
特斯拉在7月20日于吉隆坡柏威年购物商场举行了推介礼,全新电动运动型多用途车(SUV)Model Y首次在大马亮相。值得一提的是,据传大马特斯拉公司接获逾万的订单。换句话说,那等于陆路交通局一个系列的车牌售罄。

除了特斯拉,刚过的周一(7月17日)韩国现代(Hyundai)汽车推出了ioniq 6。紧接著,比亚迪(BYD)和宝腾也将陆续在本月推出自家品牌的电动汽车。






最后,不得不提的是本地企业也将从这波风潮中受惠。电动汽车的需求量也将惠及本地上市公司,譬如为电动汽车提供电池的阁代科技(Greatech Technology);提供半导体零件和LED灯装置的帝与鸿绿色科技(D&O)和震科(Genetec Technology);提供充电设备的PESTECH国际(PESTECH);制造传感装置的马太平洋(MPI)以及腾达集团(Pentamaster)和全球最大的独立内燃和测试服务公司科仪工业(KESM)。以上提及的都是需要投入大量资金购买原料、机器和建设的公司。


目前,在电动车超级应用程式的领域中,AGMO享有先行者优势(first mover advantage),像当年极具前瞻性的Grab一样提供打车的应用程式,最后以轻资产的模式成为独角兽。

郑荣信《电动汽车风潮受益者》英文版:Beneficiaries of the Electric Vehicle Frenzy

Barely a month into the second half of the year, the Malaysian market is about to witness an unprecedented event - the launch of four different electric vehicle models from different companies. Among them, the most eagerly anticipated is undoubtedly Tesla.

On July 20th, Tesla held its launch event at Pavilion Kuala Lumpur, introducing the all-new electric sport utility vehicle (SUV), the Model Y, making its debut in Malaysia. Notably, it is rumored that Tesla Malaysia has received over tens of thousands of orders, which practically equates to a series of license plates being sold out by the Road Transport Department (JPJ).

Apart from Tesla, on the recent Monday (July 17th), Hyundai launched the Ioniq 6 in Malaysia, and BYD and Proton are also set to unveil their own brand electric vehicles this month.

According to data from the Road Transport Department, there were at least 10,000 electric vehicles in the country by the end of 2022. Judging by the current trend, the number of electric vehicles nationwide is expected to double this year alone. The electric vehicle wave is sweeping across Malaysia. However, the question remains, who will benefit from this wave?

Just a few days ago, the Prime Minister announced that Zhejiang Geely Holding Group will invest $10 billion (RM 45.4 billion) to establish the country's largest car city in Tanjung Malim, Perak. With the state elections in six states underway and the coalition government facing economic challenges without concrete solutions, nothing beats delivering good news to pacify the public, whether through aid distribution or announcing the attraction of foreign investment.

Yet, the real credit goes to proactive civil servants who implement such initiatives, rather than those who merely enjoy the fruits of their labor. In my previous article, "Why did Tesla Set its Sight on Malaysia?", I discussed whether the government had offered substantial incentives, such as generous support measures, to attract Tesla to establish an office in our country. Undoubtedly, in this special time of frequent announcements, especially those benefiting from electric vehicles, it is a testament to the unity of the current government.

Benefiting Local Companies

Apart from enhancing the government's image in the eyes of the public, the arrival of foreign brands like Tesla will also bring benefits to car enthusiasts. After all, the models made available for pre-order last Friday were the most affordable in Southeast Asia, priced at less than RM 200,000. With the added incentives of free road tax and personal income tax exemption provided by the government, luxury car buyers may be enticed to switch to new electric vehicle models. Moreover, electric vehicle companies will create new job opportunities for the people.

Last but not least, local businesses will also reap the benefits of this wave. The demand for electric vehicles will benefit locally listed companies such as Greatech Technology, which provides batteries for electric vehicles; D&O, Genetec Technology, and PESTECH International, which supply semiconductor components, LED lighting systems, and charging equipment respectively; as well as MPI, Pentamaster, and the world's largest independent internal combustion and testing services company, KESM. All of these companies require substantial investments in raw materials, machinery, and infrastructure.

In fact, the most direct beneficiary of this trend is AGMO Holdings (AGMO). Unlike other heavily capital-intensive companies, AGMO, with a focus on light assets and cutting-edge technology, recently partnered with Alibaba Cloud to launch Malaysia's first Agmo electric vehicle super app in June this year. With the rapid growth of the national electric vehicle fleet, more charging facilities will be needed, and more users will turn to the Agmo electric vehicle super app to locate them. As more users join their ecosystem, the subscription model will ensure a recurring income for the company. Regardless of which electric vehicle model a user owns, using the super app will benefit AGMO.

Currently, AGMO enjoys a first-mover advantage in the electric vehicle super app sector, similar to the forward-looking ride-hailing app, Grab, which eventually became a unicorn with its asset-light model.





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