






生成式人工智能(如 ChatGPT):虽然不属于高风险,但生成式人工智能必须:



○ 法案全面执行-2年。








The European Parliament has recently approved the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act, a comprehensive regulatory framework that governs the use of AI within the European Union (EU). This legislation could have profound implications for all businesses and the wider economy in Malaysia.

The AI Act outlines several key points that could affect Malaysian businesses:

Prohibited AI Systems: The Act prohibits certain uses of AI, including:

●Manipulation: Technologies that could influence people’s behavior, particularly vulnerable groups.

●Social Scoring: The classification of individuals based on social or economic factors.

●Biometric Identification: The use of facial recognition for mass surveillance.

While these prohibitions are unlikely to directly affect Malaysian businesses, they establish a global standard for responsible AI development.

High-Risk AI Systems: The Act enforces stricter regulations on “high-risk” AI used in:

●Critical Infrastructure: AI used in sectors like transport and energy must undergo rigorous safety checks.

●Education and Employment: AI used in exam scoring or recruitment should be unbiased and transparent.

●Essential Services: AI used in credit scoring or law enforcement must respect fundamental rights.

Generative AI (like ChatGPT): While not classified as high-risk, generative AI must:

●Disclose AI-Generated Content: Users should be aware when they’re interacting with AI-created content.

●Prevent Illegal Content: AI systems should be designed to avoid generating harmful or misleading content.

●Respect Copyright: Training data used for AI development must comply with copyright laws.

Timeline and Enforcement:

●Official Law: Expected to be in effect by May/June 2024.

●Phased Implementation:

○Ban on prohibited AI - 6 months.

○General AI rules - 1 year.

○Full Act enforcement - 2 years.

●Non-Compliance Fines: Up to €35 million or 7% of global annual turnover.

The EU AI Act could have significant implications for Malaysian businesses and the wider economy.

1.Increased Compliance Costs: Malaysian businesses operating in the EU or using EU-developed AI systems may face increased compliance costs due to the need to adapt to new regulations, such as transparency requirements for generative AI or the lifecycle assessment of high-risk AI systems.

2.Market Opportunities: Conversely, the AI Act could also present market opportunities. Malaysian companies that develop AI systems could find a new market in the EU if they can demonstrate compliance with the AI Act. Companies offering AI compliance services could also see increased demand.

3.Innovation and Investment: The AI Act could stimulate innovation and investment in Malaysia’s AI sector. The clear regulatory framework provided by the AI Act could boost investor confidence, potentially leading to increased investment in Malaysian AI startups and projects.

4.Data Privacy and Protection: The AI Act’s emphasis on data privacy and protection could influence Malaysia’s own regulations in this area, potentially leading to stronger data privacy and protection laws in Malaysia. This could benefit consumers and potentially lead to a more trusted digital economy. Malaysian SMEs working with EU partners might face stricter data governance requirements.

In conclusion, while the EU AI Act presents challenges for Malaysian businesses and the economy, it also offers opportunities. By understanding and adapting to these new regulations, Malaysian businesses can not only ensure compliance but also potentially gain a competitive advantage in the global AI market. As always, the key to success will be flexibility, innovation, and a willingness to embrace change.





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