













西方新闻社绝大多数资深记者都是由盎格鲁撒克逊人或白人担任。非白人,包括华人记者的角色通常是充当下属——也许会赋于检查一些参考资料或细节工作,但更似乎是让报道看起来有多样性的视角,以为报道建立起“合法性” 。









林德宜《西方与印度跟台湾“恋情”》原文:The West and India ‘Love Affair’ With Taiwan

As the Taiwan presidential election approaches, prominent western - primarily US and UK media, but now joined by Indian media - are starting a frenzy of stories and analysis on Taiwan and China. But this attention is not to provide fair reporting on the election. 

It is to provide reconstituted or rehashed anti China coverage. It is like a replay of the recent anti-China reporting on Covid.  And the same skewed treatment has been previously meted out to China on Tibet, the Dalai Lama, Tienanmen, Falun Gong, Hongkong, Xinjiang, the Uyghur, etc. Today the reporting is accompanied with the attention catching words of “dictatorial”, “genocidal”, “anti-democratic” and other smears on China’s leadership. 

The following slanted list of news reports emerged from a recent internet search on the latest developments in Taiwan politics. 

Taiwan's former US envoy, well-known in US, vilified by China, named VP candidate. Reuters via AOL· 

Taiwan's opposition drama ends with no deal.BBC via Yahoo News

Taiwan's opposition spent an hour publicly arguing over who will run for president. Fortune·

Presidential elections: Setback for China as taiwan opposition splits in dramatic feud·TIMESOFINDIA.COM

11 Chinese aircraft knock Taiwan's door as presidential polls loom: 'Monitoring'·Hindustan Times

Taiwan opposition alliance collapses, Terry Gou quits race·The Ponca City News· 

From it we see that even small time media organisations from obscure western places with a readership that should have little or no interest in what is happening in a part of the world thousands of miles away are joining the Washington “China is the enemy” bandwagon by recycling stories coming from a half dozen of what has been referred to as “the white man’s media” responsible for framing and fermenting anti China hysteria 

Tactics of Western and Indian Media

The Society of Professional Journalists' Code of Ethics calls on journalists to seek truth and report It. This includes fact-checking, not intentionally distorting information, identifying sources, avoiding stereotypes, and supporting the open exchange of opinions. 

But are these the professional ethics and principles which Western and Indian media have whilst accusing China’s media of lacking independence and for being the ‘mouthpiece’ of the Communist Party of China?

That there is little or no investigative research or independent journalism in the Western and Indian media reporting on developments in Taiwan and China is not surprising. 

The overwhelming majority of senior journalist positions in western news organisations are held by Anglo Saxon or Whites. And the role of non-White, including Chinese, journalists is generally to act as subordinates - perhaps checking on some reference or detail but more usually to give the appearance that the report has some diversity input so as to lend ‘legitimacy’ to the story.  

It is hard to believe but there is no prominent or credible Chinese or Asian journalist covering Taiwan - or China - news reporting despite the fact that the two have been in the front pages of global geo-politics news for more than two decades now.

There is no evidence that the non-Chinese journalists whose Taiwan and China reports emerge in the print and online media have the solid language skills needed to conduct in-depth interviews with ordinary Taiwanese. Neither is there evidence that they have been able to establish relationships with the wide range of respondents necessary to obtain information for unbiased and accurate reporting. 

And even if these journalists of independence and integrity are to be found, their reports have not emerged unscathed. For it is clear that the owners and controllers of western media see their primary role as protecting the economic and political interests of the United States, Britain, Australia and allies.  

How Taiwan Fits Into World Geo-Politics

Western media, now joined by Indian media, act as the propaganda machines of the military, business and security interests and agencies embedded in the respective countries. They Taiwan, its chip industry and purchases of Western weaponry as vital to US continuing hegemony as well as a dependable cash cow.  

The concern in the West - its governments and public - has never been about the welfare and interests of the Taiwanese people.  Western powers and Japan were enjoined in attempting to carve out the ‘China melon’ or the ‘Chinese cake’ in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Taiwan, although an outlier, is an outcome from that period of Western imperialism which is now seeking to retain dominance in the Asia-Pacific region by stopping the rise and development of China.    

Today China has not only remained unbowed and uncarved. It is patiently awaiting the reunification of Taiwan with the rest of China. The durian will drop when it is ready is perhaps the best way to describe the situation for South East Asians viewing developments.  

Whatever the way Western media spins developments in Taiwan - including the outcome of the Presidential elections - it should become clear to Taiwanese that the West’s only interest in Taiwan is to keep China down and to exploit the island’s people for their military and economic value.  





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