

















2022年12月6日:3.3 亿美元飞机标准备件,9800万美元用于购买支持F-16、C-130、本土防御战斗机(IDF)以及产自美国其他飞机和系统或子系统的非标准备件。 
2022年9月2日:6.654亿美元监视雷达计划,3.55亿美元用于购买60枚AGM-84L-1Block II鱼叉导弹及相关支援设备,8560万美元用于100枚AIM-9X Block II Sidewinder战术导弹。
2021年8月4日:7.5亿美元购买M109A6 Paladin 155毫米自行榴弹炮及相关车辆/设备



鱼叉导弹(23.7 亿美元,10月26日)
AGM-84H SLAM-ER导弹(10.08 亿美元,10月21日)
MQ- 9B遥控飞机(6亿美元,11月3日)
MS-110侦察吊舱(3.672 亿美元,10月21日)
全面综合通讯系统(FICS)(2.8 亿美元,12月7日)
Mk-48重型鱼雷(1.8 亿美元,5月20日)


毒刺导弹(2.23 亿美元,7月8日)


AGM-154C JSOW导弹(1.85亿美元)
AGM-88B HARM导弹(1.47亿美元)
SM-2 Block IIIA导弹(1.25 亿美元)


林德宜《如果中国和台湾和平统一?》原文:What If China and Taiwan Agree on Peaceful Reunification

The recent visit to China by former Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou - the first time a Taiwanese president has visited the country since the defeated Republic of China government fled to Taiwan in 1949 - must have set off shock waves in the United States and the few other countries that are bent on a non-peaceful resolution of the China Taiwan

According to reports emerging on the under-reported but much watched visit by the western media, Ma stressed that China and Taiwan must do everything possible to avoid war and it was the responsibility of both sides' leaders to ensure peace.

In his private visit accompanied by a delegation of academics and college students, Ma in comments provided by his office noted:

"People on both sides of the Taiwan Strait are Chinese people, and are both descendants of the Yan and Yellow Emperors."

Despite the common ancestry, Ma acknowledged the magnitude of the reunification challenge:

“We sincerely hope that the two sides will work together to pursue peace, avoid war, and strive to revitalise China”.

“This is an unavoidable responsibility of Chinese people on both sides of the Strait, and we must work hard.”

Anti Reunification Forces

Left unsaid by Ma is that the forces opposed to reunification of China and Taiwan are at their most virulent and most hostile point in history. Led by the United States and a supportive cast of Western and other suppliant allies, the anti reunification forces are using Taiwan to subvert the rise of China and to forestall any prospect of peaceful reunification.

What matters for the anti reunification forces is not the the fate of Taiwan or the opinions of the Chinese and Taiwanese population on the reunification question. What is at stake for them is to rally round the US in its effort to isolate China and check its rise against the US monopoly of power, wealth and dominance taken for granted in a US led unipolar world in which any attempt to challenge American hegemonic control is portrayed as an unacceptable assault on a ‘democratic’‘rules-based’ international world system defined by the US but not by the United Nations.

High Stakes Behind Forestalling Reunification

Western media and analysts do not want to admit it but reunification of China and Taiwan will dramatically change the world order from the current Western dominated one to a new one which will more fairly reflect the diverse interests and values of the international community of nations; and not those only of China.

This is the existential fear which has driven Trump and Biden, and Western media, to engage in what has been decribed by one commentator as the “relentless”, “off the chart”, anti China mass hysteria bashing taking place on a daily basis.

China must be linked to every possible global event that affects the West, or provides an opportunity for the West to bash it while simultaneously burnishing its own credentials as the supposed arbiters of what is right and wrong in international relations. From the pandemic to the Russia-Ukraine war to carbon emissions, rising sea levels, the scramble for rare earths, the building of infrastructure in Africa, or the production of vaccines, there must be an angle to demonise the country and instil fear in Western nations (and beyond) – reverting to the “yellow peril” of the late 1800s. There is no subtle and nuanced approach to instil fear like this. It is full-on and very often blatantly racist– but it is now acceptable for one to be racist about the Chinese in Western media.

