





自此,在社交媒体上我们可看到安华在许多公开场合承诺,将毫无畏惧地追究贪腐和其他治理不善问题。他曾强调:“我们将坚持最高的道德标准,团结政府不允许权力滥用。 即使您是‘敦’或‘丹斯里’,任何违规行为都会受到严厉追究。”













由安华领导的现任政府是否会,并且能够不偏不倚办理社会上一些人士异常无法解释的财富,或者这最终会在“马来西亚能”精神下“一切照常”? 慕尤丁的案件是否是首相所承诺对腐败和滥用权力“零容忍”政策的开始?

林德宜《开启反腐行动》原文:Let the Anti Corruption Games Begin 

The last week has been dominated by the story of former PM Muhyiddin Yassin’s arrest in connection  with multiple counts of corruption related to directly-negotiated government contracts during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Muhyiddin and colleagues from Bersatu and PAS have condemned the charges as a political witch hunt aimed at destroying the opposition ahead of the coming state elections. 

Apart from the opposition party supporters, some members of the public and NGOs have expressed concern that this is a case of selective prosecution arising from the intense political rivalry rocking the nation since GE14 and the battle for power.   

Those concerned should be aware that selective politically motivated prosecution has been the norm since independence. Even if there are strong suspicions that the case against Muhyiddin is politically motivated, this should not prevent the investigations and eventual court process from going forward as is happening with the similar corruption cases involving the Pakatan unity government leaders. 

And, as noted by Pasir Gudang MP Hassan Karim, the current MACC chief Azam Baki and Attorney-General Idrus Harun were both appointed to their positions under the Muhyiddin Yassin administration so this should be of some comfort to Muhyiddin and the Perikatan parties.

Prime Minister Anwar’s Promise

The timing of the arrest of Muhyiddin who is now out on a RM2 million bail (apparently through the generosity of his friends) should not be surprising. Soon after Pakatan’s election win and his coming to office, PM Anwar ordered a review of government projects, worth billions of Malaysian ringgit, which he said the Muhyiddin government undertook without going through the proper processes.

Since then Anwar on numerous public occasions widely captured over social media has promised that he will tackle corruption and other misgovernance without fear or favour. He has stressed 

“We will uphold the highest ethical standards and there will be no room for abuse of power under this administration. Any breaches will be severely dealt with even if you’re a ‘Tun’ or ‘Tan Sri’.

Earlier related to these developments - though receiving less attention than this current hot story - is the revelation in Parliament that the authorities are probing into the offshore assets of Malaysians implicated in the Pandora Papers on the source of their wealth and whether they may have been illegally obtained from public funds is welcome and  overdue. 

According to Law and Institutional Reform Minister Datuk Seri Azalina Othman, investigations are being initiated taking into account the fact that some of the names mentioned had previously held government positions. 

“These revelations show how important it is to explain to the public the suspicious wealth of certain individuals. The rakyat needs to know how those named (in the document) obtained or accumulated their tremendous wealth which are said to be stowed offshore.”

Why Confine Investigation to Pandora Papers

Confining the investigation to swindling of public funds and illegal accumulation of wealth identified by the Pandora Papers may just be exploring the tip of the iceberg of the larger phenomenon of illegal wealth accumulation in Malaysia.   

Since coming to power, we have seen the government broach various economic reform policies. Even if these reform policies and their attendant programmes are implemented they will not be able to resolve the country’s economic problems. This is because the policies advocated are merely palliative. They do not address the root or fundamental cause of the structural deformation of the country’s economy.

How has this deformation come about? What are its characteristics? How did the New Economic Policy implementation contribute?

And what can be done to bring about a reversal or correction of the deformation so that we have a really transformed economic system? The process of wealth accumulation and concentration is one which undoubtedly plays a key role in an economy's healthy or stunted growth. 

For a start we need to recognize that wealth in any country – and this includes Malaysia – is created by economic activity engaged in by individuals or enterprises that bring profit to the entrepreneur. Much of this wealth creation is legitimate. It is based on reward arising from work and is socially and ethically acceptable. It comes from risk-taking and from the utility and superiority of the products and services provided by the individual or enterprise.

Wealth generated and accumulated by individuals through legitimate means and conforming to the norms of legality is not only desirable. It is also beneficial to society and the economy.

But what about wealth that is created or amassed by illegitimate or illegal means and is unexplained? Is it a minor or non-issue and do we just ignore it as is the case with past governments?

Will and can the present government led by Anwar tackle extraordinary unexplained wealth  without “fear or favour” or will this end up as “business as usual” in Malaysia Boleh? Will this case against Muhyiddin be the start of the “zero tolerance” policy against corruption and abuse of power promised by the Prime Minister? 





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