
近年来,大马政府持续加大基础设施投资,推动泛婆罗洲高速公路、东海岸铁路、第三轻快铁线(LRT3)和槟城轻快铁(Penang LRT)再到夹带外资加持和本地私人企业的人工智能(AI)和数据中心等大型项目,使我们迎来似曾相识的时刻(deja vu moment)。这些项目无疑是大马经济再次腾飞的催化剂。我在《马股人工智能投资机遇》 一文中分析马股投资者从英伟达和微软科技巨头在人工智能和数据中心基础建设上,可以得到的机遇。


正如美国著名基金经理彼得林奇(Peter Lynch)所说:“在淘金热期间,大多数淘金者赔了钱,但那些卖给他们镐、铲、帐篷和牛仔裤的人却赚了不少钱。”换言之,在淘金热期间,淘金者面临著巨大的风险和不确定性,而那些提供铲子、牛仔裤、帐篷和其他必要用品的企业则能获得稳定的利润。因此,这个策略被用于强调在繁荣的行业中,投资于提供基础设施和支持的公司可能是更安全和更有利的选择。




此外,联营工业集团也通过企业并购为客户提供附加价值的服务和拓展产品组合,这也有助于加强公司的盈利能力。该公司分别于2023年8月份和今年1月份收购了Winnson Marketing私人有限公司以及Intergreen Metals私人有限公司。

通过收购Winnson Marketing公司,将使联营工业集团扩充至液压软管市场和环保废物管理领域。至于,收购Intergreen Metals私人有限公司则显示公司垂直整合(vertical integration)策略。这项收购使该公司踏足金属回收行业,在讲求符合环境、社会和治理(ESG)原则的经商氛围尤其重要。






不得不提的是,供公司员工居住的CLQ减少了员工的通勤需求,根据ESG原则,这将减少范围三(Scope 3)的排放。范围三的排放包括公司价值链中与公司活动间接相关的所有其他排放,其中包括员工通勤排放。减少员工通勤距离有助于降低与员工日常交通相关的温室气体排放。








郑荣信《大马经济再次腾飞机遇》英文版: The Opportunities at the Forefront of Malaysia’s Economic Resurgence

Looking back at history, Malaysia's post-independence economic takeoff was mainly due to a series of policy reforms, infrastructure development, and favorable global economic conditions. The Malaysian economy, initially reliant on agriculture and raw material exports, transitioned through industrialization by attracting foreign investment and technology, with a strong focus on manufacturing and export-oriented industries. By the late 20th century, Malaysia had successfully diversified its economy. Major mega infrastructure projects such as the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA), Petronas Twin Towers, and the North-South Expressway (PLUS) significantly boosted efficiency and international competitiveness, laying a solid foundation for economic growth.

In recent years, the Malaysian government has continued to ramp up infrastructure investment, promoting mega projects like the Pan-Borneo Highway, East Coast Rail Link (ECRL), Light Rail Transit 3 (LRT3), and Penang LRT. Coupled with foreign investment and local private sector initiatives in artificial intelligence (AI) and data centers, we are experiencing a déjà vu moment reminiscent of past economic booms. These projects are undoubtedly catalysts for another economic surge in Malaysia. In my article "Opportunities in AI Investment in Bursa Malaysia" , I analyzed the opportunities for Bursa Malaysia investors to benefit from AI and data center infrastructure investments, spurred by tech giants like Nvidia and Microsoft.

Such mega infrastructure, AI, and data center projects not only stimulate the capital market but also bring long-term benefits to the real economy. According to data provided by Deputy Minister of Public Works, Dato' Seri Ahmad Maslan, in 2024, the government and private sector will invest a total of RM180 billion in construction projects, with RM90 billion coming from the government's 2024 budget development expenditure. The implementation of these projects will lead to a significant increase in demand for construction materials, presenting enormous opportunities for related companies.

As the famous American fund manager Peter Lynch once said, "During the gold rush, most gold miners lost money, but those who sold them picks, shovels, tents, and jeans made a lot of money." In other words, during a gold rush, the miners faced significant risks and uncertainties, while companies providing essential supplies like shovels, jeans, and tents were able to earn stable profits. This strategy emphasizes that investing in companies that provide infrastructure and support in a booming industry can be a safer and more profitable choice.

