













林德宜《第15届大选:成绩和成果》原文:Malaysia’s 15th Election: Results and Outcomes

In my earlier 2 articles in the Oriental on the election I had made the following observations and predictions which turned out to be generally correct. They were:

● Moral outrage over corruption, abuses and misgovernance will play a big role in the voting booth

● The multiple Malay based parties will see them focus on each other’s deficiencies. At the same time we will see a continuation of earlier successful tactics focusing on the potential erosion of Malay and Islamic rights to ensure that this issue is uppermost in the minds of the Malay voting masses

● Dr Mahathir’s Pejuang and Gerakan Tanah Air (GTA) will not win many votes and Dr. Mahathir himself is likely to lose his Langkawi seat

● PAS will generate an exclusively Malay Moslem electoral campaign to retain its appeal to the Malay and religious heartland. PAS is open to bedding with any winning coalition with the sole exception of Pakatan which the Islamic party is determined to keep out of power because of the Chinese dominated DAP

● UMNO President Zahid Hamidi will be a negative gamechanger for UMNO and Barisan Nasional

● Bersatu President, Muhyiddin Yassin, is the election dark horse. Bolstered by Awang Hadi and PAS, his party is increasingly seen as the Malay party of choice in the northern and east coast states. Muhyiddin also appears to be the Malay leader of choice among Malay youth who, if they turn out in large numbers to vote, could
provide the winning edge for the Perikatan coalition

● The combination of winning seats in rural and semi-urban areas - even without any big win in the urban constituencies - may be enough to make Perikatan the main player in any hung Parliament. If Pakatan is unable to make inroads into what appears a distinct fall in Malay support for UMNO, Muhyiddin may return to the Prime
Ministership position

● If Anwar Ibrahim is able to win a modest minority of Malay support for PKR, Pakatan can end up as the biggest winner in GE15.

Now that the election is over, we can reflect on what needs to be done to restore cohesion
and lessen the divisions in Malaysia.

The first observation is that the nation had a peaceful and incident free election. The record turnout of voters - an estimated 74 percent of 21 million voters cast votes - is testimony that although there are many weaknesses in our constricted democratic system such as the advantage to Malay parties arising from the massive malapportionment and gerrymandering that discriminate against urban voters, non-Malay voters are still determined to make their
votes count. 

Another positive feature was that racial and religious hyper-ventilation was relatively restrained except for the last public rally of Muhyiddin Yassin. The leader of the Perikatan coalition could not resist playing the race and religion card in Muar where the president of the nation’s youngest political party was standing. Espousing a multiracial and youth-centric ideology, Syed Saddiq who had aligned his Malaysian United Democratic Alliance (MUDA)
party with the Pakatan coalition a few weeks before the election, was clearly an important target for Bersatu to take down.

Claiming that Pakatan Harapan was an agent of Jews and Christians who were out to colonise Malaysia, Muhyiddin’s allegation (a video clip of him making the allegation posted by a Tiktok user was estimated to have been viewed over 600,000 times) had the effect of heightening the racial and religious sense of insecurity among the Malay electorate.

Although Muhyiddin has clarified that he was quoted out of context, it was a successful strategy in wooing fence sitting Malay voters in Muar and elsewhere in the nation to the Bersatu and PAS camp.

Syed Saddiq managed to narrowly retain his seat which he had won in the last election with a comfortable majority. But Muhyiddin’s and PAS leader Abdul Hadi Awang’s racial and religious appeal won for their parties a sizable majority of the younger generation of Malay voters voting for the first time as a result of the lowering of the voting age from 21 to 18.

Race and Religion Concerns Dominate Voters Decision

It is clear that overall, race and religion concerns rather than bread and butter or class issues were uppermost in voting decisions. Together with the moral outrage sentiments of voters, they resulted in widespread rejection of UMNO and associated Barisan Nasional parties and resulted in a new reconfiguration of the political landscape with PAS, the dominant religion-based party, emerging as the largest single party in the new parliament. Both MCA and MIC suffered heavy losses which they will find it difficult to recover from.

The election produced a hung parliament. At the same time, Malay and Muslim dominance of the country's political system remains the central feature as seen in the voting statistics.

The continuity in Malay political dominance is also beyond doubt as is apparent from the table on the racial composition of the newly elected representatives.

The Unity Government’s Biggest Challenge

Some of the other outcomes and takeaways from the election are:

● The new government will have a fight to keep at bay the combination of Malay and Islamic opposition representatives in Parliament and at state level. In particular Pas with its 49 members in the new Parliament and control of the state governments in Kedah, Perlis, Kelantan and Terengganu together with supportive Malay Muslim
bureaucrats and its goal of an Islamic state can be expected to push harder for the greater Islamization of the society in all aspects of public and private life.

● It is also clear that the playing up of racial and religious issues contributed to the electoral success of PAS and Bersatu. How to neutralise the political leaders and political dynamics fanning the ethno-nationalist and religious forces of extremism will require Anwar’s and his Cabinet’s leadership and dexterity. Other stake players
besides those in Parliament - the fourth estate of media and fifth estate of think tanks and civil society representatives - have to stand up more forcefully or the nation risks descending into greater disunity and instability.

For now, the appointment of Anwar as the Prime Minister of a unity government highlights the continuing important role of the Yang Di Pertuan Agong in providing the ballast to ensure the nation’s peaceful and harmonious development. In exercising his constitutional authority to decree the formation of a national unity government, Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri'ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah has called on politicians and the public to “be rational” and to “move forward for our beloved country”.

Whether this call supported by the Conference of Rulers can be the guiding spirit and light for the nation’s new parliamentarians remains to be seen.





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