















● 公共和私营领域屋价折扣和配额
● 公立大学人员配置,包括校长等高阶官员的任命
● 各级招生名额
● 教育机构的预算拨款
● 奖学金授予
● 玛拉土著优惠政策
● 公务员录用及晋升
● 公共部门、官联公司和其他特殊目的政府机构的许可证、招标和合同











林德宜《通过宪法第153条文振兴大马》原文:Revitalising Malaysia Through Article 153

Following my recent opinion piece effort to open the pandora’s box on Article 153 and to correct its shortcomings and abuses, the latest Article 153 controversy has blown up following the decision by the Cabinet to guarantee students who score 10As and above in the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia examination a place in matriculation colleges.

According to PMX 

“This decision ensures that all top SPM students have the best opportunities to pursue higher education.”

This initiative was also for “ensuring the bumiputra quota system and principle of meritocracy are maintained for the benefit of all students”.

"All of our children, when I say children, I mean Malay, Chinese, Indian, Dayak, Kadazan and all without exception.”

"If our children scored 10As and above or obtained excellent results, without any exception, they will get a place. This is an assurance from the government.”

"As such, the issue of race should no longer arise".

This so-called initiative is seen by many as a step backward in the reform needed in the application of Article 153. In fact, the issue of race in policy making and implementation in education and elsewhere in national policies can be said to be far from over.

It is noteworthy that PMX himself has recently called attention to the educational underperformance of our 15 year olds in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) latest assessment. Malaysia recorded the biggest drop in scoring compared to Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam - a position that PMX has decried as a situation that “we can’t be in denial”.

Most Malaysians are fully aware of the discrimination, bias and other shortcomings in the nation's education system where Article 153 has been most in force among the different sectors of economy and society since 1957. We should also not be in denial about this.

Few Malaysians are aware of the balancing provisions to safeguard the legitimate interests of the minority communities and the reasonable proportion principle built into the Constitution to ensure fairness and justice. 

Does this latest development in the bumiputra quota system successfully meet the “reasonable proportion” and “protection of the legitimate interests of the non-Malays” principles enshrined, unchanged and intact in the Constitution?

90 percent of places reserved exclusively for Bumiputera in educational establishments, scholarships, training or any other facilities funded by Malaysian taxpayers is NOT a reasonable or rational proportion. It may have been justified perhaps during the NEP period. That ended in 1990.

But today, 34 years later? Those in denial of the urgency of reform to racially skewed quotas can be said to be like the emperor parading around in his finery.

How Article 153 Can Revitalise Malaysia

How the objectives of reasonableness, transparency and accountability in the fair and just operationalization of Article 153 can be achieved clearly requires the urgent attention not only of politicians but also all stake players and stakeholders wanting a better Malaysia.

Here is a short list to which fellow Malaysians can provide enhancements in the application of Article 153 in addition to what has been proposed by the Cabinet:

● Public and private sector housing price discounts and quotas
● Public university staffing positions including the appointment of senior officials such as Vice Chancellors
● Student admission quotas at all levels
● Budgetary allocation to education institutions
● Scholarship awards
● Mara ethnic preference policies
● Civil service intake and promotion to higher levels
● Licences, tenders and contracts in public sector, government-linked companies and other special-purpose government agencies

Hopefully suggestions will also be forthcoming from stake players, such as GLCs, manufacturers, small and medium enterprises, housing developers and other business groups in addition to the various sectors of the civil service that have borne the burden in implementing unreasonable and excessive preference requirements.

Besides guaranteeing that the conditions for doing business and the nation’s governance will protect the legitimate interests of all citizens, it is important to emphasise that the scope of Article 153 is limited by Article 136, which requires that civil servants be treated impartially regardless of race.

Dealing with Opposition to Article 153 Reform

Objections to dismantling NEP benefits and Article 153 excesses can be expected from some politicians, policymakers from the civil service, and other members of the socio-political and business elite who have been its principal beneficiaries.

It is an undeniable fact that those that have benefited not only desire but will work to ensure that their children and grandchildren can continue, ad infinitum, to monopolise the gains from institutionalised preference policies. Huge losses, in trillions of ringgit, to the nation’s economy and
finances have stemmed from the non transparent allocations in contracts awarded under the aegis of the NEP and Article 153. They will continue unabated without correction.

The response to ethnocentric and opportunistic driven opposition to any review of Article 153 should not be silence, collaboration, resignation or impotence.

It should be the calm presentation of fact-based feedback, and data on the indisputable impact and outcomes by citizens, businesses, academia, the media and other stakeholders.

What is needed for policy change and reform calls for perseverance and stamina in knocking the closed doors of policymakers and the bureaucracy.

Quite apart from the legal, moral and other arguments against excessive, unjustifiable and exploitative preference of any kind, the truth and reality is that its unchanged ethnic character is the main stumbling block to a revitalised Malaysia.

The sooner it is replaced by a race-neutral, needs-based, merit-oriented and area and region-specific policy mix (this should include the prioritisation of Sabah and Sarawak legitimate rights) the quicker the nation can become more resilient and united as it faces a more daunting future.





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