


这股体制内暗势力,最近成功的政治动作,就是阻止马来西亚签署《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》,使我们成为尚未签署或批准《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》的14个国家之一。 在全球197个国家中,有179个国家批准、加入或同意受《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》约束。
















林德宜《反击暗势力》原文:Fighting Back Against the Deep State

This is the second part of an article remembering Teoh Beng Hock on the 14 anniversary of his untimely death. It explores why Malaysians need to fight back against the deep state that continues to operate relatively unchecked and how this can be done. 

Firstly, it must be emphasised that the deep state is not easily pinpointed or identifiable. Despite lacking clarity including definitional - this arises from its different permutations in countries around the world - the deep state in Malaysia can is similar to an extra legal hydra with multiple points of outreach and goals, and what may sometimes appear to be opposing leadership with outwardly divergent aims and different strategies, but which in reality stems from the same genus of "ketuanan Melayu" and increasingly now, “ketuanan Islam”.

Many of the deep state's concerns and preoccupations are focused on the establishment of an ethnocratic state. It can be seen to have met with success as evidenced by the numerous spectres, apparitions and other visitations of 13 May, the Malay dilemma, the social contract construct, ketuanan Melayu and ketuanan Islam issues, language, education and other ‘pendatang’ threat issues taken up to spook the nation as well as hold sway over and dominate Malay political consciousness.  

The latest political success of the deep state has been to prevent Malaysia from ratifying ICERD making us one of 14 countries that has not signed or ratified ICERD. Out of 197 countries, 179 countries have ratified, acceded or agreed to be bound by the ICERD. 

What can bring about the dismantling of the ethnocratic state that deep state forces and supporters have as their end mission is not easy or clear.

Concerned Sarawakian politician Yusuf Abdul Rahman warns that  

“The Malay elites will do anything to stay in power & to maintain/increase their wealth & positions of influence, even if it means creating racial & religious strife. They have absolutely no conscience. Feudalism & feudal thinking is just another tool to them”

Can Political Change Take On the Deep State 

Political change through the ballot box is possible as shown by Pakatan Harapan wins in GE14 and since GE15. 

But political change alone is not enough if not accompanied by a change in mindsets and policies and practices, It could also be one step forward, and two backward as political leaders, especially discredited ones today directly or indirectly encourage the deep state

The following are some suggestions which concerned Malaysians will need to take up to return the nation to its roots of an equal, just and law-abiding society and so that the cases of Teoh Beng Hock, Joshua Hilmy, Ruth Sitepu, Raymond Koh and Amri Che Mat can finally see justice being done. 

1. Put the issues of ketuanan Melayu and ketuanan Islam into the forefront of public consciousness and discourse. There should be no sector that should be regarded as taboo or improper in raising questions, including the operations and conduct of the civil service and judiciary. 

2. The public needs to be encouraged to be proactive and openly challenge the culture of racism and anti-democratic encroachment and discuss how best they can fight it within their own sector. Increasingly the decisive battle field is in the social media

3. There are at least five important groups of voices that can shine their own light on the ethnocratic and deep state and associated racism issue and provide feedback on how to combat it. These are:
    ‧ The religious institutions by raising the consciousness of their constituencies in rejecting racism
    ‧ The academic community through the expose of policies, practices, laws and institutional structures that create or perpetuate the ethnocratic state
    ‧ The print and internet media through fearless news coverage and independent analysis 
    ‧ The think-tanks in identifying ethno-populist and ethno-supremacist ideologies and ideologues and rebutting their interpretation of policies
    ‧ Civil society organisations through rejection of race related policies and programmes and by propagating a multi-racially inclusive society

4. Before the next GE, concerned public members should pressure the nation’s political parties to declare their stand on ketuanan Melayu and ketuanan Islam. There should be a demand for parties to work into their party manifestos their party position on institutionalised racism and religious supremacy as well as their plan on how these can be countered. Bread and butter and economic issues are foremost in the electorate minds but the welfare and well being of Malaysians are also directly linked to non-economic issues and developments. 

Light at the End of the Tunnel

Ultimately the fight against the deep state, ethnocratic state and associated Islamic state will have to go hand in hand if a multi racial, multi religious inclusive nation; the rule of law; and democratic norms are to survive. 

Clearly our future rests on the young generation. But this assumes that this younger generation can break free from the deception, falsehoods and political chicanery and opportunism that has been their heritage; and continues largely unchecked. 

This is why the laudable efforts of the Teoh Beng Hock Trust for Democracy together with organisations engaged in seeking the truth of Joshua Hilmy, Ruth Sitepu, Raymond Koh and Amri Che Mat ‘disappearances’, and others seeking to overturn oppression and injustice in Malaysia can make a difference. These efforts must never stop.   





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