





















林德宜《美国和西方对抗世界新秩序》原文:US and West Battle Against a New World Order

Former World Bank Vice President Ismail Serageldin says the world order needs restructuring. And China's involvement in many issues could lead the world towards a new order based on common humanity. The Think Tank Conference of the Belt and Road Forum, Beijing, 20 October 2023 

Western leaders and policy makers have continually engaged in a high priority, high pressure campaign to undermine and bring down any form of a new world order that challenges the existing world order benefitting the United States and its allies.

Key in the existential battle to preserve Western dominance and leadership of the world’s population of over 8 billion in 195 countries (western countries comprising the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and 28 countries of the European Union have a total population of under 1 billion) are the efforts to demonise the Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa grouping (BRICS) which met in South Africa on 23rd August; and the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) grouping which met in Beijing on 18 October. 

The first battle has a political agenda aimed at maintaining US control and hegemony over the world's geopolitics and international order. Buzz words associated with this campaign are building liberal democracies; promoting human rights and freedoms; and fighting the axis of evil, authoritarianism and dictatorships. 

The second has an economic agenda which promises greater investment and trade; economic benefits for the trading partners of the United States, Western Europe and its Asian allies of Japan and South Korea; and economic progress associated with the economic leadership of the US and with the dollar regime underpinning global economic exchange.

The failure of the West to live up to its rhetoric of equitable growth, non-discrimination and fair distribution of global resources for the poor and powerless whilst respecting the independence, rights and needs of the global South has cast doubts on their commitment to a more equal international world order. It has also brought into the limelight the motives and hypocrisy of the forces behind the anti-BRICS and anti-BRI campaigns. This explains the international media’s news coverage and commentaries which have focused on discrediting the aspirations and objectives of what is emerging as the most potent challenge to business as usual in a western-dominated world.  

Since its establishment, BRICS has been routinely disparaged and dismissed as a  “hodgepodge” of nations that would never amount to any kind of force or weight in international economy and politics. 

BRICS Progress

What we are seeing today has turned out to be the reverse. BRICS is the hottest geo-political and economic club in the world with 11 member countries as of January 2024.  The new members include the world’s oil and gas giants of Iran, Saudi Arabia,  and the United Arab Emirates which will give the grouping considerable economic clout.  Meanwhile another 16 countries have applied to join this bloc. They include Algeria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Bolivia, Cuba, Honduras, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Nigeria, Palestine, Senegal, Thailand, Venezuela and Vietnam.  Meantime, Afghanistan, Angola, Comoros, DR Congo, Gabon, Guinea-Bissau, Mexico, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Uganda, Uruguay and Zimbabwe have expressed interest in BRICS membership. 

It is possible that a BRICS dominated world economic order will arrive before 2030. According to International Monetary Fund data, the Western dominated G7's share of global GDP will fall from 43.5 per cent this year to 41.1 percent in 2028, while the 11-member-version BRICS will account for 29.1 percent of GDP this year to 31.4 per cent in five years' time. This unprecedented development will become more pronounced as more South countries, especially in Africa, turn against the neo-colonialism of France and other EU countries as is happening now in the Sahel countries and West Africa.

BRI Progress

As for BRI, it has received even harsher criticism from western media. Because it has been conceptualised by China, it has been alleged since it began its journey ten years ago to be simply a self-serving geopolitical tool with little or no benefit for participating countries whilst imposing heavy debt burdens on them.

The actual record which Western media has concealed from its readers? 

By June 2023, China had signed more than 200 BRI cooperation agreements with over 150 countries and 30 international organisations across five continents, according to the white paper "The Belt and Road Initiative: A Key Pillar of the Global munity of Shared Future" that China released during the Beijing summit of BRI. 

Chinese President Xi has explained that in pursuit of common development and prosperity, ideological confrontation, geopolitical rivalry and bloc politics are not a choice in BRI cooperation.

"What we stand against are unilateral sanctions, economic coercion and decoupling and supply chain disruption."

"This is why the BRI is never a threat to others' development."

Representatives from other countries have expressed support for the difference between the BRI and Western forms of development cooperation.

According to Naseem Khan Achakzai, Executive Director of the Grandview Institution in Pakistan: "Contrary to the Western-led model, the BRI prioritises pragmatic infrastructure and economic development without imposing political conditions." 

Sudheendra Kulkarni, former Director of Operations of the Prime Minister's Office of India has emphasised:  "The BRI has become the largest and most beneficial project in the modern history of the world to promote common development and common prosperity." 

We should have no doubt that western leaders and media will try every trick in the book to discredit BRICS and BRI. There will also be attempts to divide the membership and undermine the achievements and future plans of the two groupings. But it is clear that history is being revised by the global South and this time around, there will be no turning back.   





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