前首相慕尤丁面对贪腐提控在社交媒体掀起热潮后,如今注意力转移到了一部2021年11月上映,与宗教题材有关的电影《飞行奶油》 (Mentega Terbang)。这部电影似乎成为新一代“伊斯兰勇士”的最新关注点。








几十年来,“伊斯兰勇士”一直霸占著马来西亚的头条新闻。 他们以“纠正”马来社会中迷惑的群众为已任,对大量男同性恋者、女同性恋者的出现、爱狗人士行为、Cadbury巧克力猪基因和其他非清真产品供应商举动──认为许多穆斯林被异教徒和新殖民主义者异化了。



在这之前,我就点名过两名“伊勇士”,他们的名字应永远铭记在马来西亚伊斯兰历史一页。他们是大马穆斯林连线(ISMA)的领袖阿末扎基阿都位(Ahmad Zaik Abdullah Rahman )和华裔穆斯林郑全行( Mohd Ridhuan Tee),这“非凡一对”可能来自不同的背景,但他们相得益彰于不妥协的理念。



这显然是一种“温言在口,大棒在手”的策略。 阿末扎基的成就包括那一本64页之书,《马来人团结,捍卫伊斯兰:30道问与答》(30 Soal Jawab Melayu Sepakat Islam Berdaulat)。在这本页数不多却影响深厚一书里,他为所有马来人、穆斯林和马来西亚面对著的紧迫问题,提供一切植根于古典伊斯兰知识的答案。

或许没有其他书可如阿末扎基这本书般,对马来人阅读世界产生如此重大影响。值得注意的是,为该书撰写前言的是时任副首相兼巫统署理主席慕尤丁,并由时任首相署部长(负责宗教事务)加米尔推介, 阿末扎基和郑全行个子都不高,但他们在政治上地位却不低。







林德宜《大马最新伊斯兰勇士》原文:Malaysia's newest 'Islamic' warriors

After the social media frenzy over the corruption charges facing Muhyiddin, attention is now focusing on the religious front related to the film, Mentega Terbang. Released in November 2021, the film appears to have become the latest concern of the nation’s new generation of ‘Islamic’ warriors. 

Reports and pictures of the vandalized cars of the director and scriptwriter together with the written placard threats are now circulating nationally and also internationally.

How and why the movie which tells the story of a teenager, who on finding out that her mother has terminal cancer, tries to find out about life after death and the way that different religions deal with the subject, has generated thuggish responses and criminal reactions may appear to be difficult to understand. 

But in fact this response is not surprising considering the way in which Islam has been weaponized in the nation’s politics.

Messages left for Khairi Anwar Jailani and Arjun Thanaraju warned:

“You and your family must die” 
“Do you think your family is safe, Mentega Terbang?”.
“Islam will rise up!” 
“Mentega Terbang, don’t challenge Islam”
“You’re so arrogant, Mentega Terbang.”

On the official side, in response, Religious affairs minister Na’im Mokhtar said that JAKIM had reviewed the film’s content and found that it contradicted with Islamic beliefs and the Muslim way of life in the country.

The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) while saying that it had no authority to censor movies and TV dramas since they fall outside its scope, said that it
contacted Viu, the HK based movie streaming service regarding the matter, and the streaming service confirmed that the movie had been pulled down.

A Generation of ‘Islamic’ Warriors

‘Islamic’ warriors have hogged the headlines in Malaysia for several decades now. They have emerged to ride to the rescue of the rudderless masses confused by the arrival of huge numbers of gays, lesbians, dog lovers, Cadbury munchers and other purveyors of polluting and 'haram' consciousness and deeds - many of them secretly slipped in through our porous boundaries by infidels and other neo-colonialist agents. 

Their war to ensure Islamic supremacy is not only against threats emanating from outside the country. The more dangerous threats are embedded deep within our midst in the form of munafik, pengkhianat, pendatang, penceroboh, Cinabengs, kaki botol, pariah dogs, kiasus, liberals and even moderates.

These devilish elements intent on destroying the fabric of clean and pure Muslim society have emerged from the Satanic darkness to spread lies and ply their propagandist toxic mix of moderation, democracy, equality and human rights to the unsuspecting Muslim population. 

Earlier Islamic Icons

Earlier I had identified two warriors whose names appear to be emblazoned in the pages of Islamic history in Malaysia. They are Ahmad Zaik Abdullah Rahman and Mohd. Ridhuan Tee. This extraordinary pair may have come from differing backgrounds but they have complemented each other perfectly in their uncompromising philosophies. 

Ahmad Zaik's stand is based on “Malays stand united; Islam reigns supreme”. Riduan Tee, a Chinese convert to Islam, cannot wave the Malay flag so easily. His slogan? “Muslims stand united; Islam reigns supreme”. 

Imprisonment of the mind is the greatest scourge faced by humanity, especially by Muslims. Not only are these two warriors in the mission to cleanse the country of its unsavoury anti-Muslim minority, but they are also intellectual giants fighting ignorance and helping to rewrite the course of development in the country. 

Clearly a 'speak loudly and carry a big stick' strategy. Ahmad Zaik's accomplishments include a 64 page book, '30 Soal Jawab Melayu Sepakat Islam Berdaulat'. In this incredibly slim but profound volume, he is able to provide answers rooted in classical Islamic knowledge to all the burning issues of Malays, Muslims and Malaysia. 

It is difficult, if not impossible, to think of any other book that has had such an impact on the Malay reading world. It is noteworthy that the book's forward was written by Deputy Prime Minister and deputy Umno president Muhyiddin Yassin and launched by Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Jamil Khir Baharom, both Islamic warriors, although perhaps of lesser stature, despite their higher political status.  

Plagiarism Non-Issue  

In comparison to Ahmad Zaki, Ridhuan Tee has been more prolific in his literary output and earlier was considered the intellectual star in UMNO's media empire as well as in PAS circles. Because he is so prolific at churning out masterpieces of Islamic commentary in his weekly column (and this is in addition to his formidable academic output), detractors have claimed that some of his work has been plagiarized from other sources. But that appears to be a non-issue in the same way that corruption has been downplayed or dismissed by some current Islamic leaders.

Saudi or Malaysianized Islam

What next for our Islamic warriors?  There is one pressing issue to be resolved before achieving the  paradise on earth that they envisage for Muslims and Islam in the country. Is it fundamentalist Shaf'i Islam that they are advocating or are they intent on creating a new form of Islam? 

A form analogous to Wahhabi Islam in doctrine and in liturgy, but purely Malay or at least (for Riduan Tee's sake) purely Malaysian Muslim. This notion would be revolutionary for Malaysia: that a new Malayanised Islam  open to converts in Malaysia, but at the same time aggressive, racist and exclusive,  can be created. 

If such is the intention, clearly the patron saint of the new Islamic movement could be Dr. Mahathir, the country's number one Muslim of mixed ancestry.  Others may dispute this and propose that it should be the totally home-grown PAS president, Hadi Awang, who deserves this honor. Progressives are likely to propose that Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, with his Malaysia Madani, is not only the most deserving of nominated icons but will be able to bring in a universal reformist version based on moderation, compassion, good governance and the fair recognition of the rights of all citizens.

Which Islamic warrior and what form of Islam wins could determine the future of Malays and Non-Muslims in Malaysia.  





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