约在两周前(1月16日),大马交易所通过更换新标志为自身企业形象完成了“改头换面”的过程。尔后,大马交易所在刚过的周五迎来了今年首家挂牌上市的公司KJTS集团。甫上市,该公司就以85.2%的溢价收在当日最高价位,为憧憬通过参与首发股的投资者提供了另类的“红包行情”,取得了开门红。专注于制造电线和电缆的全能科技集团(Master Tec Group)

从宏观角度来看,大马政府在2023年9月1日所推出的《2030年新工业大蓝图》(NIMP 2030)为制造业发展提供了良好铺陈。根据马来西亚工业发展局的资料显示,《2030年新工业大蓝图》有望每年提升国内生产总值(GDP)达6.5%或在2030年到来之际贡献大马经济成长5875亿令吉。










郑荣信《两大优势推动全能科技为马股“充电”》英文版: Master Tec Group - Strive To Power Up Everyone's Life

About two weeks ago (January 16th), Bursa Malaysia completed its corporate rebranding process by unveiling a new logo. Subsequently, last Friday saw the listing of KJTS Group, the first company to go public in Malaysia this year. Upon listing, the company closed at a 85.2% premium, offering investors who participated in the IPO an alternative "red packet" opportunity, making a strong debut. As a company that focuses on manufacturing wires and cables, Master Tec Group is the second company to be listed on Bursa Malaysia this year. Investors are keen to know what competitive advantages will contribute to Master Tec Group's success in the Malaysian stock market.

From a macro perspective, the Malaysian government's introduction of the "2030 New Industrial Master Plan" (NIMP 2030) on September 1, 2023, provides a favorable backdrop for the development of the manufacturing industry. According to data from the Malaysian Industrial Development Authority, the "2030 New Industrial Master Plan" is expected to contribute to an annual increase of 6.5% in the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) or contribute RM587.5 billion to Malaysia's economic growth by 2030.

It is well known that strengthening domestic electrical grid infrastructure is crucial for robust industrial development. Simultaneously, the government has set clear goals for the renewable energy roadmap, aiming for installed capacity of 31% by 2025, 40% by 2035, and 50% by 2050. Electricity has permeated our daily lives, from smart appliances to industrial automation, and cable manufacturers' products thread through various dimensions. Cables act like the circulatory system of modern society, providing a reliable conduit for the flow of information, energy, and data, supporting production, communication, and entertainment. Whether in high-rise buildings or residential areas, the presence of cables and wires has become an indispensable element.

Referring to the National Energy Transition Roadmap (NETR), flagship projects planned by the government include solar parks, floating solar photovoltaics, residential solar power generation, electric vehicle charging stations, electrification of public transportation, and solar photovoltaic installations for electrified railroads. As demand for electricity continues to rise, Master Tec Group, as a manufacturer of wires and cables, stands to benefit. In my previous column titled "Opportunities Unleashed by Energy and Data" , I discussed MN Holdings, a participant in renewable energy and data centers and a customer of Master Tec Group.

On the other hand, Tenaga Nasional (TNB), actively enhancing domestic electrical grid infrastructure, is a major customer of Master Tec Group, confirming the company's strength in the wires and cables industry. It is worth noting that obtaining contracts from TNB is a recognition of high-quality standards. Therefore, focusing on the manufacturing of wires and cables, Master Tec Group is positioned at a favorable juncture, combining timing, location, and people.

Furthermore, the raw materials for the wires and cables produced by Master Tec Group are primarily copper and aluminum. According to the company's prospectus, the total annual production capacity using these two different materials can reach 9,500 tonnes. Notably, from 2020 to 2022, the proportion of aluminum-core wires and cables produced by the company has significantly increased. Different raw materials not only imply different conductivity but also represent different costs.

Effective cost control in raw materials

In terms of material cost, the price of aluminum is approximately one-third that of copper. With foresight and acumen in the industry, Master Tec Group is the first company in the country to produce aluminum-cored wires and cables, gaining the first mover advantage in the industry. In hindsight, using aluminum as the raw material for wires and cables was an innovative practice, and without proper market research, there would have been a risk of producing without orders. Clearly, Master Tec Group's sales performance in response to the adopted strategy has provided investors with a robust response. In terms of financial performance, the company has achieved double growth, with both sales and profit after tax increasing. The double growth is mainly attributed to effective product mix, cost savings, and higher demands.

In this ever-evolving society, cable manufacturers are not only innovators in technology but also guardians of quality of life. Today's life cannot do without electricity, and cable and wire manufacturers are the infrastructure builders behind this current, creating a more convenient and comfortable modern society for us. In fact, whether it is renewable energy or non-renewable energy, the application of cables and wires is indispensable. Excellent quality and the policies of expanding power grids in Southeast Asian countries will provide Master Tec Group with more growth opportunities.

As one of this year's IPOs, the steady growth of Master Tec Group will be a key indicator of whether the company can bring long-term "red packet" to investors beyond the initial public offering. Personally, I believe that KJTS Group, MN Holdings, and Master Tec Group, these three companies, through the integration of electrical power, have injected new vitality into the giant dragon of Bursa Malaysia.

In any case, individual investment decisions must be based on an understanding of one's risk tolerance and thorough research, coupled with professional advice. This article is intended for information sharing rather than investment advice.





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