















与美国不同,中国在人权方面的优先事项没有改变。 他们寻求:



林德宜《新一轮反华外交和媒体宣传》原文:Latest US and Western Diplomatic and Media Anti China Campaign

Following a lull of several weeks arising from the Russia-Ukraine war, the US and its Western allies have returned to their favourite nation to whip - China.  The renewed campaign to demonise and bring down China is taking place along two fronts.

The first is on the diplomatic front in which the gang of four in the QUAD led by the US is trying to entice members of the Indo Pacific community to see China as an aggressor that needs to be countered. 

During a recent press briefing in response to continuing US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin’s comments on the necessity of countering “aggression and bullying from China”, China’s military spokesman, Wu Qian noted that the United States is “the least qualified country to blame others.”

“The US comments, as always, reflect a strong Cold War mentality, a hegemonic mindset and reveals its anxiety over the peaceful rise of China. Whichever expressions the US are using, whether it is ‘bullying’ or ‘undermining international rules and order,’ I think, every term applies to the US itself”. 

Wu Qian provided several examples of the behavior of the “master of bullying,” such as the campaigns in Iraq and Syria, as well as the bombing of the Chinese embassy in Yugoslavia.
Referring to US unilateral action and withdrawal from various international agreements, he also noted “When it comes to a rules-based international order, the United States is a globally recognized rule-breaker,” though it talks about the rules more than anyone else.  

“We urge the US to stop the wrong practice of presenting its domestic regulations as international rules and promoting the US-style ‘hegemonic order.’ We encourage it to accept China’s peaceful development objectively and rationally”. 

Indo Pacific and ASEAN countries being courted by the US and QUAD countries to gang up against China know fully well from the recent history of the region who have been responsible for the wars in this part of the world, who are the bullies and who are the real threats to peace. They should avoid being used as cannon fodder by Washington and its allies as is happening in Ukraine today. 

Western Media Propaganda War

In step with the war against China on the political and diplomatic front is the propaganda war focusing on new and old controversies. Led by so-called independent and free western media, the news reports focus on alleged human rights abuses or misgovernance of any kind that can be used to arouse international public opinion against China’s government. This is apparent in the coverage given to outwardly disparate events such as the 2019-2020 Hong Kong protests; the case of Pengi Shuai; and the Xinjiang issue. 

A quick check over google search for the English material on the three subjects turned out the following results. Hong Kong protests - 147 million results; Peng Shuai - 11.5 million; Uyghur - 1.87 billion. The great part of this mountain of information comes from reports and analysis put out by western media based in Washington, New York, London and Sydney. 

Disseminated by the English language media owned by western businesses with close ties to the ruling parties in the west, the anti China (and sometimes accompanying racially biased  anti-Chinese) reports are  reproduced and have become a model for reporters from Tokyo, New Delhi, Seoul and even Singapore and Kuala Lumpur.      

Among the leading anti-China media CNN and the BBC stand out with the latter playing a key role in the latest attempt to sensationalise the Xinjiang issue back into public consciousness. This attempt has come ahead of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights visit to China with a front page emotional, heart tugging effort in the BBC’s online website giving prominence to a reconstruction of what is taking place in the reeducation camps in Xinjiang. 

Based on so-called secret police files to tantalise the readership and despite running the one sided reconstruction story for several days in an unprecedented fashion, this latest BBC anti-China campaign fortunately has failed to get much support from  among the public and in the corridors of international diplomacy. 

At the end of her visit, the UNHC, Michelle Bachelet’s comments mainly related to her concern with the impact of the broad application of counterterrorism and deradicalization measures and made no reference at all to the favourite western media allegation of “genocide” against the Uyghur community and equally absurd and unbelievable charge of  “crimes against humanity” levelled against the Chinese Communist Party .  

In response Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu, accused Western countries and anti-China groups of fabricating sensational lies about Xinjiang under the guise of human rights. The official China position has been consistent with the government adopting lawful measures to combat violent terrorism and bringing security, stability and prosperity to the region in China's northwest.

“Essentially, Xinjiang is not at all a human rights issue, but a major issue concerning upholding national sovereignty, security and territorial integrity.  All ethnic groups of Xinjiang belong to the family of the Chinese nation."

Unlike the US,  China’s priorities in human rights have remained unchanged. They seek to  
●put people front and center
●respect different countries’ paths of human rights development
●follow a holistic approach to all categories of human rights
●foster global human rights governance

China’s policy on human rights at home and internationally certainly needs scrutiny and improvement but so does that of the US and many other countries. 

The English proverb, “People in glass houses should not throw stones” and the Chinese one, “To rectify others, one should rectify oneself first” applies especially to the West in its position on China.   





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