






哇,安华似乎符合了“天选之子”(Chosen One)描述,不是吗?然而,必须指出的是,虽然安华如今的地位,就如所预言般,但奇怪的是,最近围绕著“天选之子”的新闻,似乎反映著一个严重的危机,我认为,这无疑令到安华蒙受羞辱。











Back in 2010, in her keynote to 1500 delegates at the PKR national congress, Wan Azizah said that her husband Anwar Ibrahim, was chosen by God to lead Malaysians towards a better future.

"Anwar is an outstanding human being, given by God to lead the people. If he is an ordinary human being like us, he would have retreated and sunk in between hurdles and challenges.

"What has not Anwar faced? He was detained, put behind bars, beaten, tortured and mortified. Since Independence Day, there are no other leaders who have been slandered, insulted and tortured continuously like Anwar.

"But Anwar remains strong and committed to our struggle," Wan Azizah said.

Fast forward to 2018, Wan Azizah's statement of her dear husband's prophecy makes more sense than it did back then.

He was once in a good place when suddenly everything he ever worked for was stripped off him, including his freedom. And years after struggling relentlessly, he was blessed by God Al-Mighty with newly formed friendships with many of those who were responsible for his sufferings in the first place.

Today, even those who have pledged their loyalty with his enemy have now vowed to not only support Anwar, but even better, campaign for him to ensure his winning in the upcoming by-election, carving a clear path for him to become the country's next Prime Minister.

Wow. Anwar does seem to fit the description of a Chosen One, doesn't he?

However, it must be noted that although Anwar's rise to where he is today is truly prophetic, strangely though, the news surrounding the Chosen One as of lately seem to point to a serious crisis of character, which in my honest opinion, puts Prophet Anwar into shame.

Yes, I am referring to the recent occurrence of an elected member of parliament having to vacate his seat in order to give the Chosen One an easy way (I prefer to call it 'back door' though) into Parliament without having to wait for the next general election like everyone else.

As if that is not shameful enough, Prophet Anwar has also made a statement, promising the people that his wife, Wan Azizah, who has been in the forefront of the reformasi battle all these years while he was behind bars, will no longer be the Deputy Prime Minister once he takes the lead as the Prime Minister.

To put things in perspective, before Wan Azizah conformed to her dearest husband's demands, she was reported in the media as asking 'what was so wrong with having all the three of them in the political arena', clearly showing her interest to continue holding her post – but like many obedient Muslim wives, I suppose what Wan Azizah wanted, doesn't matter, huh?

These shameful acts of Anwar who seem to have a habit of getting things laid on his laps without having to lift a finger makes me wonder – is Anwar really the chosen one by God?

It is true that we Malaysians believe that the reformasi revolution which was started by Anwar is what enabled the opposition to win the recent general election. But then again, we must remember that the revolution was not a divine sign by god to free ourselves from the oppressive government, instead the revolution was started by an angry man who got kicked off from his chair. Regardless, I suppose to Anwars's die-hard fans, the sacking of Anwar could also be God's way of campaigning for his Chosen One.

And as much as I would like to say that Anwar cannot be God's Chosen One, I keep reminding myself that I am conveniently looking at the scenario from a narrow perspective, forgetting that God is ultimately in control of choosing anyone and anything as his instrument. God can even choose a non-believer, an adulterer, a thief or even a murderer as his emissary. After all, Hitler, Osama, Trump and Najib were also chosen by God – the only difference being, some are sent to transform lives while others to destroy.

So why not Anwar?

Perhaps Anwar is indeed the Chosen One.

Perhaps Anwar is sent by God to remind us that not all that glitters is gold.

Perhaps Anwar is a gift by God to Malaysians to learn how to stand up and fight for our rights.

Perhaps Anwar is God's way of opening our eyes and accepting the fact that leaders who projects themselves as the country's messiahs are not always what they seem to be – sometimes, they cannot even meet simple moral standards which we, the commoners try to live by.

Perhaps Anwar is the chosen one by God to send us an important message that we deserve better.

Oh well, in that case, I suppose Anwar can be the Chosen One.



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