


除了可再生能源,数据中心也是大势所趋。根据国际知名产业顾问公司莱坊(Knight Frank)针对东盟5国首次发布的SEA-5指数中,大马在2022年以113兆瓦的数据中心用电量领先排在其后的印尼、越南、菲律宾和泰国。其中,柔佛地区的增长尤为显著,而吉隆坡在过去三年也呈现了双位数的增长。这一趋势的原因主要是归因于新加坡数据中心容量受限,导致了对一水之隔的柔佛地区的需求激增。





郑荣信《能源和数据带来机遇》英文版: Opportunities Unleashed by Energy and Data

In the financial market, stocks in the construction sector are often perceived by investors as cyclical, especially during periods lacking major infrastructure projects. However, there are exceptions, and one such case is MN Holdings, which debuted on the Malaysian stock market in 2022 and is an unearthed gems. Categorized in the construction sector, MN Holdings is Malaysia's first underground utility engineering company, specializing in underground utility projects such as cable laying and the construction of substations.

Particularly noteworthy is MN Holdings' advantage in the current macroeconomic environment, driven by two major engines: Malaysia's National Energy Transition Roadmap (NETR) and the growing demand for data centers. This not only boosts energy and technology companies but also benefits MN Holdings. For instance, at the beginning of 2024, the company secured contracts worth a total of RM98 million from its data center clients. Additionally, MN Holdings actively participates in solar development projects, providing services to solar companies like Cypark Resources and Solarvest, positioning itself to benefit from the thriving solar sector.

Given the Malaysian government's commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and achieving net zero emissions by 2050, the National Energy Transition Roadmap (NETR) is expected to drive developments in the energy sector. NETR is divided into two stages: the first outlines flagship catalyst projects and related initiatives, while the second focuses on establishing the energy structure, ensuring reduced greenhouse gas emissions, and setting precise targets. Key goals include achieving 22% energy savings by 2050 and a 70% of renewable energy in the power mix.

In addition to renewable energy, data centers are a prevailing trend. According to the SEA-5 Index by international industry consultant Knight Frank, Malaysia led with a data center electricity consumption of 113 megawatts in 2022 among the ASEAN-5 countries, surpassing Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Thailand. Significant growth is observed in the Johor region, and Kuala Lumpur has shown double-digit growth over the past three years. This trend is mainly attributed to limited data center capacity in Singapore, leading to increased demand in the neighboring Johor region.

Due to Johor's proximity to Singapore, coupled with government support and availability of land and power, Johor becomes an ideal choice for those seeking alternative centers. Currently, the market in this region has a total actual and expected electricity capacity of 33 megawatts, with most facilities under construction or in planning, catering primarily to Western and Chinese cloud service providers and regional tech companies. In April of last year, MN Holdings signed a memorandum of understanding with Shanghai DC-Science Co. Ltd., aiming to provide utility infrastructure for the latter's RM600 million data center investment.

Examining the company's financial statements reveals a notable increase in revenue contribution from MN Holdings' substation business, rising from 19.4% to 46.7% in the past three years. On the customer segment, power generation accounts for over 90% of MN Holdings' revenue. Investors are keenly watching whether the company can secure a portion of the substantial capital expenditure of up to RM95 billion over the next six years as outlined by the government in its National Energy Transition Roadmap and the investments by the national utility company. Notably, MN Holdings has served not only Peninsula’s Tenaga Nasional but also energy companies in East Malaysia, including Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd and Sarawak Energy, showcasing its exceptional capabilities.

Last year, the best-performing sector in the Malaysian stock market was undoubtedly utilities, with more than 50% increase in the utilities sector index. However, as a constituenct stock of the FTSE Kuala Lumpur Composite Index and holding a weight of over 11%, Tenaga Nasional has only seen an increase of about 6%. In contrast, within the same Main Market utilities sector, YTL Power and YTL Corp have recorded returns more than double folds, surpassing their peers in the utilities sector. They may even be promoted to become component stocks. MN Holdings has achieved a return rate of close to 90% last year, aligning its business with the aforementioned two YTL companies, involving both power generation and venturing into the development of data centers, undoubtedly providing investors with opportunities to participate in these related developments. In any case, individual investment decisions must be based on an understanding of one's risk tolerance and thorough research, coupled with professional advice. This article is intended for information sharing rather than investment advice.





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