



这些指控是依据伊斯兰恐怖分子借鉴了“毛泽东持久战”的战斗方式。这篇文章引述了目前在伊拉克服役的美国陆军中校纪尧姆博佩尔(Guillaume Beaurpere)的谈话。纪尧姆博佩尔曾是叙利亚美军特种部队指挥官,他显然试图把伊斯兰武装组织的战略和毛泽东思想联系起来。









《塔利班重返阿富汗:澳洲再杠上中国》(Taliban Return to Afghanistan: Australia is Tying The Bell Around Mao’s Neck)原文:

China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian warning that “Whoever hung the bell [on the tiger’s neck] must untie it”appears to be forgotten. It needs to be re-circulated in Australia.

The latest presentation on China by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), the country’s national broadcaster, is determined to tie more bells around China’s neck.The ABC can be considered to be the equivalent of China’s Xinhua as it is principally funded by direct grants from the Australian Government and is administered by a board appointed by the government of the day. Hence, their position is not much different from that of the BBC and Voice of America which are also official or semi-official mouthpieces of their respective governments although they give the impression to the rest of the world that they are independent and free! 

Currently prominently featured in the ABC’s analysis section is a piece by its China correspondent. This anti-China commentary, “China had a three step strategy: The Taliban followed it to the letter”, has a sensational title which clearly has, as its objective, an attempt to mislead readers to believe that it is China which is pulling the strings attached to the Taliban and that the present developments leading to the fall of Kabul and Afghanistan are really the outcome of China’s attempt to take over the world. 

Mao’s Influence in the Taliban

Claiming that it was Mao Zedong who “wrote the playbook for the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan”, the article asserted that “Mao can be seen as the father of modern insurgencies: his teachings inspiring the FARC movement in Colombia, Al Qaeda and Islamic State, among others.” 

The former allegation was accompanied by the accusation that “the Mao template for endless warfare” was used by Islamic terrorists. The article quotes Guillaume Beaurpere, presently a high ranking US military officer  who served in Iraq and was a Special Operations commander in Syria who apparently has joined the dots between Islamist strategy and Maoist doctrine.  

Following this simplistic and unsubstantiated case made to support the assertion of the Taliban’s use of Maoism in taking back Afghanistan, the presentation makes what some in Australia  would consider a typically lap dog appeal for the United States to rally Australia, NATO, the Quad and others to counter the influence and reach of China. 

And yet America is still an indispensable nation if not an exceptional one. The world still looks to America to lead in an ever more volatile and unpredictable world. Countries like Australia cannot but rely on the US for security.

So much hinges on what we have seen as an American led order: the strength of ANZUS, NATO, the persistence of the Quad — America, Australia, India, Japan — designed to counter the growing influence and reach of China.

There is an even bigger battle ahead; Joe Biden has identified it: democracy versus autocracy. Recent evidence shows democracy is in retreat. The lowering of the American flag in Kabul only underlines it.

Perhaps the article was deliberately alarmist and highlighted to counter what a small minority of Australians are seeing as China’s correct response to the attempts of the Australian government and its official mouthpieces to tie more weights around China’s neck. 

Minority Australian Opinion

A discerning Australian commentator in an article in an Australian online website which condemned the slanted coverage of China in the western media has pointed out:      

China is at last standing up assertively and calling out the West's threats, bullying and lies. Most in the West only see the victim's response, not the bully's provocation. They are totally unaware of the extreme lengths to which the US has over many years sought to contain and provoke China. O'Bama's Pivot to Asia in 2012 was nothing short of a call to arms against its biggest rival. The US has now surrounded China with over 400 military bases and is provocatively and illegally entering its waters and airspace. It's arbitrarily imposing sanctions on China and deliberately fomenting civil unrest over Hong Kong, Taiwan, XinJiang and any other opportunity it senses it can exploit in order to destabilise its rival. The US would never stand for another country doing this to America, but it sees itself as having the God-given right to antagonise and contain China or any other country it considers a threat to its self-appointed role as the world's hegemon. And when China finally stands up and decides to push back and call out the lies, it's the one that gets branded as the bully!

What’s next coming in the ABC’s future coverage on China? 

More China bashing based on falsehoods and half truths? Or a balanced and responsible analysis of how the US, Australia and NATO lost to the Taliban not because of Mao or China. The West lost because they never learned from Vietnam, Syria, Iraq and other western military interventions in Africa and Latin America, and concentrated instead on pouring in and extracting blood and trillions of dollars in an unwinnable war. 





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