












黄群雄《老人优先:优雅有尊严地变老权利》原文:Age before beauty: Right to grow old with grace and dignity

Once upon a time, a man and his wife wanted to get rid of their elderly parents, who were growing frail and difficult to take care of. Not coming from a rich family, they plotted to claim whatever inheritance they had before carrying out the dastardly deed. One night, the man said to his wife: “Let us make a big basket so we can put our parents inside and dump them at the charity home.” Unbeknownst to them, their little son nearby had overheard their conversation.   

The next day, as they went shopping, they passed the section of the supermarket selling plastic wares. In a loud voice, the little boy said: “Mummy, daddy, can I buy this big basket?” They asked him: “Why son? What do you want to do with it?” The boy proudly declared in front of all the other shoppers: “When I grow up and you grow old, I want to put both of you in the basket and dump you at the charity home just like what you planned for grandpa and grandma! But if you have money, I will take care of you well.”

Now imagine yourself in this scenario after your young son had publicly revealed your “final solution”. Irrespective whether it’s for real, how would you and your spouse feel? This story should teach us a vital lesson: How we treat our elderly parents reflects how we are raised, and it is important to uphold respect and kindness across generations to live a fulfilling and dignified life.

In a world where the young are often hailed as the future and the old as the outgoing past, a significant divide emerges, overshadowing the rich potential of intergenerational collaborations. Irish playwright and critic George Bernard Shaw once said: “Youth is wasted on the young.” It speaks of a phenomenon where the vigour and exuberance of youth are sometimes squandered due to a lack of experience, wisdom or perspective. This divide between generations can overshadow the rich potential of collaborations between the young and old. 

Thanks to technological advances, humanity is now living long enough to enjoy the company of their offspring for at least two generations. In 2020, there were an estimated 727 million people aged 65 and above worldwide. This figure is expected to rise to 1.5 billion by 2050, or 16% of the world's population. An ageing society will strain the socioeconomic system of many countries by increasing healthcare and retirement costs, while reducing the labour force. This puts a strain on public resources and increases financial uncertainties for both the elderly and younger population that supports them. It is in this situation that an ugly practice known as ageism begins to take hold. 

According to the World Health Organisation, ageism refers to the stereotype (how we think), prejudice (how we feel) and discrimination (how we act) against others or oneself based on age. Knowingly or not, age discrimination is widespread in society — from employment opportunities to healthcare provisions. We see older workers being passed over for promotions or even preferentially retrenched in the workplace. In healthcare, medical personnel may be providing insufficient attention to geriatric cases because of preconceived perceptions, such as "You are old now, sorry we can't do much for you.” Discrimination against the elderly is getting pervasive, and worse still, people are ignorant or couldn’t care less until it happens to them. 

The media often portrays older people in a stereotypical manner, emphasising their frailty by showing them with a walking stick, wheezing and struggling to take every step. It is as if every second we live will slowly become a liability, and there is no fate worse for humanity than to expect our body to slowly degenerate and die in a pathetic manner. We should put a stop to this view and showcase positive representations of older people like those actively engaged in social activities.

In Malaysia, while traditional respect for elders is still heeded, modern societal trends sometimes lean towards valuing youth over experience, which may contribute to ageism attitudes. A common form of ageism is evident in homes when an elderly person, such as a grandmother, asks her grandchild how to use Facebook or Zoom.  This request is often met with sarcasm and impatience because the young ones think that elderly folk are “slow” or “just wasting their time”. This misperception is reinforced by the popular notion that all old people will one day lose their mental capabilities to senility and dementia. 

Respecting older persons in our society is crucial in maintaining a harmonious and compassionate community.  It is said that if people wish to prosper in their land, they must first learn to honour their parents. Recognising their contributions and showing them respect is our moral obligation, as well as a prerequisite to bring blessings to our lives. We should foster inter-generational fellowship, which not only enhances the lives of the elderly, but also enrich communities with the rich and diverse experiences they bring.

One time-tested way to respect older people is by being attentive to their needs or actively listening to what they wish to impart. Their stories and experiences offer lessons that can help us in our life journeys, which is much better than learning it the hard way ourselves. By engaging in meaningful conversations, we show that we value their wisdom and knowledge. Helping them in daily activities is another important aspect. Whether it’s assisting with groceries, offering a ride or simply being there for companionship, these small acts of kindness go a long way. However, in offering our kindness, we should always be sensitive to their dignity, independence and self-worth to avoid giving them the idea that that they have become lesser persons than us. 

The fight against ageism must take a multifaceted approach, such as through education, creating awareness and encouraging inter-generational fellowship. Ageism is not impossible to overcome, and we can build a society that values, respects and cares for people of all ages while utilising the unique assets that each generation has to contribute.

Realising our ageism habits and making the effort to change begins with each of us, whether young or old. It's crucial to highlight and appreciate the accomplishments of our elders, besides using their life stories to inspire ourselves to be better people, and better humanity. For we, too, will grow old just like those before us.


马大医学院荣誉教授,2020年“默迪卡奖”(Merdeka Award)得主,喜欢写作、绘画、摄影和与年长者打交道。



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