







在这个有远见的前提下,翁嘉化呼吁巫统开放党籍于所有马来亚各族,并将党更名为“马来亚民族统一机构”(United Malayan National Organisation)。












Can UMNO or Pakatan Lead in Establishing a Non-Communal Party

Recently, Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi speaking as the nation’s Deputy Prime Minister at a political rally to support the Pakatan Harapan candidate in the Padang Serai parliamentary by-election said that the politics of inclusivity and unity is now more relevant and real than ever before in Malaysia.

The UMNO President and BN chairman emphasised that his coalition must learn from its mistakes. “Otherwise, our political lives are of irrelevance. I believe PH is a good political partner.”

He also said now is not the time to look back and talk about the past. “It is our fate to work with PH in government and this is the end of the existence of BN and Umno as you know”.

He hoped that the unity government could continue to work together not only for the next five years but beyond that.  “I hope this is not only for five years, not 10 years, but I hope it will be a grand coalition to form a glorious government to lead the country forward”

This speech can be seen as taking the lead provided by the Yang Di-pertuan Agong and his fellow rulers who have been instrumental in the formation of the present unity government.

Can Zahid’s speech which echoes the upsurge of public sentiment in support for the country to close ranks and to reject the politics of racial and religious polarisation see the restructuring of racially and religiously based parties?

Past History of Non Communal Parties

More than 70 years ago, Onn Jaafar, founder of UMNO, rejected UMNO’s race-based structure and policies which he regarded as ultimately detrimental to the new nation’s development.

Acting on this visionary premise Onn Jaafar called UMNO to open its membership to Malayans of all races, and for the party to be renamed as the United Malayan National Organisation.

When his recommendations were not supported, he left the party on 26 August 1951, to establish the Independence of Malaya Party (IMP), the first non-communal party in Malaya. IMP was not able to win support and was dissolved in 1953. It was a party that could not defeat the strength and resources of the communal party giants of the time, namely UMNO, MCA and MIC. It was also a party that was well ahead of its time in seeking to reconfigure the ethno-religious and identity politics that was being embedded and remains until today.

Today after fifteen national elections, it is time for our coalition parties to go back to the drawing board and see how to dismantle and restructure the communal party system and to forge single non-racial and multi-racial parties in their place.

Why The Need to Evolve From The Present Coalition Party Structure

Amongst democratic nations of the world, few countries have seen the phenomenon of the dominance of racial and religious political parties as found in Malaysia. Other post-colonial nations with multi-racial populations have moved away from the identity and ethno-religious politics which remain entrenched here. It is also a fact that although coalition parties have provided an important beginning for the nation’s development in the early years after independence, they have lost their way in bringing about national unity and social cohesion.      

This emphasis on identity and ethno-religious politics and the debilitating effect on the nation’s development can be broken if the first and most important step is taken. This step is for the present coalitions to establish single multiracial parties and to compete for power as single multi-racial and non-racial parties.

For now, all the major coalitions in the Peninsula and Sarawak and Sabah have the potential to begin establish single non-racial or non religion based parties.

Pakatan, Barisan and Perikatan, although having several parties in each of them, can bring about the dissolution of the subscribing parties in each of their coalitions. Each coalition can then work for the merger of their respective parties into a single non-racial conventional party with membership that is not based on race or religion. The same possibility is also applicable to the East Malaysian coalitions.

Apart from the positive impact this can have on dampening the intra and inter-party dynamics and rivalries based on communal membership that dominate the current coalitions, this move away from the present configuration of coalition parties can break the colonial construct and divide and rule policies in our governance. Membership and leadership of truly non-racial parties have the strong possibility of taking away the oxygen of communalism and sectarianism that has poisoned politics and the other spheres of life in Malaysia.

Requirements For Emergence of Single Non-Racial Parties

At least four requirements must be met before single non-racial parties can emerge. These are     

●Leadership by the dominant party in each of the coalitions, that is, PKR, UMNO,  Bersatu (Peninsula), Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB) and Bersatu (Sabah) to convince the other parties of the practicality and wisdom of the merger into single non-racial parties
●Malay and Bumiputera leadership in the newly reformulated single non-racial party to reassure the majority Malay and Bumiputera electorate
●Support by Sabah and Sarawak parties and their confidence that their participation in the single non-racial party will not sideline their state interests   
●Public approval and support for new single non-racial party configurations

For now, if Zahid’s speech is anything to go by, UMNO which has been the dominant Malay party since independence may be more open to the formation of a single non-communal and multiracial party. Should UMNO take the lead, the party may provide the nation with a race to de-communalize politics through reform of the existing party system. Pakatan similarly has the possibility of establishing a single non-communal and multiracial party.





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