










王优仁《资本利得税:新税收冲击》原文:Capital Gains Tax: What is the impact of the new tax in Malaysia?

For the first time in Malaysia, a ‘broad-based’ capital gains tax will be imposed on the disposal of shares in Malaysian companies effective 1 March 2024 regardless of the business activities and assets held by such companies. Capital gains tax is essentially a tax imposed on capital gains arising from disposal of capital assets or investments, i.e. real properties, shares, bonds, precious metals, etc. Currently, there is capital gains tax on gains from the disposal of shares in Malaysia but this is limited to real property companies under the Real Property Gains Tax Act 1976, which are companies with total tangible assets consisting of 75% or more in real property. However, unlike Real Property Gains Tax Act 1976 which is applicable to all owners when disposing of real property or shares in a real property company, this new capital gains tax is only imposed on shares held by companies, limited liability partnerships, trust bodies and co-operative societies. They are referred to as a “specified entity”. Individuals are not required to pay this new capital gains tax. Also, the capital gains tax are only applicable in respect of shares of a company incorporated in Malaysia not listed on the stock exchange.

The proposal to introduce capital gains tax was announced in the 2023 Malaysian Budget Speech by the Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim as one of the measures to be introduced to widen the country’s tax base. The proposal is part of the Government’s efforts to increase its revenue and reduce our country’s fiscal deficit. It was highlighted that the capital gains tax to be introduced on the gains from disposal of unlisted shares by companies beginning in the year 2024 by way of amendments to the Income Tax Act 1967, is at a “low tax rate”. The rate of capital gains tax for the disposal of a capital asset in Malaysia acquired before 1 January 2024, is 10% of the chargeable income from the disposal of the capital asset or 2% of gross on the disposal price of the capital asset, as elected by the specified entity making the disposal. For the disposal of a capital asset situated in Malaysia acquired on or after 1 January 2024, the rate of 10% of the chargeable income from the disposal of the capital asset. As a comparison, our neighbouring countries Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam and Cambodia have a rate of 20% or more.   

Every specified entity which disposes of a capital asset must furnish a return in the prescribed form to the Director General of Inland Revenue within 60 days (or extended period allowed by the Director General) of the date of disposal of that asset. The due date for the payment of capital gains tax is 60 days from the date of disposal of the capital asset.

It was also announced that the Government will consider granting exemptions from capital gains tax on the disposal of shares related to activities, such as Initial Public Offerings (IPO) approved by Bursa Malaysia and restructuring of shares within the same group. While capital gains tax should result in an increase in revenue collections for the country, what will be its impact on IPOs, Mergers and Acquisitions (“M&A”) and inbound investments? 

On January 31 of this year, Bursa Malaysia announced that it is targeting 42 IPOs for 2024. Prior to Chinese New Year, the Malaysian stock exchange has already seen 6 listings. If the target of 42 listings is met, this would be an increase compared to 32 in 2023, 35 in 2022 and 30 in 2021. While the exclusion of unlisted shares from capital gains tax will be beneficial to listed companies and companies seeking to be listed and have successfully obtained approval from Bursa Malaysia, will this incentivise more companies to go for IPO?

As the expenses incurred for listing on the Main Market and ACE Market is a few million ringgit, the exemption from capital gains tax may not be sufficiently attractive unless the IPO is very sizable and it is expected that corporate investors are keen to take up sizable number of shares. Similarly, the listing expenses of a listing on LEAP Market which typically is a far smaller fund raising exercise compared to Main Market and ACE Market may come up to around a million ringgit and around one third of the funds raised. Would a listing on the LEAP Market be worthwhile just to save corporate investors from being imposed 10% of their gains on disposal? Furthermore, most of the shareholders in companies listed on the LEAP Market are individuals. The LEAP Market has seen a significant reduction of listings from 15 in 2019, 7 in 2020, 12 in 2021 and 5 in 2022 to only 1 in 2023. 

Meanwhile, for M&A deals, corporate shareholders disposing their shares may seek to increase the purchase price where possible, to mitigate the tax burden from capital gains tax. We have to wait and see what is the impact on M&A activity after the implementation of capital gains tax.





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