首相安华在2024年东盟- 澳洲特别峰会期间的新闻发布会上,对澳洲广播公司(ABC) 记者斯蒂芬·杰季奇(Stephen Dziedzic) 明确提出的问题做出了直率回应,这一回应引来了持续的回响。


记者:安华首相,上周您在《金融时报》上批评了美国乃至更广泛的西方国家在与亚太地区打交道时的“仇华心态”。您能详细说明一下吗?你要带出的意思是什么?这是如何体现的呢? 我也想问,面对北京大规模军事扩张,你如何评价澳洲也试图在增强自己的军事能力(包括透过印太安全联盟AUKUS)——你认为这是一个合理的反应吗?还有马来西亚会否也有所顾虑?






















林德宜《安华对反华和巴勒斯坦立场》原文:PMX on Sinophobia and Palestine

This forthright response from Malaysia PM Anwar Ibrahim in his press conference to a clearly orchestrated question from Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) journalist Stephen Dziedzic during the ASEAN - Australia Special Summit 2024 continues to reverberate.

The transcript of this conversation needs reproduction because of its importance for Australian and Asian policy makers and the public.

JOURNALIST: Prime Minister Anwar, last week in the Financial Times you criticised what was apparently termed as 'sinophobia' in the United States and perhaps the broader west in its dealings with the region. Can you expand on that, sir? What did you mean by that? How does that manifest? And can I also ask, do you view Australia's attempts to build-up its own military capacity, including through AUKUS, in the face of Beijing's own massive military build-up - do you view that as a reasonable response? Or does Malaysia harbour concerns?

PRIME MINISTER ANWAR: You know these difficult questions to be addressed to the host. But anyway, my reference to China-phobia is because the criticism levied against us for giving additional focus to China - my response is, trade investments is open and right now China seems to be the leading investor and trade into Malaysia. Cumulatively still, United States of America, it's an open trading policy to encourage investments overseas from foreign countries. But we are independent nation, we are fiercely independent. We do not want to be dictated by any force. So, once we remain to be an important friend to the United States or Europe and here in Australia, they should not preclude us from being friendly to one of our important neighbours, precisely China. That was the context. And if they have problems with China, they should not impose it upon us. We do not have a problem with China. So, that's why I referred to the issue of China-phobia in the West.(https://www.pm.gov.au/media/press-conference-melbourne-4)

"We are [an] independent nation, we are fiercely independent"
"We do not want to be dictated by any force"
"Don't preclude us from being friendly to one of our important neighbours"
"If they have problems with China, they should not impose it upon us
"Why must I be tied to one interest? I don't buy into this strong prejudice against China, this China-phobia" - Anwar Ibrahim interview with Financial Times, February 25, 2024.

When emphasising this position, Prime Minister Anwar was not only speaking for Malaysia. He was also voicing the standpoint of ASEAN member countries for whom the painful experience of western colonial powers' exploitation of Asia and the Pacific has been part of our common history.

We need to continuously remind the rest of the world that neutrality is the cornerstone of our foreign policy; and that peaceful and beneficial relations with China has been the common denominator in the past and should continue in the foreseeable future, despite attempts by the US, Australia and other US allies to demonise and bring down China.

It is not only on China that PM Anwar Ibrahim has advice to provide Australians and the west on their hypocrisy on democracy, human rights, peace and rule of order whilst turning a blind eye to their own continuing record of exploitation, hegemony and war; and now the West's defence of the ongoing genocide by Israel in Gaza.

Among nations of the world, Malaysia has been amongst the first and most critical against Israel for its retaliatory action in response to Hamas attack on Israel in October 2023.

In January 2024, Prime Minister Anwar wrote in X:

"This recent spate of brutal slaughter of innocent Palestinians is but a mere extension of a protracted seven decades of oppression and tyranny, clearly manifesting the hatred, revulsion and antagonism of the Israeli regime towards the Palestinian people,"
"Such a deep seated animosity is only matched by the insidious and heinous right-wing racist sentiments and views espoused by the Zionist leaders against the Palestinian people,"

Anwar has also been severely critical of Western countries for being silent

"To turn a blind eye to the atrocities committed by Israel, becoming effectively complicit in the insidious acts of crimes against humanity."

Speaking at a national rally in support of the Palestinians earlier in October, Anwar disclosed that he had been threatened by Western powers for his criticism of the Israeli government following the war in Gaza.

"I will not be cowed and will remain steadfastly behind the Palestinian people."

What next for the US and Australian foreign policy apparachiks intent on bringing down China. And their colleagues attempting to ensure Israel's imposition of its version of stability in the Middle East?

Apart from discreet and coercive pressure such as Anwar has experienced, the starting of small and big fires using politicians such as President Marcos Jr. from the region is still a favoured strategy.

Anwar has had long experience fighting against forces attempting to discredit and destroy him in Malaysia.

He must now be prepared for external forces working behind the scene - perhaps now in collaboration with ASEAN forces - to knock him off the pedestal for his foreign policy tenet and advice to the Australian and international public.






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