilateral forums focused on education diplomacy. These forums would allow stakeholders to discuss shared goals in areas such as curriculum development, student mobility, and collaborative research. Such platforms would provide the opportunity to align educational objectives and policies, ensuring that both nations benefit from a mutually beneficial exchange of knowledge and expertise.





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