














2 通过承认原住民社区对传统土地和祖传土地的所有权并为其提供永久地契,解决他们的土地问题。这可以先从分析土地局、测量、测绘、森林局和英国殖民统治时的其他档案记录,以及独立后政府的记录,以界定原住民传统定居点以及狩猎采集地区;在殖民时期,这些地区都被划定为原住民领土。







林德宜《原住民发展:安华能做什么?》原文:Orang Asli Development: What Can PMX Do? 

In the news recently was an announcement of a forthcoming Orang Asli land conference co-organized by Jabatan Kemajuan Orang Asli Semenanjung Malaysia (JAKOA)  and KOMAS, an NGO working on democracy and non-discrimination. 

According to the conference programme, Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim will grace the event. Participants in the meeting (and many others concerned with the future of the community) will be wondering what he can bring to the policy reform table for the Orang Asli.

We have had numerous meetings, workships and conferences - the number perhaps running into the hundreds - to discuss and resolve the issues faced by the more than 200,000 Orang Asli in the country. These issues include those relating to rights to land, infrastructure access, education, health, the digital gap, youth empowerment, etc.

Earlier in 2019 I had written the following:.

The Deputy Prime Minister, Dr. Wan Azizah Wan Ismail during a visit to Cameron Highlands declared that the Government was studying the need to create a comprehensive development plan in line with that of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Convention 107 on Indigenous and Tribal Peoples which encourages governments to involve Indigenous People in development projects and provides guidance on the protection of tribal people.

Observers may be forgiven if they have linked these announcements to the coming Cameron Highlands by election. Orang Asli votes comprise over 20% of the estimated 32,000 voters for this parliamentary constituency and are perceived to be a key swing factor in the much watched election taking place on 26 January. 

Another Ditched Pakatan Harapan Promise?

But perhaps the Orang Asli voters and the larger community in the country may want to give the benefit of the doubt to the new government in view of the promises contained in the Pakatan manifesto on the preservation of Orang Asli customary land rights and concern for their welfare and development. 

Will this be one key election promise made by Pakatan that can be realized without too much delay and controversy? 

After all, examination of the economic and socio-cultural indicators available including infant and child mortality, life expectancy, educational levels, income levels, etc. - and there can no dispute over them in respect to those of this minority community - point to the shameful reality that 60 years after independence, the Orang Asli community - indisputably the first peoples in the Malay Peninsula - remain the poorest, the most marginalized, and the most dispossessed of home, land, means of subsistence, history, language, culture and identity. 

To expedite the process of reintegration of Orang Asli into the mainstream of society, it is imperative that the old template for resolution of the community’s problems be discarded and a new starting point of reference is established to restore the rights and status of our first peoples. 

New Starting Point to Correct Past and Present Wrongs

Here are 3 suggestions for the Pakatan government (and for whoever wins the Cameron by election) to consider:

1.Ratify ILO convention 169 on indigenous and tribal peoples in place of ILO convention 106 which was introduced more than 60 years ago.  The newer convention 169 which came into force in 1991 but which Malaysia has yet to sign on has been found necessary in view of the worsening developments in the situation of indigenous and tribal peoples in all regions of the world. This has made it appropriate for countries to adopt new international standards and to remove the assimilationist orientation of the earlier convention. 

ILO Convention 169:Convention No. 169 represents a consensus on the rights of indigenous and tribal peoples within the nation-States where they live and the responsibilities of governments to protect these rights. It is based on respect for the cultures and ways of life of indigenous peoples and recognizes their right to land and natural resources and to define their own priorities for development. The Convention aims at overcoming discriminatory practices affecting these peoples and enabling them to participate in decision-making that affects their lives

2 Resolve the land problems of the Orang Asli communities by recognising their ownership right to customary and ancestral lands and providing them with permanent titles. This can begin with analysis of land office, survey, mapping, forestry and other archival records of British colonial rule as well as the records of the post-colonial government which can establish the boundaries of areas where the Orang Asli have had their traditional settlements and hunting-gathering territories; and which,during the colonial period, were demarcated and regarded as Orang Asli territories.   

3.Honour the Orang Asli by recognizing their rightful place in this country through a national apology or a similar declaration from the highest level of government expressing regret for the historical injustices done to the community; pledging to right past wrongs committed during the colonial and post-colonial era; and promising action to build a sustainable and meaningful future for the community. 

To date national political apologies or official expressions of remorse have taken place in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, United States of America, Norway and Sweden.  Similar expressions have also been recently made by political leaders in some Latin American countries with indigenous communities. 

A declaration to this effect would comprise a significant first for Malaysia in the ASEAN Community while we would be the second nation after Taiwan in Asia to provide such a political initiative.

This move has been seen by scholars researching the topic of apologies to indigenous peoples in comparative perspective as having the merit of putting things on record and as a prelude to reconciliation and correction of ethical flaws in the state political culture.

More importantly to me, an official expression would demonstrate the nation’s commitment to respecting human rights, and upholding justice, equality and non-discrimination.

We now have a new Pakatan Harapan government. Can we see a change in official policies so as to provide a new starting point for advancing the rights of the Orang Asli? Or will it be more of the same empty rhetoric and unfulfilled promises?





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