造成巨大鸿沟的主要因素之一是网络数字、人工智能经济的飞速发展,高薪阶层和相关企业利润速增,而把其他较传统行业挤压下去。的确,中国庞大的民企累积财富的能力和欲望是惊人的。截至2020年8月,胡润(Rupert Hoogewerf)报告称中国拥有十亿美元资产以上的富翁总数达878位,而榜首是阿里巴巴的创办人马云,其财富达到588亿美元。中国也是拥有世界最多初创、快速成长的“独角兽”企业。这类拥有10亿美元以上的企业超越了美国。









黄大志:中国政府为何打击整治大民企?(下)英文稿:What has happened to China’s Large Private Entrepreneurs?

One of the main factors that have caused the huge gap is the rapid development of digital network and artificial intelligence economy, which has witnessed a rapid increase in profits of related enterprises and high-income earners. Rise of such economy has squeezed other more traditional industries. Indeed, the ability and desire of China's huge private enterprises to accumulate wealth is amazing. As of August 2020, Hurun (Rupert Hoogewerf) reported that China had 878 billionaires with assets of more than one billion U.S. dollars. At the top of the list was Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba, whose wealth had reached US$58.8 billion. China is also home to the world's most start-up and fast-growing "unicorn" companies. Such companies with more than US$1 billion surpassed the United States.

As a matter of fact, the growth process of China's private enterprises was not endorsed under the capitalist system, but was formed through economic reforms by the Chinese Communist Party, which was originally a strong suppressor of capitalism. However, the CCP has not vigorously carried out political reforms, and still retains a one-party dictatorship. Private enterprises may be truly rich, but they will never be allowed to find their own political spokespersons or groupings to demand the sharing of power from the Chinese government or replace them. The phrase "keep capital in a cage" recently mentioned by the Chinese state media is aimed at large private entrepreneurs.

Private enterprises should act as “understandable persons”

The success of Jack Ma and other Internet giants is largely due to China's refusal to open foreign competitors into the market. On the other hand, the Chinese government also wants to lead or even control private enterprises, requiring them to agree with the party's policies, be a political "understandable person", and participate consciously in major national strategies and safeguard national interests.

When it comes to safeguarding national interests, it is nothing more than asking private enterprises to share the responsibilities of government policies. Since the implementation of the “Belt and Road Initiative” in 2014, huge funds pumped into domestic and foreign infrastructure projects have yet to see the return to such investments. Many infrastructure projects developed in backward areas in China or overseas have prioritised political or diplomatic alliances and international strategies over economic return. For example, China has helped Sri Lanka build the Hambantota Port. But the country has no money to repay its debts, and has thus leased the port to China for 99 years of operation. However, the profit potential is still unknown in the short to medium term.

Based on the above-mentioned problems faced by the Chinese government, coupled with the development of the Covid epidemic which has also deepened financial difficulties, it is not difficult to imagine an article that appeared on the highly influential official media "People's Daily Online" on August 29 this year, written by Li Guangman. The wording of the article, "Everyone can feel that a profound change is underway", is very strong. It mentions that the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer is a growing problem, and it is necessary to take the road of common prosperity so that ordinary workers can get higher income.

The article also discusses that the current international environment is severe and complex. The United States is countering China with military threats, economic and technological blockades, financial strikes, political and diplomatic encirclement and suppression, etc. Inside China, a fifth column has also launched a “colour revolution” against the ruling government. Large local capitalists are seen as representatives of this type of fifth column who would respond to the American strategy and allow the country to collapse, wealth to be looted, and people to fall into serious disaster.

Many political commentators described the article by Li Guangman was acted under the instruction of Xi Jinping which had intended to set off a new Cultural Revolution, turning to the left, cracking down on private capitalists, and rectifying China’s “filthy” entertainment industry that has made big money with listed private companies. Also in the hit list were Didi taxi, out-of- school tuition and other disorderly businesses. However, the fact is, no matter how prestigious Xi Jinping is, it is impossible for him to act arbitrarily and initiate again a Cultural Revolution.

Besides, Xi does not give the impression that he wishes to re-start a Cultural Revolution and this can be seen from his focus on poverty alleviation work and proposal to create a society of common prosperity. He definitely will not let the Chinese live a life of shared poverty again. Although Xi Jinping did not define common prosperity, it can only be described as a kind of virtual idealism from a literal perspective.

Over the past few months, China's suppression and rectification of large private enterprises is a defiance of the expansion of the private sector in circumstances where the gap between the rich and the poor is widening, the domestic economy is experiencing problems, and the United States continues to assert pressure on China. The joint effort of private capital and foreign capital is also seen as an infiltration of foreign capital that will threaten China's national security.

Overall, it should be noted that the growth of private enterprises is still inseparable from an operating mechanism similar to that of China's feudal era, where close connection with the governing regime for asylum was critical. China's on-going economic growth must not go without large private enterprises, because state-owned enterprises are reasonable in operating monopolistic businesses, but they are not as competitive as private enterprises in non-protected sectors. As private enterprises do not have their own political spokespersons, private enterprises are just nothing if without the cooperation and protection of powerful politically linked families.





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