

很多人爱谈论日本人和犹太人这两个民族的的特殊民族性。我们看看这两个民族性又是如何形成的。诸多学者认为日本的民族性具有矛盾的双重性。美国社会学家柯特(Pauline Kent)1999年出版的“菊与刀”,是分析日本民族性颇有影响力的一本书。











《论马来人道德矛盾的两面性》(Contradictions of Malays' Dualistic Moral Values)英文稿:

Professor Tajuddin, a man of good conscience in the Malay society, once wrote an article entitled "The Two Faces of Malay Morality in Malaysia". He said that on the one hand, Malays are devout Muslims, willing to pray five times a day, bear the expensive cost of the Haji pilgrimage to Mecca, and are cautious about non-halal sources of food, daily necessities and income. On the other hand, however, they turn a blind eye and are indifferent to the corruption of Malay civil servants, the abuse of power by the police, and the illegitimate wealth accumulation of high-ranking government officials and their control of the judiciary. I appreciate a great deal Professor Tajuddin’s account of such dualistic feature of the Malays. But I have a feeling that he has run short in bringing up the causation of this dualistic feature, and now I am willing to make up for this gap.

The character of an ethnic group has its formation process. But any character can only be regarded as a general or quite common phenomenon as there are always exceptions within the same ethnic group who have special cognitions different from other ordinary people. Simply put, ethnic characteristics are the psychological state of thinking, behaviour, values, and attitudes towards life that are nurtured by history and culture. It is also brewed by factors such as environmental natural conditions, humanistic and religious values, and political and economic environments. Ethnic characteristics are likened to two sides of a coin, just as some people have dual personalities, which is not surprising.

Characters of the Japanese and Jews

Many people like to talk about the unique characteristics of two particular ethnic groups, the Japanese and the Jews. Let us look at how such uniqueness is formed in these two ethnic groups. Many scholars believe that the Japanese national character has a contradictory duality. In an influential book "Chrysanthemum and the Sword", published by American sociologist Pauline Kent in 1999, the author summed up the contradictions of the Japanese character like this: Japanese people are extremely aggressive but very gentle, militant but beautiful, arrogant but polite, stubborn but fickle, tame but unwilling to be manipulated, loyal but prone to betrayal, brave but also cowardly, conservative yet very welcoming of a new way of life, soldiers who are thoroughly trained but are resistant under a strict hierarchical system that emphasizes obedience, and so on. With so many contradictory personalities, the Japanese may be described as a double-faced person.

We dare not say Kent has no prejudice against the Japanese, but as long as she addresses such characteristics, we need to understand the origin of the formation of such character. To a great extent, the formation, I believe, has to do with the harsh living conditions in Japan before modernization and the harsh rule of the feudal shogunate. In addition, Japan has absorbed the Chinese Confucian notions of loyalty, filial piety, benevolence, and righteousness from its Shinto foundation of advocating natural gods. All these have infiltrated into the Japanese a sturdy sense of responsibility to the country, society, and family. The characteristics of the Japanese nation created by this sense of responsibility are what Kent admires most -- Japanese are serious in doing things, perseverant in perfection, and very good at learning.

Next, let’s talk about the Jews. By Jews, it is referred to a religious grouping based on Judaism, living in Israel and diasporas all over the world and speaking various languages. The national identity of the Jews is based on their religious and cultural identity, and this cultural identity becomes their common spiritual bond, the basis for the continuation of their religion and daily life. When Israel was occupied by the Roman army two thousand years ago, Jews have lived in scattered places. Their values ??and grouping character have been related to their longstanding oppression and discrimination, as well as being deprived of political rights and status. For example, although Jews have long settled in France, they were granted citizenship only when the French Revolution advocated universal values ??such as equality, freedom, fraternity, and human rights more than 200 years ago.

Traditionally, in the Eurasian Christian and Islamic regions, Jews as a minority were regarded as infidels, often restricted in employment and land ownership, and could only engage in commerce and handicraft industries. As a vulnerable group, in addition to blackmail, rulers often used them as scapegoats and persecuted them. In order to survive, modern Jews have achieved great success in business, professional and academic fields, and their achievements far exceed their small size in the overall population. Naturally, the condition for success is nothing but diligence, focus and unyielding spirit of struggle. The long-term pursuit and study of knowledge seems to have become part of their unique character and cultural psychological genes. Yet, I believe this success has nothing to do with physiological genes.

Causation of Modern Malay Character

The psychological genetic duality of the Malays should be attributable to modern history and political factors. Before the arrival of the Western colonialists, Malays who lived in warm tropical climate were sparsely populated, and for generations their farming livelihoods were simple and peaceful. After gradually converting to Islam in the 15th century, religion has begun to influence substantially their ethnic character. Before World War II, the Malays were broad-minded and humble, and they rarely indulged their emotions. Their interpersonal behaviour should be understood as better than that of largely low-cultured and poorly educated Chinese immigrants from Guangdong and Fujian at that time.

Why did the Malays change after Malaysia's independence? The main reason is the overwhelming development of Malay racial-led nationalism. After the Second World War, Malay nationalism had been deployed to prepare for independence. Under the anti-British and xenophobic ideological inclination, they believed that only by grasping tightly political rights could the future of Malays as a so-called "economically disadvantaged" group be guaranteed. Ethnic leaders, especially UMNO leaders, understood that the democratic one-person-one-vote system and the division of parliamentary constituencies in favour of Malays must be used to maintain their monopolistic control. Radical Malay leaders have the conviction that Malays should place their priority on staying united, and if corrupt practices would do no harm to such unity, so let it be. 

When corruption gets widespread and out of control, abuse of power by officials shielded by racism has become implicitly acceptable as this does not hinder the continuity of the racial-based monopolistic rule. Consequently, senior administrators are no longer obliged to be fully responsible for administrative affairs as they can rely on political shielding and do not have to worry about being penalised. Social injustice is regarded as normal. Over the past few decades, Malay nationalism has continued to develop to defend crony interests in collaboration with big Chinese and Indian businesses. Opposition parties are just not strong enough to do much.

With the claim that wealth of Malays is still far behind the Chinese and Indians, Malay racism has continued to soldier on and champion Malay interests. As the target of corruption is largely operated towards non-Malays, and a large part of the national tax revenue also comes from non-Malays, Islamic religious groups are well comfortable to spend government tax money to build more mosques and propagate "orthodox" Islamic teachings. For Malay intellectuals, they are also more at ease to enjoy the vested identity and status given to them by racism, and are willing to let corruption continue.





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