

另一评论员凯特琳·约翰逊(Caitlin Johnson)就谴责说:“整个美国政治/媒体阶层……对五角大楼声称的中国间谍气球入侵随之起舞”。



“除了空中有一个巨大的中国气球,我们手机上有数百万个中国TikTok‘气球’,”美国参议员米特罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)在推特上写道。“让我们将它们全部‘射’下来。”













布林肯的鹰派资历也可以从他通过咨询公司West-Exec Advisors为军工联合体游说中推断出来,West-Exec Advisors是他在被拜登任命主导美国外交政策前与他人共同创立的一家公司。


林德宜《美国对中国气球歇斯底里》原文:USA Hysteria as China’s Balloon Flies Over

Another day. Another happening to hype up the US and West against China 

A China weather balloon that has blown into the US has put Western politicians and journalists’ bowels in an uproar to put it mildly. 

Although clarified by China's foreign ministry that the alleged spy balloon was a civilian research "airship" for gathering weather data which "deviated far from its planned course" due to strong winds and the balloon's limited steering capabilities, the development has precipitated what American journalist Christopher Hooks has described as "one of the stupidest news cycles in living memory". Caitlin Johnson has weighed in to condemn what appears to be “the entire American political/media class … having an existential meltdown over what the Pentagon claims is a Chinese spy balloon.”  

China’s Foreign Ministry had clarified that "The Chinese side regrets the unintended entry of the airship into US airspace due to force majeure". But this seems to have only added fuel to the US fire. 

American Response

Secretary of State Antony Blinken cancelled his diplomatic visit to China whilst US war hawks have hogged the mass media to beat the war drums and call for retaliation on the ‘attack’ balloon and anything from China or remotely related to China. 

“A big Chinese balloon in the sky and millions of Chinese TikTok balloons on our phones,” tweeted Senator Mitt Romney. “Let’s shut them all down.”

A small minority of independent commentators have noted that even if the balloon had spying potential, there is no reason for Americans to lose their minds or control of their bowels.

They point out that Chinese satellites, as with US satellites, already can read the licence plates of cars in the target country. Hence there is little or no value added for the Chinese military from the balloon. 

Secondly, all major governments spy on each other with the world spying record held by the US since the end of the second world war. This is a record which is apparent from the military budget of the US estimated at US$778 billion for 2023 compared with that of China’s $252 billion, India’s $72.9 billion, Russia’s $61.7 billion and UK’s 59.2 billion. 

It has also been estimated by western sources that 123 US military satellites are circling the earth.. By comparison, Russia has 74 military satellites whilst China has 68.  

The Pentagon's initial assessment, lost in the hysterical response, is that the balloon "does not create significant value added over and above what the PRC is likely able to collect through things like satellites in Low Earth Orbit."

China’s Possible Motives

It is possible that the China balloon may be a dual purpose one which permits the collection of weather as well as information from the US air force nuclear facility in Montana. 

It is also possible that the flight path of the balloon was no accident but a response to US attempts at escalation of its anti-China policies which has included what some observers see as further military encirclement of China through the latest deal of the US with the Philippines government which allows the US four more military bases in the Philippines, in addition to the current US ones in the Philippines, Japan and South Korea.  

Other possible reasons include a deliberate and ingenious response to the memo on war with China and shoot to kill guidance issued by a US air force general. No need to engage in hot air and rhetoric over the media and airwaves. Simply send across a balloon for the war hawks to shoot down and claim victory.  

It could also be that the China balloon is a trial balloon aimed at testing the defence capabilities of the US and a warning that China has the capability to retaliate at the US heartland should there be a US military adventure in the South China Sea or China region where most of the US military forces are parked at.     

What can happen next?

For now, the US military has shown to the world by finally shooting down the 'spy' airship after its several days cruising in US territory that it is able to defend the country against a gigantic three bus-sized though economy priced balloon from China. But it is clear that its air force and military needs a much bigger budget for the coming war to preserve American ‘freedom, way of life and sovereignty’. 

As for China, it should not be too concerned over the postponement or even cancellation of Blinken's visit given that he is a long time confirmed war hawk. Blinken has been actively involved in American interventionist policies since the Iraq war. One of the US strongest advocates for the overthrow of Libyan president Muammar al-Gaddaf, he is a supporter of Israel and the oppression of the Palestinian people. 

Blinken’s hawkish credentials can also be deduced from his time as a lobbyist for the military-industrial complex through West-Exec Advisors, a firm he co-founded before being appointed by Biden to lead U.S. foreign policy. 

The chief concern for China now should be to avoid sending any more balloons near to the US in case this brings about more nightmares to the American public and provides further justification to the hate China lobby.   





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