















对昨天(3月22日),当局因“真主袜”争议评论,在吉隆坡地庭援引《1998年通讯及多媒体法令》(CMA)第233条提控卓伟隆(Chiok Wai Loong)。他被判处监禁6个月和罚款1万2000令吉。在沙巴也有类似的案件,被告为利基山(Ricky Shane Chagampag) ......









林德宜《袜子、母语学校和敏感课题处理》原文:Socks, Vernacular Schools and Dealing with Red Lines

Failure of police & govt to act against vigilante groups and top politicians who instigated & fanned the flames in "Allah" socks controversy is repugnant to the rule of law & encourages mob justice

Lawyers for Liberty Press Statement

KK Chai and Teo Kok Seong recently met the police to respond to the reports against them: the former in relation to the socks controversy, and the latter on his video comments against vernacular education and the Chinese community.

On Teo Kok Seong, see my earlier article - https://www.orientaldaily.com.my/news/mingjia/2024/03/22/639302?utm_source=mobile-share&sfnsn=wa&mibextid=VhDh1V

The two controversies have been dominating the media and public attention for the past fortnight. This is not surprising. They are the latest in racial and religious incidents that have bedevilled the nation's politics and society especially since independence.  

Although apparently unconnected, they share common features apart from their impact in stroking racial and religious division and inciting racial hate.

Firstly, they may be seen as a part of the culture war related to conflict between social groups as seen in the west. These are not necessarily racial or religious. The competing groups fight for dominance of their ideals, beliefs and philosophies. In the west where this war has been ongoing between liberal and conservative groups, they often relate to popular culture and diversity issues and can cut across race or religious concerns.

Here in Malaysia, race, identity and religious considerations are often fused and dominate in the culture war with their effects extending into the sectors of education, food, business and everyday life.

Earlier cultural wars in the country have been waged over the celebration of Christmas, Valentine's Day, Bon Odori, Oktoberfest, modes of dress wear, dogs, etc. This extension into education and business is not only intensifying racial and religious conflict. It is a dangerous development that calls for our political leaders and authorities to act quickly.

Secondly a key development of this racial/religious cum new cultural war is the use of social media. In both episodes, the reliance on social media and manipulation of the click bait strategy to convey their messages to the wider public can be discerned. Although social media can be a channel for cyberbullying, rumour mongering, misinformation and attempts to generate confusion or fear, it can also be a positive force providing useful and important messages, including alternative views excluded from the mainstream media.

In the current two episodes of social media driven cultural war taking place, here are two comments from social media readers that political leaders, authorities and police should give  attention to.

Sock-gate: Preacher denies making post due to business rivalry  

Firdaus started the fire and now claimed innocence. It is strange that Firdaus is so lucky to detect the offending socks in an KK outlet when there are almost 1,000 KK outlets in Malaysia. Allah must had gifted him divine help to be able to spot the offending socks. If he is a good Muslim, he would had seek KK management to inform them about the sensitivity of the mistake. The moment he put the picture in his Facebook, he is seeking vengeance to an innocent company without hearing from them. KK mart did no harm to Firdaus but Firdaus causes big harm to KK mart. Right now, KK mart may have to bungus at the rate Akmal is going. There is no need to cari pasal with company/people that are doing a honest business and has no issues with you. Build bridges. Don't burn bridges by unscrupulous ways.

Stoking dissent against vernacular schools

From my perspective, I doubt he [Teo] did any in-depth research into the pragmatism of the Chinese in light of institutionalized racism, the ketuanan Melayu and religious anticis. The fact that he didn't mention ..."101,011 or 19.75 percent (2020)" non-Chinese in Chinese vernacular schools, or interact with their parents speak loud his skewed incompetence both as a researcher and so-called expert in this area. Finally, the timing of the release of his statement stinks of malicious conspiracy. The Chinese pragmatism is that we have no time to defend the Chineseness, or religion or ethnicity. We work hard, nature our children and talents, and move forward with other community and as a community in this country of ours. Over the next decade, I hope the one million or so non-chinese enrolled in the vernacular school will help eradicate the current policies for the betterment of all Malaysians.

In the meantime, mainstream and social media readers can help in the campaign to fight against the political opportunism, extremism and bullying unleashed by this and future cultural wars by sharing this from Zaid Malik, Director of the Lawyers for Liberty  

*Press Statement*

23 March 2024

We refer to the charge brought against Chiok Wai Loong yesterday at the KL Sessions Court under section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act 1998 ("CMA") for a comment he had made on the "Allah" socks controversy. He was sentenced to 6 months jail and an RM 12,000 fine. A similar sentence was meted out to Ricky Shane Chagampag in a Sabah court.

Thirdly, it is public knowledge that Chiok's personal details were made public online and a vigilante group had unlawfully tracked him down and intimidated him into making an online confession. Everyone saw this video, and it was sickening. While Chiok was arrested and charged and swiftly jailed, what action has been taken against the vigilante group that took the law into their own hands and committed several potential offences? These include offences under section 503 Penal Code for criminal intimidation, section 505(b) for statements causing mischief and ironically, section 233 CMA as well.

Why are the police so quick to act against Chiok, but have taken no action against this vigilante group? Is mob rule now permitted in Malaysia?

Fourthly, are those big political personalities who instigated, agitated and added fuel to the fire, to get off scott-free? These politicians, particularly from Umno, framed what
appears to any reasonable person as a supply mistake by KK Supermart as some kind of
full-blown insult to Islam. This led to an active 'lynch-mob' campaign against anyone who made comments on the issue which may be regarded as insensitive by vigilante-type groups.

Social media posts by unknown individuals do not harm the fabric of society; roadside justice and public disgracing of individuals for perceived slights however are harmful behaviour that must be combated and met with stern action.

The law is not to be executed at the whims and fancy of the group that cries out the loudest. The decision to prosecute the men under section 233 of the CMA amounts to selective prosecution, which is repugnant to the rule of law.

Despite the government's seeming fervour to clamp down on social media for racial or religious hatred, they are unable to distinguish between ignorant or idiotic behaviour and actual harmful conduct. They are pandering to overzealous bigots when it comes to racial and religious controversies, despite the disastrous long-term result it may bring to the cohesion of Malaysian society. Tolerance of this kind of behaviour could lead to more drastic action by mobs later on that could result in physical injury or even loss of life.

We remind the government that they have a duty to maintain the social fabric of our multicultural and multireligious society. Such duty is not confined to criminal prosecutions but must be primarily addressed through holistic open dialogues of communication and education.






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