
在发展经济方面,雪州政府扮演了举足轻重的角色。州政府鉴定了5大核心集群(core clusters),分别是电气与电子、生命科学、食品和饮料制造业、运输设备以及机械设备。在过去的30年里,电气与电子行业成功为雪州吸引了超过350亿令吉的投资,并创造了超过17.7万个就业机会。


因此,雪州政府在年初时就推介了雪兰莪南部发展区域(IDRISS)以带动南部的发展,这包括了建设管理式工业园(Managed Industrial Park,MIP),而第一所受认证管理式工业园就是由高裕轩集团(NCT)兴建的NCT智能工业园。这占地732.5英亩的工业园被看好是雪州未来经济引爆点,就如当年八打灵和莎阿南工业区一样,带动起周遭地带的发展。










郑荣信《智能工业园是产业新趋势》英文版:Malaysia's Gateway to Growth: NCT Smart Industrial Park in Selangor

As Malaysia holds its position as a key entry point to ASEAN, Selangor emerges as the economic engine of the nation. Data from Malaysia's Department of Statistics in 2022 reveals Selangor's GDP growth at an impressive 11.9%, surpassing the national 8.7%. Home to around 21% or 7 million Malaysians, Selangor offers abundant educational and employment opportunities.

In the realm of economic development, the Selangor government plays a pivotal role. It has identified 5 core clusters – Electrical and Electronics (E&E) , Life Sciences, Food and Beverage Manufacturing, Transport Equipment, and Machinery and Equipment. Over the past three decades, the Electrical and Electronics industry alone has attracted over MYR 35 billion in investments, generating more than 177,000 jobs.

However, according to the independent market research (IMR) report, most of Selangor's existing industrial parks are concentrated in Petaling (31.1%) and Klang (18.5%) districts. With limited available land for industrial growth and these areas trending towards urbanization, the supply of industrial land is expected to decline in these regions.

Hence, at the beginning of the year, the Selangor government introduced the Southern Selangor Integrated Regional Development (IDRISS), which includes the establishment of Managed Industrial Parks (MIPs). The first certified MIP is the NCT Smart Industrial Park developed by the NCT Group on a sprawling 732.5-acre area. It is touted to be the future economic catalyst for Selangor, reminiscent of the growth witnessed in Petaling and Shah Alam industrial zones.

Positioned as Selangor's pioneering smart industrial park, it boasts a plethora of smart features. From license plate recognition to facial recognition technology, stringent security control ensures the safety of the park's premises. Continuous CCTV surveillance provides comprehensive protection for investors, while AI-managed accommodation facilities offer convenience and comfort for employees.

In today's context of escalating emphasis on environmental sustainability, the park is aligned with green initiatives. Smart features like solar panels, energy-efficient designs, and rainwater harvesting systems conserve water resources, adding a sustainable green aspect to investment endeavors. This resonates with investors' Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) requirements, acknowledging that a smart industrial park is more than land—it is an ecosystem builder.

Seamless Land, Sea, and Air Connectivity

The park is set to house a business acceleration center and business matching platform, offering robust support for diverse businesses. Collaborations between government, education, and financial institutions lay a solid foundation for incoming investment enterprises. Particularly, synchronized development of the industrial supply chain will foster a vibrant ecosystem within the industrial park.

In today's globalized economic landscape, industrial park investors consider not only geographical location but also the ease of transportation connectivity. Hence, Selangor's smart industrial park aligns seamlessly with these criteria. With efficient land, sea, and air connectivity already in place, it stands as a vital logistics hub.

Located a mere 12km from the airport, the park offers rapid air transportation access, boosting import-export trade efficiency and lending a competitive edge in the global market. Additionally, its adjacency to the world's 12th busiest Port Klang presents a significant advantage, providing direct access to international trade channels. This capacity to link into the global trade network expands market opportunities and elevates investment allure.

Furthermore, the park's strategic location ensures a smooth connection to major road networks, just 5km away. This translates to unhindered logistical operations, whether for raw material supplies or finished product distribution, enhancing operational efficiency while minimizing logistics costs. Such transportation convenience not only improves operations but also fosters a favorable business environment.

In summary, supported by the Selangor government and boasting strategic advantages, this pioneering smart industrial park is poised to become a signature economic hub for large international corporations seeking direct investments in Selangor. Currently, multiple international enterprises are gearing up to establish their presence within the park, signifying not just an investment opportunity but a forward-looking strategic move for foreign businesses.





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