









中国发言人毛宁表示,中方对这意外事件表示遗憾,这是不可抗力的结果。2月6日,随著美国反应加剧,毛宁认为,美国“故意炒作此事件,甚至使用武力攻击”,把气球击落,是“不可接受且不负责任的行为”。2月5日在美国把气球击落后,中国外交部副部长谢锋表示,他已向美国大使馆提出严正交涉。 谢指责美国滥用武力对付即将飞离美国领空的民用飞艇,违反了“国际法和国际惯例”。







林德宜《中国气球:美国解释安抚西方媒体不安》原文:China Balloon: Agitated Western News Ends with US Confirming Chinese Explanation

US television and radio network CBS in its news on 17 September carried a report with a strange title, The bizarre truth behind China’s Spy Balloon.

According to the report

It was surely the most bizarre crisis of the Biden administration: America's top-of-the-line jet fighters being sent up to shoot down, of all things, a balloon – a Chinese spy balloon that was floating across the United States, which had the nation and its politicians in a tizzy. Now, seven months later, Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, tells “CBS News Sunday Morning” the balloon wasn't spying." The intelligence community, their assessment – and it's a high-confidence assessment – [is] that there was no intelligence collection by that balloon," he said.

The balloon was not spying according to the “high-confidence assessment” of the US intelligence aka spying community!

Readers will note that the title of the story continues to falsely claim that it was a “spy balloon” that flew over the US. This was done by obscuring and concealing the main point made by the US military chief.
It is also noteworthy that US media has ignored General Milley’s overdue admission as well as his explanation that the balloon was blown off course, and by inference, was not intended to fly over US air space.

"Those winds are very high. The particular motor on that aircraft can't go against those winds at that altitude."

US and Western Media Hype

To recount, few events in China-US relations have aroused US and other Western politicians and leaders - and western media - as much as the alleged China spy balloon episode.

Beginning from January 28 2023 when the balloon was first spotted flying over Alaska until 4 February when it was shot down, the balloon precipitated possibly the most coverage and most agitated but groundless news cycle in US and western media history with reporters in newspapers, radio and television networks and news blogs lining up to have a go at China’s ability to penetrate US air space and US inability to counter China’s ‘spying’ capability.

No US political or military leader was willing to accept China’s Foreign Ministry explanation provided on February 3 that it was “a civilian airship used for research, mainly meteorological, purposes. Affected by the Westerlies and with limited self-steering capability, the airship deviated far from its planned course."

Spokesperson Mao Ning said China regretted the unintentional incident which was an outcome of force majeure. As US reaction intensified on February 6, Mao said that the U.S."hyped up the incident on purpose and even used force to attack", and called the shoot down "an unacceptable and irresponsible action". After the downing on February 5, China’s Vice Foreign Minister said he had filed a formal complaint with the U.S. Embassy in response to the incident. Xie accused the United States of indiscriminately using force against the civilian airship that was about to leave U.S. airspace in violation of "the spirit of international law and international practice".

The incident not only resulted in the cancellation by State Secretary Blinken of planned talks with his Chinese counterpart; it also provided the pretext for the further beating of war drums and gave US media another cover story to generate anti-China and anti Chinese sentiment. As explained by Ambassador Craig Allen, President of the US-China Business Council several months after the incident,

While the balloon’s transit over the Contiguous United States and Alaska was only a few days, the impact was quite long-term. The reason for that is that ordinary Americans, who generally do not think about China at all, learned that up in the sky there was a balloon. It brought at an almost personal level that China might be a threat to them; psychologically and politically, within the domestic US political system, this balloon certainly had resonance. Some in Congress opposed to the President criticized him fiercely for not shooting it down immediately, so this became a little bit of a football between the Democrats and the Republicans—I suspect it still is.

What can happen next?

Now that the “bizarre truth” has been uncovered that it was only a weather balloon that had strayed from its course, we can expect US and other western media to conceal this bizarre truth and look for another issue and excuse to brainwash the American and world public about China’s war intentions against the west.

For now, the US military has shown to the American public that it is able to defend the country against a gigantic three bus-sized economy priced balloon from China. But it is clear that its air force and military need a much bigger budget for the coming war to preserve American ‘freedom, way of life and sovereignty’.

The chief concern for China now should be to avoid sending any more weather balloons near to the US in case this brings about more nightmares to the American public and provides further justification to the hate China lobby.





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