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Now that Anwar has reached the pinnacle of political success, how does he want to be remembered? And how will he be remembered?

Is it for his Malaysia Madani? Madani Islam? Speech at the United Nations? Recent Time magazine interview? 

Here in Malaysia, he is the subject of discussion in family get-togethers, coffee shop cakap cakap, boardroom meetings, and media programmes. He appears in the hopes, fears, and even dreams and nightmares of ordinary Malaysians. 

Is he a genuine or imposter reformist? Or is he just being true to form as some reformasi veterans say? The quintessential chameleon extraordinaire?

Of this we can be sure. Anwar is looking at the mirror every morning before he begins the campaign round. What does he see in the mirror? 

Does he recall Shakespeare’s quote about life from Macbeth:

 “Life's but a walking shadow; a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more: it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.”

How do others see him? 

Uncompromising? Resolute? Courageous? Run of the mill? Unexceptional? Or A Great Disappointment?

His biggest challenge is his performance on the Malay Muslim stage. Can he be open,  straight forward, forthright, unflinching and honest in conveying the reality and truth about how and why the community is in the doldrums? Or will he be pandering and in denial?

Can he get the community to look into the mirror of its own failings and weaknesses or like other Malay leaders before him shift the mirror of blame away to focus on the ‘pendatang’ and other Malaysians?      

Even if he cannot be the transformative leader that the nation is badly missing, can he be the transformative figure - or minimally the progressive leader - that the Malay Muslim community needs. For this to happen, he will have to deal with the religious elephant in the Malaysian room. 

Anwar and Islam: Abroad And At Home  

Anwar in his recent UNGA address noted

We are concerned over the emergence of a “new form of racism” characterised by xenophobia, negative profiling and stereotyping of Muslims. This is manifested in an alarming trend of hatred, intolerance, and acts of violence against Muslims and their sanctities …. Inaction in the face of such blatant provocation to a religion is simply irresponsible and sends a dangerous message to humanity

What he articulated was chillingly prophetic in relation to what is happening in Gaza, Israel and perhaps spreading to the larger Middle East soon. 

Islamophobia which has developed around the world needs to be condemned.  In this respect, the Israeli military campaign ongoing in Gaza is perhaps the worst instance that the world has seen of a crime against humanity in recent times. Although Western media continues to focus on Hamas terrorist role in this latest round of violence, they have also ignored the just cause of Palestinian statehood and the long history of Israeli discrimination and oppression against the Palestinians. 

All right thinking people who know the true history of the Palestinian struggle for the right to survive should unreservedly condemn the military action impacting on ther civilian population of Gaza and raise their voices for a just peace, the creation of a Palestinian state and a two state solution to the political situation there.    . 

We also need to be aware of the role of religion in precipitating what appears to be the endless war in the Middle East and elsewhere in the world. All religions, despite the good they do, can be both opium and gasoline. That gasoline today is manifested in the form of rockets and the ignition of the flames of hate and destruction wrought on innocent communities when religion becomes the catalyst for war on behalf of different Gods. 

When religion is seen or posited to have all the answers to life today and in the hereafter and becomes the weapon of “hatred” and “intolerance”, the outcome is invariably disastrous. 

The situation in Malaysia is different and far away from that in Israel and Palestine. 

But Anwar cannot and should not wait for more religious  “xenophobia, negative profiling and stereotyping” to continue unchecked. 

Perhaps secular is the wrong word to use in a politically correct Malaysia where almost all politicians try to play the game of appeasing the Malay and Muslim majority. Some politicians even claim that secular is a haram word.  

But the need to draw a firm unambiguous line on the role of religion in the modern state, and to ensure that it is not misappropriated and mainstreamed into public policy and practice as has been ongoing in Malaysia in the last three decades, is needed more than ever. 

A strengthened and rejuvenated secular Malaysia, or however it is to be called, should be Anwar’s legacy for the present and younger generation.  

No pussyfooting or prevericating on this. 

It will be welcomed by the non-Muslim communities. But it has the potential to bring the greatest gain to the Malay and Muslim community as has happened in other Islamic societies when there has been a separation of religion and the state and civic life. 





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