《HIGHLANDER》(高地人),1986年的动作奇幻片,是一部备受许多电影迷视为“必看”的经典电影。这部电影由克里斯托弗兰伯特(Christopher Lambert)和辛康纳利(Sean Connery)主演,由英国摇滚乐队皇后乐队(Queen)配乐,讲述了不朽的战士们数百年来为争夺“奖赏”而残杀的故事,最终,就如影片的宣传标语般,“唯我独尊”(there can be only one)只有胜利者能活下。



















但是,希盟作为负责任的政治联盟,在509实现打败国阵的不可能壮举之后,应该集中精力实现人民的希望和愿望,来保住政权。不幸的是,希盟的行为,犹如自取灭亡,如马来谚语,“猴子得花”(kera mendapat bunga),不懂得珍惜人们给予的机会。



《政客忘记他们也是凡人》(When politicians forget they too are mortal)原文:

HIGHLANDER, the 1986 action fantasy is a cult classic that remains on the “must watch” list of many a movie buff.
With a cast lead by Christopher Lambert and Sean Connery, and a soundtrack powered by Queen, Highlander tells the tale of immortal warriors battling each other for “the prize” over centuries, where at the end, as the film’s tagline announces, “there can be only one”.

While the film has earned millions of fans, several sequels and rip-offs and a television series, it seems that some people have also taken quite keenly to the idea of someone who can live forever.

Among them are a number of politicians and deal makers who are trying to ensure Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad serve out his full term – or even more ridiculously – indefinitely.

Dr. Mahathir who turns 95 in July, is the world’s oldest prime minister. If he were to serve out his full term, then he would (presumably) be 98 when the 15th General Election is called.

The move by several politicians including opposition parties UMNO and PAS for a motion to support him for a full term as prime minister through a move of confidence supported by a purported statutory declaration, without a contingency plan is downright ludicrous and irresponsible.

That a succession plan remains vague is the most irresponsible thing this Pakatan Harapan (PH) Government has done or omitted to do.

Hopefully Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is not alone in his opinion that the economy should be taking precedence, not the politicking among coalition party members, including members of his own party, PKR.

His priorities should be the priority of the Government where the economy expanded by a dismal 3.6% under its watch – the slowest growth since 2009 according to Bank Negara.

Dr. Mahathir had lamented on how people can still support a former prime minister whom (allegedly) stole taxpayers’ money.

The reality is that despite the thievery that was going on, the economy grew by 5.9% in 2017 – fueled by a centralised leadership and decisive policies and decision-making processes.

On the topic of decisiveness, Dr. Mahathir should be aware of the investor sentiments for a need of a clear succession path and not a flip flopping of succession dates, peppered with political infighting and a seemingly preferred candidate other than Anwar as eight prime minister.

The people and investors may not care so much for whom – but at least ensure that there is somebody available to take over the helm in the event of the inevitable, where, in the case of a nonagenarian, could happen at any moment.
Dr.Mahathir is not immortal. He is not a Highlander. And no, there cannot be only one.

Anwar himself is in his 70s, and the coalition must chart the path of the country for at least the next 10 years.
When Barisan Nasional (BN) ruled, it was accepted that UMNO would provide the prime minister and deputy prime minister, from its collection of party president, deputy president and three vice presidents.

While this arrangement has its fair share of detractors, however, it does provide certainty and stability – two components which are vital to a growth of a nation.There is no clear arrangement in PH.

Dr. Mahathir’s first tenure as prime minister was autocratic with institutions compromised (some say the same is true today but done more subtly).

However, Malaysia achieved its highest ever economic growth of 10% in 1996. To his credit, Dr. Mahathir’s policies pulled the country out of two economic crisis in the mid-1980s and 90s.

Perhaps in his last leg of public service, Dr. Mahathir should be allowed to be focused on achieving a hattrick of getting us out of the current economic predicament. His Vision 2020 has fallen short. The children who were born in 1991 when the Vision was announced were meant to be high income earners in a developed nation today.

Unfortunately, they form the bulk of youth unemployment (11%) and those needing to hold down two jobs as food delivery personnel and ride hailing service providers among others.

No, Dr. Mahathir, like the rest of us, is not immortal. Time sadly, is not on his side, and this is something he has admitted to recently, that he was tired and does not intend to serve a full term, stepping down after the culmination of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit in November, which we are hosting.

With this target to work towards to, it is probably the right time for the PH coalition to close ranks and start charting the transition and post transition plans – bearing in mind that limiting the tenure of the prime minister to two terms is one of the reforms promised by PH.

The Opposition be it UMNO or PAS will do what it is meant to do in a healthy democracy – undermine their political rivals.

However, a responsible political block such as PH which after finally achieving the impossible feat of unseating BN should be focused on staying in power by fulfilling the hopes and aspirations of the people.

Unfortunately, the way PH has been behaving which will ultimately lead to its own destruction, brings to mind the Malay saying, “a monkey receiving a flower”.

We may be mortal but the memories of our deeds need not be. How history will remember Dr. Mahathir and this crop of political leaders will largely depend on how they behave in these next few months.

Even the mighty China fell into economic doldrums following the demise of Deng Xiaoping – the architect of modern China who is also remembered for sacking anointed his deputies and his failure to chart a proper succession plan.

Terence Fernandez




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