





















与此同时,他们或应深思我友人胡仙哈米 (Hussein Hamid)在博客上转贴的一张图片,图中显示一群显然是伊党支持者拉著横幅指(穆斯林)祝贺圣诞节快乐是违反教律的。请参阅https://www.husseinhamid.com/post/saya-dan-haram-mengucapkan-selamat-hari-natal-to-all-our-friends



林德宜《圣诞节、伊党与违反教律》原文:Christmas, PAS and Haram

Xmas and the end of the year brings the routine and almost inevitable messaging from politicians. They generally seek to extend not only wishes of goodwill and cheer to the celebrating members of the public.

Being in the business of politics - big business for those at the top - some also try to put forward the best picture of themselves and their parties for media consumption.

Many people in the country take the news item emanating from politicians - whether on festive occasions or on other special occasions - with more than a grain of salt. They have been disappointed too many times in the past to believe in the rhetoric churned out - even from those regarded as relatively believable and respectable.

Nevertheless it is still interesting to go through the recent messages from some of our leading political leaders.

Takiyuddin Hassan, Secretary General of PAS, is a politician of a party with a long avowed objective of an Islamic state He announced in his Xmas message that as an Islamic party, PAS celebrates and is always open to such diversity.

"Not only as a special feature of our society but also as the core of Islamic teachings which embraces such bonds of our great human family, inclusive of all races, cultures and religions, legally and honourably," he said.

Continuing, he pointed out that the harmonious and festive celebration of various religious or cultural events is a manifestation of our culture of gentleness, tolerance and mutual respect that has long been firmly established in our society.

Thus to him, the multi-ethnic and multiracial society must be defended from "any inclinations that may weaken the practice of such qualities". He also believed that the existing diversity in the country must be nurtured as it was a treasure of our society and adds value to the quality
of Malaysians' togetherness.

Fantastic to read. But believable?

Whatever his personal beliefs it is clear to him and PAS leaders that, despite the green wave and its electoral success in GE15 PAS will not be able to be the major partner in any winning coalition without the support of non Muslim and non Malay parties and their supporters, especially from Sabah and Sarawak.

Since the last GE, the party holds 43 of the 222 seats in the federal Dewan Rakyat. Though the largest individual party, PAS cannot govern the country and advance its Islamic agenda if it is identified with the hard line, deeply conservative and anti pendatang brand of Islamic resurgence associated with Awang Hadi, the party's President.

What may be obvious to Takiyuddin and other wannabe top PAS leaders is that any non-negotiable, take no prisoners stand on Islamic and Malay Muslim supremacy is one that is not only contrary to the pluralistic idealistic vision of Malaysian Islamic values and norms that he and perhaps a dissident group within the party may be attempting to promote. It isalso one that will be counterproductive to the party in the next election.

Hadi"s Islam To the Rescue?

So far, no one in the party has clarified Hadi's declaration when writing a column addressed to his followers in Harakah Daily. In that column which appeared in early October 2019 and which now has been taken off the internet, Hadi explained PAS' role at the Muafakat Nasional Charter between PAS and Umno on Sept 14, and his support of the Malay Dignity Congress held on 6 October.

In his column, Hadi explained:
"Haram bagi umat Islam menyerah kuasa kepada bangsa lain yang bukan Islam, sehingga menjadi hina laksana menyerah rumah kepada penumpang, kemudian melarikan diri tanpa bumi tanah air tempat berpijak."

[It's forbidden for Muslims to surrender power to other races who are not Muslims until they are disgraced, akin to surrendering your home to a guest, and then fleeing without a homeland to stand on]

Hadi's commentary can be seen to be an extension to the Malay Dignity Congress resolution demanding that the main positions within the government including that of the prime minister, deputy prime minister, menteri besar and chief ministers as well as important ministries such as finance, education, defence and home affairs should only be held by Malay Muslims.

Other resolutions called for the government to only appoint Malay-Muslims to top positions such as the chief justice, attorney-general, secretary-general to the government, inspector-general of police, chief of defence forces and others.

According to Hadi: "Although the two meetings appear to be different and the place is different, there is one common factor - the unity of the Malays and to awaken Malays to rise together with Islam."

"This homeland is a gift from Allah to the Malay Muslims and must be preserved in order to uphold the religion of God entrusted to them on this blessed land, to serve as a model and guide to other non-Muslim nations by God's command."

What is Haram

It is high time that PAS Secretary General Takiyuddin gets together with PAS President, Hadi Awang,to ensure a consistent position of the party on Islam, non-Malays and non-Muslims that will not see the party being accused of political hypocrisy and worse.

In the meantime they may want to ponder on the messaging behind the Christmas banner unfurled by a group apparently of their supporters that was recently posted in a friend's blog site. SEE:

In response, Hussein Hamid, independent, incisive and intrepid blogger, has replied: Saya dan Haram mengucapkan Selamat Hari Natal to all our friends.





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