

以城市为中心的人们很少或根本没有考虑到渔民社群──他们中许多人是小规模经营或手工捕渔(非大规模商业性捕渔)——他们出海捕捞,面对著种种困难与危险,勉强维持生计。这属于自雇人士 - 主要是马来人和土著。通常一出世就继承父亲和祖先的职业,直到如今,他们仍然使用传统的方式和渔船来捕获。



马来西亚登嘉楼大学最近对登嘉楼瓜拉马兰 (Kuala Marang) 和诗巴兰达基 (Sebarang Takir) 渔民进行的一项研究显示,这两个渔村的家庭平均收入分别为626美元/约2900令吉和755美元/约3500令吉。 这收入水平低于2016年家庭收入中位数,即1307美元/约6100令吉,只略高于全国中位数的一半。



对渔民社区贫困状况的认识,可以追溯到新经济政策之前。政府提供的援助包括汽油和柴油补贴,以减轻燃油价格上涨的负担; 渔民生活津贴; 自然灾害和渔民福利的援助,这一切都可帮助渔民增加家庭收入,并减缓渔民及其家人在遇到事故时负担。除此之外,其他援助包括渔民住房特别计划,确保渔民房屋达到合理标准。






尽管无法获得具体数据,但估计在第12大马计划下,渔民和渔业获得的拨款高达数百亿令吉。因此,新经济政策以来,渔业获得拨款总额可能高达千亿令吉。 这估算是根据1969至2023年,渔业部门每年获得的拨款推算出来的。在1969年,渔业局获得1530万令吉拨款。到了1990年,年度拨款增加到6亿8000万。接著,2000年的年度拨款从16.5亿令吉增加至2023年的39亿5000万令吉。


负责国家渔业发展的政府部门和机构,尽管获得更多拨款 。然而,其成果依然是令人失望。过去十年的官方数据显示,来自内陆、海洋和水产养殖的鱼产量,依然不足以满足国内需求。 




林德宜《为何海鲜如此贵 渔民如此穷》原文:Why Is Seafood So Expensive And Fishermen So Poor

Possibly the most underrated and under-appreciated sector in Malaysia is the fishing industry and its workers, especially those who venture out to sea to risk their lives to land the food which most Malaysians love but take for granted as if it is like any other item in the food industry.

Most people pay attention to the fishing industry only when they enjoy the fish and other seafood dishes during their meal. And their main concern when they buy and eat seafood is with the quality and the price of prawns, fish and other marine related products that go into their meals.

Little or no thought is given by our urban centric population to the community of fishers -many of them small scale or artisanal workers - who work on the sea and who eke out a difficult and dangerous living. These are self  employed families - mainly Malay and Bumiputra. Usually born into and carrying on the occupation of their fathers and forefathers, the male heads of these households, until recently, were tied to traditional methods and boats to land their catches.

Times have changed and mechanization of boats and modernization of fishing technology have enabled the fishing community to venture further to sea and for longer fishing hours.Yet, today, the present generation of fishers in Kelantan, Terengganu, Sabah and Sarawak, and other fishers found in small numbers in all the states of the country, are amongst the poorest households in the nation.

Poverty of the Fisher Community

A recent study by academics from Universiti Malaysia Terengganu of Terengganu fishermen from Kuala Marang and Sebarang Takir found the sampled fishermen to have average household incomes of USD 626 and USD 755 respectively in the two surveyed areas. These incomes are respectively less than half and slightly more than half of the national median household income of USD 1,307 in 2016.

Although there have been no definitive studies, this situation of pervasive poverty of a community of food producers who play a critical role in our food security and are responsible for enriching the diet and everyday food consumption of Malaysians has continued non-stop since independence.

Why this poverty has remained entrenched and has not been corrected Is not due to a lack of attention by policy makers. Neither does it appear to be due to a lack of funding for programmes and projects targeted at the fishers community.

Recognition of the poverty status of the fisher community goes all the way back to the pre-NEP period. Among the government assistance provided include petrol and diesel subsidies to reduce the burden of rising fuel price; fishermen’s subsistence allowance (Bantuan Sara Hidup Nelayan); aid for natural disaster and fishermen’s welfare (Skim Bantuan Bencana Alam and Kebajikan Nelayan) to help fishermen increase their household income and to improve the livelihood of fishers and their families in the event of accidents or disaster. 

Apart from that, other aid includes special housing programs (Project Khas Perumahan Nelayan) to ensure that the fishermen's houses are of a reasonable standard.

In the federal budget announced in October 2019, it was reported that the government would continue to provide fishers with monthly allowances of RM250 as income support. In addition, fishers also receive a diesel subsidy of $0.53 per liter to reduce the cost of going to sea.

Although occasional data is provided, overall computation of how much budgetary support has been provided to improve the incomes and lives of our fishers is not easily available. Neither is there any official analysis of how the funding allocation to the fisher community has impacted on reducing their poverty status.

Fisheries Budgets: Where Has the Money Gone

There is also no easily available data on how much funding has gone into the development of the fisheries industry to ensure a sustainable supply of a vital source of protein which has become expensive for everyone, especially the B40 group that has relied on fish as a source of cheap protein.

We know that very large sums have been allocated to Fishermen Associations, fish complex infrastructure, marketing infrastructure, etc. in the annual budgets. But getting data on the outcomes of such expenditure is very difficult if not impossible. If there is data it appears to be reconstituted in such a way as to make it almost impossible to analyse. Some of the data may have also come under the restrictions of the official secrets act.

Despite the specific data unavailability, it can be assumed that the total amount allocated to the fisher community and the fishing industry runs into the tens of billion ringgit during the 12 Malaysia Plans implemented. It is possible that the total budget allocation for fisheries since the NEP may be in the hundred billion ringgit range. This estimate is based on the annual budget allocation of the Fisheries Department from 1969 to 2023. In 1969, RM 15.3 million was provided to the Department. By 1990, this annual allocation had grown to RM680million. Since 2000, the annual budget allocation has increased from RM1.65 billion to RM3.95 billion in 2023.

The key question is why is it that, despite the enormous sum spent on programmes and projects intended to benefit the fishers community, the community remains amongst the poorest in the country.

Even larger funding has been allocated to the government ministries and agencies responsible for the nation’s fisheries development. Here again the results have been disappointing. Official data during the past decade shows that the nation’s fish production from inland, marine and aquaculture sources has never been sufficient to meet domestic consumption. In other words, we have never been able to attain self sufficiency in fisheries.

The nation's self-sufficiency level (SSL) in fish production is shocking since, besides the very generous budgetary allocations provided to stimulate growth and development during the past six decades, the nation enjoys a tremendous comparative advantage compared to most other countries in our rich coastal and marine environment and natural resources.

In fact we should be one of the leading marine and fish production nations in the world rather than one that has to rely on imported marine products and is lagging behind other countries that do not have the same financial and natural resources that Malaysia has. 

Why the fisher community remains trapped in poverty, why the nation’s fishing industry has not been able to fulfil its potential and where the billions of ringgit allocated to fisheries and fishing households has gone to are important questions that everyone, and not only those who enjoy a fish meal, should be asking.





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