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林德宜《马来人至上意识形态关键支柱》原文:Key Pillars of Ketuanan Melayu Ideology

Following the departure of Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia's first Prime Minister, successive Prime Ministers have strengthened the premise that the Malays as the indigenous people -have special rights and claims over the country. This premise has been reinforced through the inclusion of Sabah and Sarawak natives in the Bumiputera category for the greater political and policy advantage of the Malays.

The imposition of this premise meant that non Malay communities, though longer settled than newly arrived 'Malays' and Muslims from Indonesia and other countries, and those regarded as "masuk Melayu", were excluded from similar entitlement. This ideological and increasingly theologically justified foundation of citizenship rights may be considered to be the major source of trauma for the marginalised non-Malay and non Muslim communities.

Data and analysis on the non Malays out migration response and the cost of this brain drain to the country is unavailable as it is regarded as politically sensitive and incorrect to raise up.

The racial and religious skewing of the conceptualization of citizenship and the proposition that the Malays and Islam have "privilege" and a "special position" that is touted by its proponents as irrefutable, timeless and open-ended are key to the understanding of the ketuanan Melayu ideology and mindset. Embedded in the party manifestos and objectives of UMNO, PAS and the latest Malay parties of Bersatu and others, and driven into the consciousness of party members, this articulation of Malay nationalism fused with notions of racial superiority has penetrated into the mindset of the Malay masses and the national
development machinery and processes.

It invariably has implications for not just how the country is managed and developed. It also has implications for and impacts in racial attitudes, race relations and the understanding and practice of national development and unity.

Mindset Underlining Ketuanan Melayu Ideology

Central to the ketuanan Ideology and doctrine is the emphasis on Malay socio-economic disadvantage and the need to redress it through targeting of the Malay community for special assistance and attention. What we see especially after 13 May 1969 is an expanding array of programs and projects ostensibly aimed at addressing Malay poverty and to operate in other areas of perceived Malay weakness. It is also directed towards where a sense of inferiority or deprivation is found. However the policy actions implemented by the civil service are not simply to make up for the inadequacy or insufficiency of Malay participation in
whatever sphere of economy, society and public life.

They are also to strengthen the Malay component (now obscured by its inclusion in the more numerous and larger disadvantaged Bumiputera category) and to push for ever higher levels of Malay representation and greater control of the economy and society.

The quest for Malay advantage - leading to superiority and supremacy - is an objective subscribed to though not openly stated by virtually every agency of government and Malay non governmental organisation. Sometimes described as a "mission", what it means is that any special assistance policy or program does not end with the attainment of the initial set target. More often than not, they are expanded or extended to higher targets and new permutations to meet the demands of elite, upper and middle class claimants - some new, many old - for their own Malay or Bumiputera or Islamic share of special rights or privilege.

This development is continuing today even though many beneficiaries may have already taken advantage of an earlier round of racial perks and privilege provided by the New Economic Policy that was supposed to have ended its life span in 1990. It is a development that is likely to extend into the future as receipients try to protect and preserve similar priviledge for their children and possible even grandchildren.

Hindsight and historical experience from other countries tell us that it is not surprising that the clamour and pressure for racial and religious entitlement should become a major and contested concern given the racial composition and politics of the country.

Colonialism and the Ushering of Malay Protection Policies

The question of how to assist lagging communities to develop and attain their potential has been debated in countries in the west for over 150 years. This concern was an important one in the broad range of subjects taken up by the liberal intellectual discourse sweeping Europe after the mid 19th century.
Initially confined to concerns related to national constituencies, the subject matter was extended to the colonial population in the wave of European
imperialism and colonialism which saw British colonial rule, initially established in the Straits Settlements, subsequently extended to the Malay States after 1874.
Whilst the key motives for colonial expansion in Malaya and elsewhere in the non European world were less altruistic and had more to do with the expectation of economic and political gains, the view that the British colonial authorities had a moral and political responsibility to ensure that the Malay community would be protected in the development of the Malay states was a recurring theme for colonial officials. Such assistance or 'protection' was considered
necessary in view of the perceived inability of the Malays to compete with the immigrant communities of Chinese and Indians who were seen as having the advantage of coming from longer established civilizations.

Hence we see the establishment of programmes specially for Malays as well as the provision of special assistance to the community by the colonial administration. Pro-Malay policies can be dated to the earliest years of British colonial rule in Malaya. In the Malay states the legal basis for Malay special rights was laid down during the period of residential rule in the 1870s. This can be seen in the Malay customary land regulations of the four
federated Malay states of Selangor, Perak, Negeri Sembilan and Pahang. They were followed by the incorporation of Malay preference policies in the recruitment of the colonial bureaucracy, educational system and in other fields of socio-economy where colonial, that is British, economic interests, were not at stake or adversely affected.

● The next article in this series will examine how Malay special rights, which is a central pillar of the ketuanan ideology, was taken up during the independence period.





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