近日,UCSI大学丹斯里奥马科技创新政策中心的拿督阿末依布拉欣教授对学术行动主义的评论,这可做为学者和政策制定者,尤其是年轻一辈参照,经其许可下 ,我引用该文与读者们分享。

最近UCSI大学丹斯里奥马科技创新政策中心举办了一场由著名学者林德宜主讲的学术和行动主义讲座。 这个主题可能对某些人来说很陌生,但林德宜博士一小时的演说,让许多与会者相信学术和行动主义确实能形成真正改革的强效组合。

以南非斗争多年终结种族隔离政策为例,许多人可能没有意识到学术和行动主义运动,在这场斗争中的决定性作用。 这场讲座的关键讯息是,学者积极参与推动改革的重要性,尤其为了马来西亚的进步,我们需要真正的改革。 我们谈论的是迫切需要进行一系列改革,包括体制、经济、教育、社会和政治。

讲座与会者中,有些是我国改革运动的老将,他们也分享了对这个问题的看法。 其中三人曾活跃于政坛,其他人则参与非政府组织。 他们都在打造马来西亚成为我们渴望中的伟大国家过程中,留下了深刻的影响。 所有与会者也认同,如果有更多的学者和知识分子愿意与社会分享他们的知识,这个国家会更好。

与会者都一致认同,仅靠政治是无法实现改革。 学者和学术人员的参与可以产生很大的影响。 不幸的是,目前国内非常缺乏就是这一方面的参与。 这会否是因为这不属于学者的关键绩效指标的一部分? 已有一些呼声,把学术行动主义视为学者关键绩效指标重要组成部分。 但依然还没成功。

一般观感是许多学者关键绩效指标只注重在学术表现。 在同行评审期刊上发表论文,是学者们期望的交付成果。 虽然近年来,也有一些学者投入社区活动,但真正的行动主义并不在学术界课程范围内。

行动主义有时会冲击和挑战现有体制。 这看似不能容忍于社会。 也有一些人会默默地反抗。 从社会的反应来看,许多民众是认同行动主义。 如果学术行动主义能得到教育和学术机构接纳为绩效衡量标准,其能带来更大效果。

众所周知,在发达经济体,学术行动主义受到高度推崇。 例如,在某些先进国家,政府资助非政府组织是很常见的。 这是基于外交敏感性,有些事情政府是不便公开发声。 但基于国家利益,他们需要有所行动。 因此,这些工作通常就交给非政府组织去做。


西方的这类非政府组织也被学者用来实现他们的议程。 这非常有效且令人信服,因为学者往往以数据和证据来论证。 这就是我们所说的基于证据的行动主义,而非反对情绪驱动的行动主义。 此类策略常见于涉及永续性和环境课题。

研究表明,发达国家的可持续发展运动大多是由政府资助的。 其中许多研究是旨在支持资金来源国的贸易和经济利益,包括透过非政府组织来达到此目的。 往往发展中国家,最终成为发达国家研究的受害者。

像马来西亚这样的发展中国家,在贸易和经济领域博弈中,也许是时候使用非政府组织模式。 这也是学术行动主义可以发挥作用并产生积极影响的地方。 然而,要培养这样环境,就必须改变现有的体制条规。 仔细想想,这不只有利国家的发展,也有助于打造公共知性主义的兴起。

许多人也认为学术行动主义是培养未来领导人的良好土壤。 此外,众所周知,加入非政府组织的人往往都是对这些组织斗争的事项充满热情。 就如同讲座上人们所认同的,学术行动主义可以带来真正有效的改革。

林德宜《学术与行动主义:强效改革组合》原文:Scholarship and Activism: A Potent Mix for Reform

Below is a commentary on scholarly activism by Professor Dato Dr Ahmad Ibrahim of the Tan Sri Omar Centre for STI Policy, UCSI University which provides a challenge to our academicians and policy makers as well as the younger generation. The commentary is made accessible with his permission.

Our Centre recently hosted a lecture by a prominent scholar on the topic of scholarship and activism. The topic may be alien to some but the one hour presentation by Dr TG Lim convinced many who attended that scholarship and activism do form a potent mix for real reform.

Quoting the many years of fighting to end apartheid in South Africa, many may not be aware of the decisive contribution coming from the scholarship and activism movement then. The key message from the lecture was the strategic importance of scholars to be actively involved in pushing for change. Malaysia is now in the midst of seriously contemplating reform for the betterment of the nation. We are talking about the need and urgency for a range of reforms including institutional, economic, educational, social and political.

The few who attended whom we regard as veterans of the country’s reform movement all these years shared their views on the subject of the talk. Three of them used to serve in politics, while the others were involved in NGOs. All without exception count among Malaysians who have made their mark in trying to build the country to be a great nation
that we all aspire to. All who came agreed that it would do the nation much good if more scholars and intellectuals give their time to share their knowledge with the community at large.

All were unanimous on the fact that politics alone will not deliver reform.The involvement of scholars and academics can make a big difference. It is unfortunate that this is sorely lacking in the country at the present time. Can it be because it is not part of the KPIs? There have been some calls for scholarly activism to be a prominent component of the KPIs for
academics. But these have not been successful.

The common feeling is that many of the KPIs are only concerned with academic performance. Publishing in peer reviewed journals takes the cake among the expected deliverables by academics. Though there has been some encouragement lately for scholars to devote some of their time to community work, real activism is unfortunately not included in the scheme of academia.

Activism would sometimes involve rocking the boat and status quo. It seems this is not tolerated. There are a few who silently defy such a ruling. Judging by the feedback from the
communities, many rakyat appreciate such initiatives. The positive impacts would have been more if such scholarly activism is better recognised in the performance measurement by the education and academic authorities.

It is common knowledge that scholarly activism is highly encouraged in the developed economies. For example, it is widely known that in some developed economies, government funding of NGOs is common. Admittedly, there are some matters which governments cannot say openly because of diplomatic sensitivities. But they need to be said in the interest of nation building. So the job is often assigned to NGOs instead.

Such NGOs in the West are used by scholars to pursue their activism agenda. They can be very effective and convincing because scholars bring with them facts and evidence. This is what we call evidence-based as against emotion-driven activism. A common area where such tactics are deployed relates to the issues of sustainability and the environment.

According to studies, the sustainability movements in the developed countries are mostly government-funded. Many of these studies are intended to support the trade and economic interests of the countries funding them, including through their NGOs. Often developing countries end up as victims of developed nation research.

It may be time for developing countries like Malaysia to use the NGO approach to fight our trade and economic battles. This is where scholarly activism can feature and make a positive impact. However, in order to breed such movements, the rules must change. Come to think of it, there is more that the country can gain by making it more conducive for the rise in what some refer to as public intellectualism.

Many believe such scholarly activism can also be a good breeding ground for future leaders.

Furthermore, it is a known fact that people who join NGOs are often passionate about the cause that the movements represent. It is clear, as echoed by those who attended the lecture by Dr TG Lim, that scholarship and activism can produce a truly potent mix for reform.





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