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The first principle for Malaysia1st should be Bangsa Malaysia, equal citizenship and the end of racial discrimination in all its permutation 

One of the biggest stories of this period has been the public response to a crowdfunding campaign launched by Muar MP Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman to help pay for his legal cost and RM330,000 bail.

His alleged crime : 2 charges of misappropriation of RM1 million belonging to Bersatu on March 6 last year; and misappropriating RM120,000 for the 14th general election collected for Bersatu Youth, between April 8 and 21, 2018.

Accompanying the fundraising poster in his social media channels which has more than half a million followers, alongside a one and a half hour video defence alleging selective persecution and intimidation ahead of the coming parliamentary sitting, he wrote: 

“Want to fight, I fight. Bring it on.”

Support for Syed Saddiq

For now, it appears that he has won a small victory in the court of public opinion. 

As disclosed in his subsequent Facebook post announcing the end of the campaign, 9,836 donors provided a total of RM715,573.77 within 24 hours or more than double the bail amount set by the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court. 

In his message of thanks which received 54K likes and over 5,000 comments he wrote: 

I owe my life to Malaysia.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
I am forever indebted.
I will never stop until we succeed to build a Malaysia for all Malaysians.
A Malaysia where every Malaysian can proudly call HOME.
It's in moments like this, i am reminded why i joined Politics.
Not because of position or money, but to build a developed & dignified Malaysia.
The more they press, the more I will fight.
No threats. No intimidation. No offers will ever weaken my resolve to put Malaysia1st.

The messages accompanying the donations as well as other social media responses - both positive and negative - can be read in various ways. A breakdown of socio-demographic characteristics should reveal more of the motivations and expectations of Malaysians who have responded to this campaign. 

Missing that analysis, a cursory reading indicates a mixed age, largely non-Malay and urban constituency that is willing to forgive Syed for his checkered political career and mistakes made in consorting with Dr. Mahathir and other leaders who many members of the public see as bringing the nation down to its knees and to the current status of a failing state.  Sympathetic commentators also point to his youth and his potential in leading a more idealistic and less compromised younger generation to replace or displace the present generation of corrupt, racist and extremist politicians who are perceived as responsible for poisoning Malaysia’s politics and socio-economy.. 

Others are more skeptical and view him - aside from his youthfulness - as an orator skilled in political rhetoric, but really little or no different from other ambitious self-serving politicians. A few - cynical about Malaysian politicians and politics - are not surprised that he has been charged with corruption and financial malfeasance. 

Can Syed Break Free

The youngest cabinet minister in the country at the age of 25, Syed Saddiq’s extraordinary rise in our political system dominated by the older generation has been due to his ability to make compromises whilst negotiating the thicket of patronage and identity politics which every political wannabe has had to contend with. 

What can he take away from this experience?

One hope is that this exceptional manifestation of popular backing may encourage him to break free from the oppressive ethno-nationalist political chains that Pakatan Harapan was not able to do.  Leveraging this support he should speak out directly against the extremist ethno-nationalist and religious narrative embraced by many in his political camp instead of avoiding mention or simply alluding to it in the pointless and increasingly bankrupt terminology of fighting for “a developed and dignified Malaysia”.  

It should also encourage him to work harder with colleagues from Muda so that the new party with young, fresh faces and a  multi-racial, reform-centered platform can become more than just “a disruptive force” in Malaysian politics (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malaysian_United_Democratic_Alliance). 

Syed has spoken about Muda appealing to middle Malaysia in the next election and outlined three principles of the party:

It must be a disruptive startup.
It must be multi-racial.
It must be policy-centered.

Muda can begin its potentially path breaking political journey by requiring its electoral candidates to endorse what in my opinion should be the first and most important principle of the party.  

This first principle is to work for the establishment of a Bangsa Malaysia with equal citizenship and the rejection of racial discrimination in all its forms and appearances. This also means supporting Malaysia’s ratification of ICERD, the United Nations convention against racial discrimination. 

Failure to articulate and live up to this principle will identify and condemn Syed Saddiq and Muda as simply another addition to the long list of inconsequential Malaysian political personalities and parties that have failed the nation and the younger generation especially.     





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