In the context of Bursa Malaysia, one of the companies that could benefit the most from infrastructure projects is Unitrade Industries Berhad, a building materials wholesaler and distributor that went public in 2022. As a leading distributor of construction materials, the company offers over 6,000 stock-keeping units (SKUs) of pipes, valves, fittings, and other construction materials widely used in mechanical and electrical engineering and civil engineering. Unitrade not only excels in the distribution of building materials but also holds a significant position in the manufacturing and sales of pre-insulated pipes, which are widely used in air conditioning systems, electric heating, and oil storage processing for commercial and industrial applications.

Additionally, Unitrade provides flexible solutions for construction and engineering projects through the rental of temporary structural support equipment such as scaffolding, steel plates, hollow sections, and heavy-duty support systems.

Two Major Corporate Exercises as Profit Catalysts

Furthermore, Unitrade has enhanced its profitability by providing value-added services and expanding its product portfolio through corporate acquisitions. The company acquired Winnson Marketing Sdn Bhd in August 2023 and Intergreen Metals Sdn Bhd in January this year.

The acquisition of Winnson Marketing will allow Unitrade to expand into the hydraulic hose market and environmental waste management sector. The acquisition of Intergreen Metals, on the other hand, demonstrates the company's vertical integration strategy. This acquisition enables the company to enter the metal recycling industry, which is particularly important in an era where environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles are increasingly emphasized.

Notably, this acquisition not only comes with profit guarantees but also retains the original professional team, which is expected to ensure that the company generates a total profit of RM45 million between FY2024 and FY2026. This new business not only provides the company with a stable revenue stream but also mitigates the impact of steel price fluctuations, enhancing the company's resilience to risks.

Business Expansion Aligned with ESG Principles

Another ESG-related initiative by Unitrade is its partnership with Huawei Technologies (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd and JJ-LAPP (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd to promote Huawei's digital power intelligent photovoltaic (PV) solutions in the residential, commercial, and industrial (C&I) sectors. These intelligent PV solutions integrate digital technology to optimize solar energy generation and efficiency while enabling remote monitoring and management.

The company's expansion into green energy and energy-efficient products will provide high-quality products for domestic solar energy engineering, procurement, construction, and commissioning (EPCC), responding to the growing demand for low-carbon and sustainable buildings in the market without directly competing with EPCC players, but rather complementing them.

Another significant business that cannot be overlooked is Unitrade's rental business, which offers a wide range of temporary structural support equipment and centralized labor quarters (CLQ) solutions. In fact, temporary structural support equipment can help developers, primarily in the construction industry, reduce expenses and achieve environmental benefits.

It is worth mentioning that CLQ, which provides accommodation for the company's employees, reduces their commuting needs. According to ESG principles, this will reduce Scope 3 emissions. Scope 3 emissions include all other indirect emissions related to a company's activities within its value chain, including employee commuting emissions. Reducing employee commuting distances helps lower greenhouse gas emissions associated with daily employee transportation.

On the other hand, CLQ not only complies with Malaysia's Minimum Standards of Housing and Amenities Act 446 but also provides industrial employers with an economical and efficient solution for worker accommodation. Both the rental business and CLQ can provide stable recurring income, improving the company's cash flow.

Challenges in the Building Materials Industry

While Unitrade is well-positioned to benefit from an economic boom driven by mega infrastructure projects, investors must also be aware of the challenges the company may face in the building materials industry. These challenges can be broadly categorized as follows:

1. Financing Risk: The building materials industry requires substantial working capital. If the company fails to secure sufficient financing at competitive rates, it may lead to increased interest expenses and limited financing options, affecting the company's financial stability.

2. Inventory Impairment Risk: The company must maintain sufficient inventory to meet customer demand, but excessive inventory could lead to impairment risk, especially in cases of market demand fluctuations or slow-moving products.

3. Steel Price Volatility Risk: Fluctuations in steel prices can impact the company's cost of sales and inventory costs. If the company is unable to pass on these increased costs to customers, it could negatively affect its financial performance. Although the company manages inventory levels through procurement strategies, the uncertainty in the steel market remains a significant risk factor.

An economy driven by mega infrastructure development will undoubtedly benefit many local companies in the long run, and Unitrade Industries Berhad is likely to be one of the companies well-positioned to take advantage of this opportunity. However, individual investment decisions should be based on an understanding of the risks one can bear, thorough research, and professional consultation. This article is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice.





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