








本应照顾马来前锋报集团员工者,弃之不理后,大亨丹斯里赛莫达通过Aurora Mulia私人有限公司,收购了该报业集团70%股权,拥有了包括集团下的《马来西亚前锋报》和Kosmo的发行执照,并将吸纳部分原有的员工到新公司。




《为何前锋报值得拯救?》(When a news business is worth saving)原文:

TWO years ago several Bumiputera companies, including public listed ones and government-linked companies had received a letter from then Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razakˇs office.

The letter signed by the Prime Minister himself had requested these companies to extend support to Utusan Malaysia which was in dire straits and needed financial assistance to pull it out of the
By then it had registered total losses as a group at over RM68.5 million.

The letter from the Prime Ministerˇs Office was in essence a cover note that accompanied another letter from Utusanˇs chairman which appealed for the Prime Minister to compel each of these companies to allocate a certain amount of funds  RM2 million to be exact  in advertising revenue for publications under the Utusan group to help pull it out of the brink of closing down.

And just when one thought Utusanˇs race-baiting was limited to its seditious headlines, this letter also laid blame of its financial situation on the media and advertising agencies ¨which were controlled by non-Bumiputera〃 which had refused to recommend or allocate ad-spend with this publication.

The then executives perhaps did not realise or refused to acknowledge that print in general was on a slide. It did not help that its editorial policies which blamed the Chinese, Christians and the DAP for the everything that ails the Malays spooked media agencies and their clients who declined to be associated with a publication that pushed such a divisive agenda.

After all, a senior editor had admitted at a forum organized by the National Civics Bureau that it was acceptable to spin facts to benefit the ruling party.

However, Utusanˇs circulation which was at just over 144,000 in the last audit in 2016 was a concern where eyeballs and spending power was concerned, as well as readership profile when many have moved into digital advertising.

Before it was delisted on Aug 30 this year, its share price was hovering at about five-and-a-half sen  far remote from the all-time high of RM7.66 it achieved in 2000.

But the letter to the Prime Minister was not only a cry for help, it was also an appeal to UMNO and the Government for a quid pro quo. Utusan and its editors and journalists  many of whom are professionals and passionate writers, were put in a position where they had to compromise their ethics and reputations at the behest of their political masters.

Many, not all  such as Hatta Wahari the then National Union of Journalists president who was suspended for staging a lone protests against Utusanˇs racist and politically slanted editorial policies.

It is ironic that he had packets of noodles thrown at him by several of his colleagues  the same people who now find themselves at the wrong end of karma, having lost their livelihood following the shutting down of this once proud institution which played a pivotal role in shaping nationalism that lead to our independence.

But one heaves a sigh of relief for the Utusan staff left out in the cold by those who should have provided security for them and their families.

Tycoon Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar Al-Bukharyˇs Aurora Mulia Sdn Bhd has now acquired 70% of Utusan Melayu Bhd including its publishing licences for both Utusan Malaysia and Kosmo!

There were assurances that these staff who had been let go will be absorbed into the new outfit.
It is certainly good news for them but is it good news for journalism in general is a story for another column.

Syed Mokhtar also controls Media Prima (TV3, New Straits Times Press).

With online media now being labelled as the new ¨mainstream〃 for misplaced praise and being picky with its coverage of the current government, one does need an alternative platform to call the bluff of Pakatan Harapan if and when it is called for.

But if it is business as usual and the agenda remains to be politically slanted and create bogeymen, then it will be a matter of time before another PN17 Company is announced.

After all, people are already self-reliant in searching for news, many via dodgy sites and forwarded watsapp messages.

To this end, the custodians of entities such as Utusan must run it as a respectable media business, not a propaganda platform. This will also help ensure that the lines between real and fake news are not blurred.

Terence Fernandez




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