













郑荣信《乘风破浪的证券首发股》英文版:Stock that Weathers the Storm - Mercury Securities' IPO

This year, Bursa Malaysia has witnessed the listings of 23 companies, with 16 of them making their debuts in the first half of the year. Looking back on these initial six months, these 16 companies collectively raised a staggering RM1.6 billion in funds, amassing a total market capitalization of RM9.4 billion. This has positioned Malaysia as the third-largest player in the Southeast Asian IPO market, trailing only behind Indonesia and Thailand.

According to data from Bursa Malaysia as of July 31st this year, it is anticipated that a total of 39 companies will go public in 2023, surpassing last year's count of 35. Among the imminent entrants is Mercury Securities, poised to become the 24th company to go public this year and marking the first initial public offering (IPO) by a securities firm in the last two decades. Mercury Securities has ambitious plans to raise RM39.27 million in capital. Notably, the company is also the underwriter for the upcoming IPO of pawnshop operator, Evergreen Max Cash Capital, scheduled for listing next Tuesday. With an astonishing oversubscription rate of 45 times, Mercury Securities has already garnered remarkable market confidence, and its debut is anticipated to proceed smoothly with a substantial premium.

As the first securities firm to go public in two decades, Mercury Securities presents several noteworthy aspects deserving of investors' attention:

Firstly, investors may want to focus on the allocation of raised capital. Mercury Securities intends to raise RM39.27 million, with 68.39% (RM28.86 million) allocated to financing margin financing operations, ensuring a stable cash flow for the company. Additionally, 7.33% (RM2.88 million) will be directed towards digitalization and marketing expenditures, further enhancing the company's market share and influence. This demonstrates the company's strategic foresight in capital operations and market expansion.

One of the most significant highlights is that Mercury Securities is a net-cash company, signifying that its assets far exceed its liabilities. This financial strength will facilitate the company's resilience in the face of market fluctuations, laying a solid foundation for future growth.

Secondly, the company operates with two powerful engines driving its progress. One engine represents its stockbroking business, providing a robust and stable source of cash flow. The other engine symbolizes its corporate finance business, supporting both corporate and individual clients in effectively allocating capital. It signifies the company's expertise in corporate finance, offering clients a wide array of financial solutions. 

These two engines work in tandem, ensuring the company's steady advancement. In fact, Mercury Securities has maintained profitability every year since its inception in 1992. Furthermore, measures announced by Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, such as reducing the stock trading stamp duty, promoting corporate ventures and easing the listing process, are poised to invigorate the industry, presenting even more opportunities for Mercury Securities.

Thirdly, compared to its peers, Mercury Securities stands out with its impressive profitability. From the 2019 fiscal year to 2022, the company's revenue surged from RM31.52 million to RM43.38 million, achieving a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 11.23%. Simultaneously, its net profit surged from RM9.85 million in 2019 to RM17.66 million in 2022, resulting in a CAGR of 21.51%.

For the 2023 fiscal year, the company anticipates a net profit margin of 44%. This underscores the efficiency of their financial planning and cost management. The strategic decisions of the management team and resource allocation appear visionary, poised to further elevate the company's profitability. The company's long-standing success and loyal customer base reflect the outstanding leadership and client relationship management skills of its management.

While financial media often portrays competitors as locked in fierce battles, suggesting only a select few can thrive, the reality in the Malaysian securities industry is quite different. Different companies within the same industry can coexist and prosper, and the narrative of only a handful succeeding doesn't apply to the Malaysian securities industry.

Lastly, from a macro perspective, the industry in which the company operates is heavily regulated, providing a robust moat. As of August 2023, there are 30 licensed participating organizations of Bursa Securities that offer stockbroking services. In 2022, the exchange witnessed securities trading worth RM531 billion. 

Operating in a regulated environment means that the Securities Commission and Bursa Malaysia regulate its operations, ensuring the protection of investor interests. This fosters investor confidence, knowing that the company operates in a regulated and relatively secure environment compared to investing in unregulated products or institutions. 

In conclusion, Mercury Securities' net cash position and profitability highlight its potential for growth. While being regulated provides a certain level of protection, it also presents risks, as companies must strictly adhere to regulations, or they could face severe penalties and legal consequences. Nonetheless, with policy support and the positive impact of inflation, Mercury Securities has several factors working in its favor. Investors should exercise caution but keep an eye on the company's development as it presents investment opportunities. Regardless, investment decisions should always be made with an understanding of one's risk tolerance and based on thorough research and professional advice. This article serves as information sharing rather than investment advice.





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