









今天,美国领导人计划对中国实施的经济制裁达到高峰。例如,美国空军空战学院教授贾里德麦金尼(Jared M. McKinney) 就呼吁一旦台海两岸发生战争时,台积电应有自毁机制。


台积电董事长刘德音在2021年时宣称:“关于中国攻台,我可以告诉你,每个人都希望台湾海峡和平。”出生于台北、在美国伯克利大学接受教育,之后曾在贝尔实验室工作的刘德音认为,“台湾海峡的和平‘对每个国家都有好处’。 鉴于世界对台湾半导体供应链的依赖,没有人会想破坏它。”




对民主党议员赛斯·莫顿(Seth Moulton)发表,在中国入侵情况下美国应该“炸毁台积电”言论,麦金尼反认为,与其威胁炸毁台积电——这种敌对行为会导致美国成为积极的交战方——台湾应该自己毁掉台积电,然后由美国帮台湾,把这些技术人员送离台。



实际上,西方至今一切关于摧毁台积电的评论,都是建设在西方媒体所谓的中国即将入侵台湾报导上,而这些西方媒体报导却是依据美国消息来源。美国国会、智库和其他西方外交政策机构已经进行了多次兵棋推演,为美国与中国开战做准备。在澳洲,两家主要媒体《悉尼先驱晨报》(Sydney Morning Herald)和《时代报》(The Age)在由三个系列组成的报导中,第一篇就以“澳洲三年内与中国开战的威胁。”为题,大肆宣扬中国威胁论。




林德宜《台积电何时遭摧毁?》原文:When Will TSMC Get Blown Up

US Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, on his visit to Beijing is clearly putting on a show for the world's media that the US is making efforts to cool down exploding tensions between the two countries.

Shortly before leaving Washington DC, Blinken emphasised the importance of the US and China establishing and maintaining better lines of communication. The U.S. wants to make sure “that the competition we have with China doesn't veer into conflict” due to avoidable misunderstandings, he told reporters.

Who is responsible for the deterioration in US-China relations and pushing it into conflict is really not in doubt. 

Three Prong US Strategy to Bring Down China

Since Trump came into power and now sharply escalated by Biden, the US has used a three pronged strategy to cut China down to a size it feels necessary to ensure its dominant position in the world. 

The first prong is one from the cold war era against communism and focuses on US military encirclement and confrontation of China. Today because of the lack of US public support when American casualties arrive home in body bags and the US economy takes a hit from its military expenditure in distant lands, the US is engaged in recruiting proxies from the west as well as Japan, South Korea and the Philippines to fight its war against China.

The second is the ongoing campaign by picking on issues such as Taiwan, human rights in China, Hong Kong and Xinjiang, the South China Sea and even Russia’s war in Ukraine to demonise China. Blinken should avoid pushing the button on these issues or he will not get anywhere with his Chinese counterpart. 

Along the way, the US and its allies have also picked up other news headlines of the day - Peng Shuai, Falun Gong, air quality in Beijing, South China Sea, fatal accidents, Chinese rockets, Chinese food habits, death of a Chinese social influencer - and whatever matter that can be used to generate anti-China and anti-Chinese sentiment to paint a negative image of China to the world. 

The third prong  - perhaps the most dangerous and consequential - is economic and consists of sanctions against China under the guise of correcting human rights abuses, compelling China to follow international rules and standards, preventing China from alleged coercive action against US allies, etc. 

In reality as is clear from the examples of US tariffs on China products, and recent actions against Huawei, ZTE, Tiktok, Xinjiang products, etc. the sanctions are to prevent China's products from competing and winning market share especially in the high tech sectors.

Who is Planning to Blow UP TSMC

Today the economic sanctions that US leaders are planning against China are reaching a climax. Jared M. McKinney, a professor with US Air Force's Air War College, for example, has called for a self-destruct mechanism to Taiwan’s TSMC to be put in place in the event of war. 

The TSMC is the biggest chipmaker in the world with a 54% global market share. For the past half-decade, TSMC has been the world’s leader in pattern chips. In the past, TSMC’s chairman has insisted that there is no reason for concern. 

“As to the invasion of China, let me tell you,” he declared in 2021, “everybody wants to have a peaceful Taiwan Strait.” Taipei-born, Berkeley-educated, and Bell Labs?trained, Mark Liu has argued that peace in the Taiwan Strait “is to every country’s benefit”.  Given the world’s reliance on “the semiconductor supply chain in Taiwan. No one wants to disrupt it.”

Mark Liu is wrong and he knows it though he will not say it. 

Already the US is using its bullying and economic coercive power against China to block the sale of advanced memory chips and other computer equipment from Taiwan, Netherlands, South Korea, Japan and the US.

This is the opening shot in the war on chips that the US is undertaking. In his opinion piece for Nikkei Asia, the war-fanning Japanese media giant,  Mckinney emphasised the significance of Taiwan’s semiconductor industry and its vulnerability to China’s takeover. 

Referring to Democrat Seth Moulton’s comments that the US should “blow up the TSMC” in case of a Chinese invasion,  McKinney suggested that rather than the US threaten to bomb TSMC - a hostile act that would result in the US becoming an active belligerent - Taiwan should itself destroy TSMC with the US helping Taiwan’s technicians to leave the country after the act.

Prominent US war hawk, former national security advisor Robert O’Brien and now Ambassador to Taiwan was recently conferred by President Tsai Ing-wen with the Order of Brilliant Star with Special Grand Cordon (see https://english.president.gov.tw/News/6461). He has advocated for US destruction of TSCM as well as other chipmaking fabs in Taiwan comparing such a move to Britain’s decision to sink France’s naval fleet after the country surrendered to Nazi Germany. It is revealing of the political bankrupcy of Taiwan's government that he has been accorded high honour despite his contemptible and diabolical proposal which will results in thousands of Taiwanese casualties apart from the chipmaking machines. .

End Game on TSMC

So far such comments have been made to refer to China’s so-called coming invasion of Taiwan which, according to western media accounts drawn from US sources, is supposed to take place soon. Already multiple war games have been played in US Congress, think tanks and other western foreign policy bodies to prepare the US for war with China. In Australia, two of the country’s leading media, the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age splashed the first episode in a three-part series with the headline: “Australia faces the threat of war with China within three years.” 

None of western media has a story on how "China faces the threat of war" which is what the US and its allies are pushing and preparing for. Should China and Taiwan work out a future of reconciliation and peaceful reunification, TSMC will be the first target to be blown up - not by China but by the US. 

For now, we can expect that conservative, and even liberal, forces in the US and their supporters will sabotage any possibility of peaceful development in China-Taiwan relations and an eventual harmonious reunification. Neither will they allow TSMC to continue operations in a unified China. 

If reconciliation or reunification appears on the horizon the destruction of TSMC is almost certainly assured. This explains why the company is frantically engaged in opening up new factories in the US and other parts of the world. 





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