Thus the resort to the Tibet card; the Hongkong card; the Uygher card; the South China Seas card; and the Taiwan anti-reunification card.

The strength of the anti reunification forces should not be underestimated. It is not only western media, politicians and 'democracy' lovers of the public in the West that are intent on making Taiwan the sacrificial pawn in a proxy war against China and to ensure that China -and the rest of the world - remain subordinate and shackled to the prevailing western dominated world system.

Behind the publicity grabbing actions of individuals such as Nancy Pelosi, Kevin McCarthy, and other anti China newbies from both Democrat and Republican parties stands the US military industrial complex and a cohesive and vociferous array of anti China financial, business and technological interest groups looking at their positions and pocket books, and spooked by the loss of US leadership in the global economy and geo-politics.

Especially noteworthy are US and British arms industry companies who see Taiwan as their ATM generating billions of dollars of profits for them and their Taiwanese military, lawmakers, government officials counterparts; and significantly enflaming tensions in the Taiwan Straits whilst deluding Taiwan into the belief that the US is willing to go to war over Taiwan, or that Taiwan is able to defend itself should China abandon its bid for peaceful reunification.

US - Taiwan Recent Military Sales

Biden administration - $3.506 billion

● March 1, 2023, $619 million for hundreds of missiles and other F-16 munitions
● December 28, 2022, $180 million for Volcano anti-tank systems
● December 6, 2022, $330 million for aircraft standard spare parts and $98million for non-standard spare parts that would support "F-16, C-130, Indigenous Defense Fighter (IDF), and all other aircraft and systems or subsystems of U.S. origin."

● September 2, 2022 - $665.4 million for support to Surveillance Radar Program, $355 million for 60 (sixty) AGM-84L-1 Harpoon Block II missiles and related support, and $85.6 million for one hundred (100) AIM-9X Block II
Sidewinder tactical missiles and related equipment. July 15, 2022 - $108 million for technical support for tank and combat vehicles.
● June 8, 2022 - $120 million for ship spare parts.
● April 5, 2022 - $95 million for contractor technical assistance to support
Patriot systems.
● February 7, 2022 - $100.0 million for support services for Patriot systems for five years
● August 4, 2021 - $750 million: M109A6 Paladin 155mm Self-Propelled Howitzers and related vehicles/equipment

Trump administration - $18.27 billion

● 2020 (multiple dates) - $5.8631 billion: 
Harpoon missiles ($2.37 billion, Oct. 26) 
AGM-84H SLAM-ER Missiles ($1.008 billion, Oct. 21) 
PAC-3 missile recertification ($620 million, July 9) 
MQ-9B remote piloted aircraft ($600 million, Nov. 3) 
HIMARS launchers, support, and equipment ($436.1 million, Oct. 21) 
MS-110 Recce Pods ($367.2 million, Oct. 21) 
Field Information Communications System (FICS) ($280 million, Dec. 7) 
Mk-48 Heavy Weight Torpedoes ($180 million, May 20)

● 2019 (multiple dates) - $10.72356 billion: 
F-16s and associated support ($8billion, August 20) 
F-16 pilot training & logistics support ($500 million, April 15)
M1A2 Abrams tanks ($2 billion, July 8) and Stinger missiles ($223.56million, July 8)

● 2018 (all on Sept 24) - $330 million: Foreign Military Sales Order II ($330million)

● 2017 (all on June 29) - $1.363 billion: 
radar ($400 million) 
AGM-154C JSOW Missiles ($185.5 million) 
AGM-88B HARM Missiles ($147.5 million) 
SM-2 Block IIIA Missiles ($125 million) 
Mk-54 Lightweigh Torpedo Conversion Kits ($175 million) 
Mk-48 Heavyweight Torpedoes ($250 million) 
AN/SLQ-32 Electronic Warfare System upgrades ($80 million)

From 1979 to 2020, 77% of major conventional arms imported by Taiwan were of U.S. origin, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)’s arms transfers database.

Note: The data here does not include direct commercial sales.Source: https://www.forumarmstrade.org/ustaiwan.html





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