


因此,电动车应用程序就是电动车市场不可或缺的一环。其可为用户提供智能路线规划、充电站信息、车辆实时监控和个性化帮助等功能,极大地提升了电动车的使用便利和用户体验。在我国众多电动车应用程序中——我最看好的就是Agmo电动车超级应用程序(Agmo EV SuperApp)的发展潜能。其在解决电动车用户痛点上提供了不错的方案。


“从吉隆坡到槟城,我的车续航里程只有200公里,我该在哪里充电?”这是许多电动车用户经常面临的问题,也被称为“里程焦虑”。在这方面,Agmo EV超级应用程序为用户提供了强大的路线规划功能,只需输入汽车型号,应用程序将自动检测电池和续航里程,然后为行程规划出最佳充电站点。更重要的是,它会优先选择直流(DC)快充站,如果没有快充站,则会选择交流(AC)慢充站,确保行程不再受到里程焦虑的困扰。


在这方面,Agmo EV应用程序就提供了智能筛选功能,让用户可以根据充电站的品牌、充电方式(按电量或按时间)以及是否提供充电电缆来精确找到所需充电站,一站搞定。



在过去,用户在不同的充电站就需使用各别应用程序来进行充电支付,这不仅繁琐,还容易导致付款混乱。然而,Agmo EV应用程序通过与众多厂商合作,提供了一个便捷的解决方案。用户只需使用一个应用程序,即可实现与合作厂商如Nichcom进行支付,为用户带来了简单和高效的支付体验。因此,使用电动车的超级应用程序可以让用户省却耗费手机内存下载多个应用程序的烦恼。

总结起来,Agmo EV是一款致力于解决电动汽车用户痛点的超级应用程序。通过智能路线规划、充电站点智能筛选和便捷支付功能,它为用户提供了一站式的解决方案,让电动汽车的出行变得更加轻松和愉快。



郑荣信《探究科技如何解决电动车用户困境》英文版:Exploring How Technology Solves Electric Vehicle User Dilemmas

Driven by various electric vehicle (EV) brands, the whirlwind of electric vehicles continues to sweep through the market, with showrooms in shopping malls packed to the brim. When electric vehicles were not yet popular in Malaysia, prospective buyers, aside from considering the price, were most concerned about the lack of charging infrastructure. Following my previous article "Beneficiaries of the Electric Vehicle Frenzy" where I shared local companies benefiting from the electric vehicle trend, this article will delve into the pain points of electric vehicle users and how technology can provide solutions.

Regarding technological assistance, Superapps have garnered significant attention. Superapps are powerful mobile applications that integrate various functions and services, allowing users to accomplish many tasks with just one app.

For example, WeChat is one of China's most famous Superapps. Within WeChat, users can chat, send messages, make voice and video calls. Additionally, users can send images, videos, red envelopes (digital gifts), transfer money, and more. WeChat also integrates many other functions, such as ordering takeout, reserving movie tickets, and paying utility bills, among others. Therefore, by opening WeChat, users can handle many different tasks, making it extremely convenient and practical. In this era of technology, problems caused by technology should be solved through technology.

Thus, electric vehicle applications are an essential part of the electric vehicle market. They can provide users with intelligent route planning, charging station information, real-time vehicle monitoring, personalized assistance, and more, significantly enhancing the convenience and user experience of electric vehicles. Among the numerous electric vehicle applications in our country, the one I have the highest expectations for is the Agmo EV Superapp, which offers promising solutions to address the pain points of electric vehicle users.

Pain Point 1: Range Anxiety

"From Kuala Lumpur to Penang, my car's range is only 200 kilometers. Where should I charge?" This is a common problem faced by many electric vehicle users, often referred to as "range anxiety." In this aspect, the Agmo EV Superapp provides a robust route planning feature. Users only need to input their car model, and the application will automatically detect the battery and range, then plan the best charging station points for the trip. Importantly, it prioritizes DC fast-charging stations and, if unavailable, selects AC slow-charging stations, ensuring users are no longer troubled by range anxiety.

Furthermore, some electric vehicle applications offer real-time vehicle monitoring, allowing users to be constantly aware of their electric vehicle's battery status and range, enabling them to make timely decisions to avoid the hassle of insufficient range. Personalized features also provide energy-saving driving advice and driving efficiency optimization, enabling users to maximize their electric vehicle's range. Therefore, the excellent performance of electric vehicle Superapps can relieve users of range anxiety, resulting in a relaxed and enjoyable electric vehicle travel experience.

In this regard, the Agmo EV application offers an intelligent filtering feature, allowing users to precisely find the desired charging station based on brand, charging method (by battery percentage or time), and whether charging cables are provided, all in one place.

Additionally, some users may encounter issues with charging stations being hogged by fully charged vehicles. In such cases, users can use the application's vehicle messaging system to notify the owners, eliminating the frustration of not having contact information. As the saying goes, "time is money," and considering most electric vehicle users are high-income individuals with busy schedules, they would prefer to avoid any extra time and effort spent on travel matters.

Pain Point 2: Payment Issues

In the past, users had to use different applications for charging payments at various charging stations, which was not only cumbersome but also prone to payment confusion. However, the Agmo EV application provides a convenient solution by collaborating with numerous vendors. Users only need to use one app to make payments with partnering vendors like Nichcom, offering a simple and efficient payment experience. Therefore, the use of electric vehicle Superapps saves users from the trouble of downloading multiple apps, saving phone memory.

In conclusion, Agmo EV is a Superapp committed to addressing the pain points of electric vehicle users. Through intelligent route planning, intelligent filtering of charging stations, and convenient payment functions, it provides users with an all-in-one solution, making electric vehicle travel more relaxed and enjoyable.

For investors, the booming electric vehicle market is like a potential goldmine, and electric vehicle Superapps are reliable golden shovels. Just as gold prospectors could reap huge returns during the gold rush by using a gold shovel, investing in electric vehicle Superapps could be a potentially rewarding journey.

As the electric vehicle market continues to expand and develop, more and more people are choosing to buy electric vehicles, creating significant market demand. Electric vehicle Superapps, as capable assistants in addressing user pain points, have become an indispensable part of the electric vehicle market. The electric vehicle application that can provide better and more comprehensive services will stand out in the market. Therefore, investors should not overlook the potential value of electric vehicle Superapps.





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