
























林德宜《反击反华运动》原文:Fighting Back Against the Anti China Campaign

It is clear that there will be no let up in the western campaign to bring China down by every means possible. When Biden announced to his US senators audience that “If we don’t get moving, they are going to eat our lunch,” he was not simply telling his American audience that the United States needed to step up its efforts to build US infrastructure. 

He said - “They’re [China] investing billions of dollars dealing with a whole range of issues that relate to transportation, the environment and a whole range of other things. We just have to step up.”

But stepping up is not so easy for the US given its deep racial and class divisions and weakened economy. 

Much easier is pulling China down. And finding excuses and telling lies about China’s politics and socio economy How China is robbing Americans of their jobs. How China’s technology is pirated from the US. How Chinese academics and students are espionage agents for the Chinese Communist Party. How China’s development assistance are debt traps and intended to bankrupt and enslave small countries? How Huawei is a security threat. 

The list of China’s ‘crimes’ keeps multiplying. Even China’s sports and space programme success are twisted to provide anti-China propaganda. 

A paranoid and xenophobic campaign appears to be part of the new cold war strategy of US politicians and supporting allies to counter the rise of the first non-western, non-Anglo Saxon nation since Japan on the world stage.  The new racist dimension of the cold war is one which the world should be concerned with.  

Western Strategy To Pull Down China

Beginning with Trump and now with Biden we see an intensification of military provocations; encirclement of China by QUAD in the Indo Pacific region; recruitment of European Union and Asian allies to apply economic and trade pressure; and a step up of policy actions to bring down the CCP and President Xi.

In Xinjiang, the focus of western megaphone diplomacy by Republican and Democrat parties is to demonise and delegitimize China’s government. The highest ranking US officials such as Mike Pompeo and Anthony Blinken parrot that China is committing ‘crimes against humanity’ and engaging in ‘genocide’ against the Uyghur community.  This charge has been refuted time and again by the United Nation’s Islamic member countries who have sent study teams and observers to investigate the situation in the region; and most recently by the UN Human Rights Commissioner. 

Perhaps what China is doing in Xinjiang with the reeducation camps and punitive measures against dissidents is wrong and reprehensible. But the same standards of human rights and international norms applied to China need to be applied and held up for all countries in the world. 

A comparison of how the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other European nations - and this includes Asian countries - have treated their own indigenous minority groups, and in particular what has happened to their aboriginal and other native populations, and cultural minorities, provides a better picture of which nations have engaged in genocide and human rights abuses. 

It is undeniable that under China’s ‘genocidal’ regime, the Uygur community has made much progress. China’s population and economic data reveal that from the first national census in 1953 to the seventh one in 2020, Xinjiang's population increased from 4.78 million to 25.85 million with the Uygur population growing from 3.6 million to 11.62 million. The Uygur population growth rate is higher than that of other ethnic minorities and the Han majority population. Using the more holistic United Nation’s human development index, the province’s HDI in 2019 was 0.732.  

Xinjiang’s human development compares favourably with that of Assam state in India which has not dissimilar ethnic conflict and cultural minority problems.  Assam had a HDI of 0.614 in 2018. Last year Xinjiang’s economy grew 7% compared to Assam’s Gross State Domestic Product which for 2021-22 recorded an increase of 4% over the previous year. 

Ehnic and religious conflicts have long taken place in India which is praised by the West as a model of good governance and democracy in contrast to China’s communist and repressive authoritarian government.  Unresolved in Kashmir and other parts of the country, Muslim and Hindu communities continue to be in sectarian conflict which has led to allegations that Islamophobia is the norm in Prime Minister Modi’s BJP government. An uncommon western media report in the Los AngelesTimes had this recently to warn on the situation in India

Fueled by Hindu nationalism, encouraged by authorities and carried out with impunity, oppression of Muslims has become so pervasive in India that experts said it is undermining the country’s standing as the world’s largest democracy and raising doubts about its future as a secular state.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his right-wing Bharatiya Janata Party, or BJP, have long fanned anti-Muslim sentiment as part of a winning strategy to galvanize support from Hindus, who make up 80% of India’s 1.4 billion people.

Why the US and its allies are targeting Xinjiang (and Tibet and Hong Kong) and not other parts of the world is not because of their commitment to democracy and human rights or concern for the well-being of cultural and political minority groups. They are sensationalizing the cases of Ugyhur dissidents not for love of the Muslim community, the members of which they have waged brutal wars against and killed several hundred thousands of civilians in Libya, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere. 

A primary objective of Western powers beating the drums of war - one not disclosed or discussed by western media - is to incite terrorism in Xinjiang, and plant the seeds of unrest and instability in China. If successful, the outcome would adversely affect China domestically and internationally. For western war hawks, exploiting the Islamic cause and using it as a trojan horse to bring down China is an acceptable strategy, despite the collateral damage to the region and global peace.    

A key part of the new cold war is the reliance on the media and other non-political agencies and organisations to pick on and bad mouth China. This is evident from the coverage of BBC, CNN, Yahoo, Sky and Fox networks, and other western media which loudly proclaim their ‘independence, honesty and fairness’  and how their reporting embraces ‘diversity and  inclusivity’. 

An examination of their daily coverage shows how obsessed they are with providing negative coverage of China to the extent of excluding reporting on important issues and developments in the rest of the world, including their own home countries. Also complicit in tarnishing the Chinese government - but perhaps inadvertently - is the non-western mass media which relies on western media organisations and networks for their daily news fare. 

The impact of the anti China coverage is not simply in international relations. Flaunted or well concealed racist reporting affects nations and communities that are on the receiving end. This can be seen in the dramatic increase in the racial hate narratives spewed over social media and incidence in ethnic hate crimes. The situation in some US cities is that if you look Chinese or Asian, you have to be prepared for random acts of racism - including violence. Whether the victim is from Hong Kong, a pro-CCP mainlander or a pro-DPP Taiwanese or is not ethnically Chinese does not matter to the perpetrators.  

The Chinese and Asian Diaspora Need to Wake Up 

As Chinese and other Asian communities increasingly become victims of the West’s anti-China campaign, it is time that they stand up for their rights and concerns, and speak out. In particular, ethnic Chinese wherever they are settled - in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Philippines, Thailand, Fiji, PNG, Solomon Islands and those in the US, UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and elsewhere - need to draw a line against the western anti-China campaign when it descends into lies, disinformation, outright propaganda and sinophobic, racist and orientalist tropes.  

The close to 50 million overseas Chinese outside mainland China have generally been apolitical, preferring to concentrate on their future in their adopted countries. They will have different and even opposed views on Xinjiang, Taiwan and the CCP. However now is the time, especially for the younger generation less aware of Chinese history and susceptible to propaganda from the west to close ranks, step out of their non-political bubble and fight back against those intent on instigating a new racist cold war and bringing down China. 





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