
中国驻伦敦大使馆: “全球决策由少数国家决定的日子早已一去不复返了。”

莎士比亚名剧〈麦克白〉里的独白台词反映人们对于最近结束的七国工业集团( G7) 会议在召开之前的期望以及会议实际上取得的结果。



他的评论呼应了其在 4月于国会的发言。“我们正与中国和其他国家竞争,以赢得21世纪”就在G7会议之前,美国参议院通过了一项2500亿美元/1.02兆令吉应对中国竞争的《美国创新与竞争法》,为未来的贸易和军事冲突做准备。




“这表达了我们共同的价值观,以明确美国和 G7是不会容忍这些事情的。所以我们认为应关注新疆强迫劳动课题,并采取具体行动确保全球供应链不使用强制劳动产品。”该官员说。


为了巩固美英反华轴心集团,在英国渐被揶揄为美国跟班的英国首相约翰逊,邀请了澳洲,韩国和印度出席本次的峰会,以进一步推进这议程。这似乎是在朝向把G7扩大为由十个“市场民主国家”组成的“D10”集团 ,以抗衡中国和俄罗斯。



尽管来自美国的巨大压力,德国、法国、意大利以及可能包括日本,都认为中国不是他们的敌人或竞争对手,就像美国所要求的那样,本身的国家利益在任何 G7 行动计划中都至关重要。显然,除了英国、澳洲和加拿大,世界上没有其他国家热衷于支持美国在世界其他地方的霸权冒进,这是国际关系上的一项重要的发展。




乐施会不平等政策负责人马克斯·劳森(Max Lawson):“在G7的历史上,这些国家的行动与世界的期待之间从未有过如此大的差距。我们不需要等待历史来判断这次峰会是一个巨大的失败,这是一目了然的。”

英国前首相戈登布朗则指出:“G7峰会将被铭记为不可原谅的道德失败……在无法实现提供给世界接种疫苗的承诺后。我担心,恐怕数百万人将因没获得接种疫苗,而死去。 这个问题会再次困扰最富裕的国家,因为我们会面对著疫情的重来。”



林德宜《G7:一场喧嚣秀》的原文:G7’s Sound and Fury Show 

Shakespeare in Macbeth Play: "It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."

China Embassy in London :“The days when global decisions were dictated by a small group of countries are long gone.”

The line from the famous soliloquy given by Macbeth in Shakespeare's play reminds of what were the expectations built up before the recently concluded G7 meeting and what actually was the outcome. 

Western Media and Biden Anti-China Hype

Taking their cue from high level sources in the US and British administration, the BBC, The Guardian and other western mainstream media had touted a ’historic’ G7 meeting with an agenda which was to consolidate an anti-China axis.  In a piece for the Washington Post,  President Joe Biden had given early notice that his mission was to ensure that the US and its allies “not China or anyone else write the 21st century rules around trade and technology.” 

His comments echoed his speech to Congress in April. “We’re in competition with China and other countries to win the 21st century.”  Just before the G7 meeting, the US Senate passed a $250 billion “China competitiveness bill” in preparation for escalating trade and military conflict.

To win the trade war and ensure its dominant political and economic position in the world, the US campaign has focussed on China’s alleged human rights record in Xinjiang. That together with criticism of Putin’s human rights and European track record were hyped as the most pressing targets for the G7 group to address. 

According to a U.S. official, Biden was “pressing his fellow leaders for concrete action on forced labor to make clear to the world that we believe these practices are an affront to human dignity and an egregious example of China’s unfair economic competition.“ 

This latest gambit follows from earlier unsuccessful attempts to impose trade barriers and penalize China for allegedly being the sweatshop of the world, engaging in exploiting child and forced labour, abusing labour rights, etc. Today the “sweatshop” smear is no longer heard. Instead fear of China’s industrial and technological prowess is center stage in the US and its allies.. 

In pushing to punish China for its policy in Xinjiang, US media has forgotten that President Trump until very late in his presidency fully approved of the re-education camps in Xinjiang which today are described as central to China’s genocidal policies. According to John Bolton, Trump’s former adviser, in his book on Trump,  "The Room Where It Happened" ,Xi explained to Trump during the 2019 G20 meeting in Japan why he was basically building the camps in Xinjiang to which "Trump said that Xi should go ahead with building the camps, which Trump thought was exactly the right thing to do". 

Independent observers including officials from Islamic countries who have visited Xinjiang have refuted the allegations of genocide. It is also noteworthy that the World Bank in a statement on 11 November 2019 that dealt with the allegation that skills and learning institutions associated with the Bank in Xinjiang were de facto prisons commented: 

“In line with standard practice, immediately after receiving a series of serious allegations in August 2019 in connection with the Xinjiang Technical and Vocational Education and Training Project, the Bank launched a fact-finding review, and World Bank senior managers travelled to Xinjiang to gather information directly… The review did not substantiate the allegations.”

Finally to nail the lie of repression of China’s ethnic minorities is the irrefutable fact that Xinjiang’s population, despite the province’s geographical and climatic disadvantages, has made remarkable strides in their socio-economic development. In 2019 Xinjiang with a GDP per capita of US$7,868 ranked number 21 out of 36 provinces in China. In comparison Malaysia had a GDP per capita figure  of US$11,414 whilst Indonesia’s was at US$4,135.  

What happened at the G7 Meeting

Analysis of the G7 meeting proceedings and final communique indicates a clear defeat for the US, British, Canadian and Australian leaders and lobbyists seeking to use their collective clout to initiate a new cold war against China and Russia. 

Despite much pressure from the US, G7 members Germany, France, Italy and Japan decided that China was not their enemy or competitor in the same way that the US had conjured for itself and that their own national interests were paramount in any US engineered G7 plan of action to take down China for its human rights and alleged forced labour record in Xinjiang. 

G7’s More Important Global Agenda 

Ignoring the anti-China and anti-Russia focus in the media, hopes were high among many global citizens that the grouping of some of the most prosperous nations of the world would provide urgent leadership and resources needed to address the two most serious threats to global security and well being today - covid-19 and climate change.

The verdict on these hopes being realized by the G7 group are succinctly summarized in the following statements of two anti-poverty and green campaign leaders and the China London Embassy.    

Oxfam’s head of inequality policy, Max Lawson::“Never in the history of the G7 has there been a bigger gap between their actions and the needs of the world. We don’t need to wait for history to judge this summit a colossal failure, it is plain for all to see.”

Gordon Brown, former British PM:“The G7 summit will be remembered as an unforgivable moral failure...after a promise to vaccinate the world was broken.  Millions of people will go unvaccinated and thousands of people, I’m afraid, will die. The problem will come back to haunt the richest countries, because we will have contagions spreading”

Reminder from China Embassy:"There is only one system and one order in the world, that is, the international system with the United Nations at the core and the international order based on international law, not the so-called system and order advocated by a handful of countries," 





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