



i) 机构投资者日渐接受加密货币作为合法资产类别。他们在多元化前景和潜在高回报的推动下投入加密货币市场,为加密生态系统注入了大量资本和信誉。

ii) 散户兴趣不断增长:除了机构投资者参与之外,散户投资者对加密货币的参与也在激增。更易使用的用户友好加密货币平台,以及对数码资产的认识不断增强,也促成了这一波趋势。




区块链技术的不断进步为加密货币带来了投机交易以外的新用途和可能性。专注于去中心化金融(DeFi)、不可替代代币(NFT)和区块链互通性的方案正在推动这些技术的创新和使用。 更重要的是,比特币铭文提供了一种在比特币区块链上书写数码工件的新方式,其中可包括图像、影片、文字、音讯等。这将比特币转变为更强大的区块链,而不仅仅是将其用作数码货币。




1. 提高使用率:


2. 监管更新:

令人兴奋的是看到马来西亚证券委员会管辖范围内有更多受监管的加密货​​币相关公司,这表明政策制定与技术进步保持一致。例如,有加密货币首次交易所发行营运商、数码资产托管业者以及像Halogen Capital这样的数码资产基金管理公司。

3. 经济机会:



陈奕强《解读加密货币牛市及其对大马影响》原文:Deciphering the Cryptocurrency Bull Market and its impact on Malaysia
The recent surge in cryptocurrency prices has captured global attention, raising questions about the underlying drivers and potential implications. Bitcoin’s price has increased from 27.9k USD to 69k USD, which is a whopping 147% increment compared to just 1 year ago.

There could be multiple reasons behind the cryptocurrency bull market:

1. Approval of Bitcoin Spot Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) by the US Securities and Exchange Commission: 
An ETF is an investment fund that tracks the performance of an underlying asset. Conventionally it is stocks, a basket of currencies, precious metals like gold. Today, Bitcoin is being included. Basically it enables investors to get exposure to the value of the underlying asset without directly owning it, which provides a more convenient way for both institutional and retail investors to participate in the cryptocurrency market: 

i) Institutional investors have increasingly embraced cryptocurrencies as a legitimate asset class. Their entry into the market, driven by the prospect of diversification and potential high returns, has infused substantial capital and credibility into the crypto ecosystem.

ii) Growing Retail Interest:: Alongside institutional adoption, there has been a surge in retail investor participation in cryptocurrencies. Increased accessibility through user-friendly platforms and growing awareness of digital assets have contributed to this trend.

2. Macro-Economic Factors:
Amidst global economic uncertainties, including inflationary pressures and unconventional monetary policies, cryptocurrencies are viewed as alternative stores of value. Bitcoin, in particular, has garnered attention as a hedge against currency devaluation and inflation.

3. Technological Innovation:
Ongoing advancements in blockchain technology have unlocked new use cases and possibilities for cryptocurrencies beyond speculative trading. Projects focusing on decentralized finance (DeFi), non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and blockchain interoperability are driving innovation and adoption. More importantly, Bitcoin inscriptions enable a new way of writing digital artifacts on the Bitcoin Blockchain, which can include images, videos, texts, audio and more. This has transformed Bitcoin into a more powerful Blockchain than just using it as a digital currency.

4. Bitcoin halving:
Bitcoin halving is when the reward for Bitcoin mining is cut in half and takes place every four years. The halving policy was written into Bitcoin's mining algorithm to counteract inflation by maintaining scarcity. Historically, Bitcoin's supply halving has been associated with an uptick in its price, preceding significant bull runs in the market. With approximately 4,450 blocks remaining until the fourth halving event, scheduled for April 2024, miner block rewards will be reduced by 50% from 6.25 BTC to 3.125 BTC.

Next, let us look into the potential impact to the Malaysian economy

1. Increased Adoption:
Malaysia has witnessed a growing interest in cryptocurrencies, with a burgeoning number of investors and trading platforms. Till date, Securities Commissions has given approval/conditional approval for 6 digital asset exchanges. The accessibility of digital assets has democratized investment opportunities, particularly among the younger demographic. Also, there are more use cases for Blockchain with the creation of NFT and GameFi with play-to-earn kind of tokonemics.

2. Regulatory Updates:
It is exciting to see there are more regulated cryptocurrencies related companies under the purview of Securities Commissions in Malaysia, it shows that the policy makings are aligned with technological advancements. For instance, there are Initial Exchange Offering operators, Digital Asset Custodian operators and digital asset fund managers like Halogen Capital.

3. Economic Opportunities:
Cryptocurrencies hold the promise of fostering financial inclusion and driving economic growth in Malaysia. Blockchain technology has the potential to streamline processes, reduce transaction costs, and expand access to financial services, particularly for underserved populations. For instance, Zetrix, National Public Blockchain Infrastructure for Malaysia has been creating different cross border use cases, such as Digital ID, custom clearance platform and trade financing platform in collaboration with China government for the use of Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) countries.

The recent bull market in cryptocurrencies has sparked optimism and apprehension in equal measure, reflecting the complex interplay of market dynamics, technological innovation, and regulatory considerations. In Malaysia, the burgeoning interest in cryptocurrencies presents both opportunities and challenges, underscoring the need for balanced regulatory approaches and proactive industry engagement. While cryptocurrencies hold transformative potential, their future trajectory will depend on navigating regulatory hurdles, advancing technological innovation, and building trust among stakeholders. Whether cryptocurrencies ultimately shape the future of finance will hinge on how these challenges are addressed and opportunities seized in the years to come.





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