
我曾在《巫统强人是第二财长人选?》 一文中探讨第二财长人选中国阵支持者寄予厚望的佐哈里。随著6州州选和数场补选相继落幕,团结政府的合作模式也从磨合过渡到竞合,也朝著“合久必分,分久必合”的方向演进。













1.可再生能源:随著对可再生能源的需求增加,相关领域公司如专艺资源PA和Solarvest等可能受益。举例而言,前者除了参与纳斯达克上市First Solar太阳能光伏组件的生产,也为购买太阳能发电设备的客户提供资金支持。后者则参与太阳能工程、采购、建设、营运和维修。

2.数码和电子服务:随著数码化基础设施和项目的开发与实施,相关领域公司如:推动区块链和Web 3.0技术的MYEG公司、数码媒体数字集团(Catcha Digital) 、涉及数据中心运营的杨忠礼电力、提供数码基础建设服务和方案的ITMAX公司,都有可能从中受惠。


4.基础建设:在基础设施发展上,除了夺标的大集团外,我们别忘了打桩和提供地质仪器监测的公司也可从中受益,其中值得关注的有打桩公司亿钢控股和岩土仪器服务公司Glostrext  。



郑荣信《2024年财案前瞻及投资契机》英文版:Budget 2024 and Investment Opportunities

Next Friday (13th October), Prime Minister and Finance Minister Anwar Ibrahim is set to present the Budget 2024 in the Parliament. Despite the ongoing rumors of a cabinet reshuffle, a change in the Finance Minister position is unlikely. Instead, the cabinet may witness the appointment of a second Finance Minister, a matter of concern for supporters of both the UMNO and Pakatan Harapan political alliances.

I previously explored the high hopes placed on UMNO's strongman, Johari Abdul Ghani as the second Finance Minister candidate in "Would UMNO's Strongman be the Second Finance Minister?" With the conclusion of six state elections and several by-elections, the unity government's cooperative mode has evolved into co-opetition, heading towards the direction of "a long union must be divided, and a long separation must be united".

Considering political and macroeconomic factors, political resistance appears to be easing, while the economy continues to grapple with persistent high inflation and a weakening ringgit. This leaves the unity government with limited room for maneuver, necessitating a "increase income and decrease expenditure" approach.

The government is likely to continue the "Robinhood" budget policy introduced earlier this year to boost income. As mentioned in my previous article "Little to Cheer in the Unity Government's Budget" implementing a goods and services tax (GST) is a formidable political challenge, given the prevailing political climate that does not permit a reintroduction of such tax.

Taxation policies within the fiscal budget are often a major concern. To date, there are diverging opinions among the public and businesses regarding the reintroduction of GST, with some seeing it as a transparent approach, while others worry about exacerbating inflation. However, as long as the initial GST rate remains below 6%, it can be considered a compromise. This approach allows the public to have time to adjust gradually and prevents unscrupulous businesses from hiking prices, which would contribute to inflation. Moreover, there should be no exemption list for GST, aligning with the principle of more spending equating to more taxes paid.

In addition to GST, the government may need to increase tax rates for corporations and the wealthy as a last resort. If tax rates are raised, the government must ensure that it can offer better development incentives, rewards, and simplified administrative processes to keep businesses and the wealthy aligned with long-term economic growth. For instance, the government could introduce targeted incentives for companies that align with environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria, encouraging more businesses to move in the same direction.

Furthermore, the government may consider introducing a capital gains tax, which could significantly impact mergers and acquisitions in the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) sector. Given that SMEs contribute over one-third of the domestic gross domestic product and approximately 97% of businesses fall into this category, implementing this tax hastily could stifle the long-term growth of budding SMEs after the pandemic.

Regarding cost-saving, the government may reduce subsidies that benefit the entire population and shift towards targeted subsidies. This approach ensures that resources are used more efficiently to assist the vulnerable and low-income groups, preventing them from being excluded from the path of national economic development. Additionally, this prevents subsidies from being abused or enjoyed by foreign nationals.

Development Expenditure

Another crucial aspect of the budget is the allocation of development expenditure. Since 2013, the share of development spending in the budget has increased from approximately 17% to 25%. This trend indicates that the government's support for infrastructure development and long-term economic growth, both of which can have positive effects.

Firstly, increasing the proportion of development expenditure is expected to stimulate economic growth. Development expenditure in areas such as infrastructure construction, technological innovation, and education can enhance productivity, improve the quality of the workforce, create more growth opportunities for the economy, and enhance Malaysia's competitiveness in the global market. These investments not only stimulate demand in the short term but also drive supply-side reforms and increased output in the long term.

Secondly, raising the development expenditure ratio can create more employment opportunities. Infrastructure projects typically require a significant workforce, including construction workers, engineers, and technicians. This will help alleviate the issue of unemployment, increase household income levels, stimulate consumption, and inject momentum into economic growth.

However, an increase in the development expenditure ratio also comes with challenges and risks. The government needs to ensure that these capital expenditures are used for efficient and transparent projects to prevent waste and corruption.

From the perspective of stock market investment, here are some sectors and related companies that could potentially benefit. However, individual investment decisions should be based on an understanding of one's risk tolerance and thorough research, along with professional advice. This article is for informational purposes only and not investment advice.

Renewable Energy: With increasing demand for renewable energy, companies in related sectors such as PA Resources and Solarvest may benefit. For example, the former is involved in the production of solar photovoltaic components listed on the Nasdaq by First Solar, in addition to providing financial support to customers purchasing solar power generation equipment. The latter is involved in solar projects, procurement, construction, operation, and maintenance.

Digital Services: As digital infrastructure and projects develop and are implemented, companies in related sectors such as MYEG, which promotes blockchain and Web 3.0 technology, Catcha Digital, an digital media group, YTL Power, which is involved in data center operations, and ITMAX, which provides digital infrastructure services and solutions, may all stand to benefit.

Real Estate Development: Real estate developers may benefit from infrastructure development and the development of economic zones like the Iskandar Malaysia Economic Zone in Johor. These areas could become hotspots for future commercial and residential projects.

Infrastructure: For infrastructure development, besides the major groups that secure contracts, we should not forget about companies involved in piling and geotechnical instrument monitoring. Notable companies in this regard include piling company Econpile Holdings and geological instrument services company Glostrext.

Ultimately, whether the budget is a sweet milk tea or a bitter coffee, it must be based on long-term economic development, where the government, amid the interplay of politics and economics, finds a balance. A low-sugar  fiscal budget aims to support long-term economic development and avoid excessive subsidies leading to high national debt that becomes difficult to sustain.

The government needs to continue focusing on economic development to formulate prudent fiscal policies that promote national prosperity and sustainable development for all, rather than short-term gains. Given Malaysia's unique point and the interesting times of the U.S.-China trade war, we can look to a future of bitter to sweet rewards instead of demanding immediate benefits with myopic vision.





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