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More than 20 years have passed since the "Save SJK (C) Damansara" (commonly known as SOS Damansara) recorded the blood and tears of contemporary Chinese educators. The  SOS Damansara Incident started in 2001 when there was disagreement on the relocation of the school between the Ministry of Education and board of directors and Parent Teacher Association of SJK (C) Damansara. That had triggered opposition from the Chinese community and various non-government organizations and launched a " Save SJK (C) Damansara" campaign.

The government forced the closure of the original SJK (C) Damansara, which forced many pupils to transfer to nearby schools. The incident is still vivid in the memories of Chinese educators. After the 308 general election and faced with political difficulties, the ruling coalition changed mind and announced that it would reopen the school, which had been closed for 2,923 day, but renama as SJK (C) Chung Hwa Damansara. This also means that the fight to "save SJK (C) Damansara" had succeeded.

However, SJK (C) Damansara, which relocated to Tropicana City, is now in urgent need of the public's generosity, as the school has been relocated for many years, the purpose of "Save SJK (C) Damansara 2.0" is to improve the school's infrastructure. Located in the Tropicana City, SJK (C) Damansara has approximately 1,800 students and 100 teachers. It has gone through several stages of development and is well-equipped. However, the fly in the ointment is that the school has no auditorium hall. At present, weekly assemblies are held in an open assembly area.

Besides, SJK (C) Damansara is the only one of the 10 chinese primary schools (SJKC) in Petaling without an auditorium hall. Petaling district in the Klang Valley is also the center of Malaysia's economic activity, with higher income and living standards than other regions in the country. It also houses the headquarters and factories of many multinational companies in the region.

SJK (C) Damansara, original was first given "overseas Chinese" as its name, in the 1930s founded by Mr. Yang Kang. It has 93 years of history year to date. At that time, residents in the vicinity of Jalan Damansara mostly made a living by rubber tapping. Due to earning meager living and inconvenient transportation, residents had to overcome numerous obstacles to send their children to study in the capital. Therefore, under the call and leadership of Mr. Yang Kang, SJK (C) Damansara was founded to relieve the troubles of sending children to distant area and make it more convenient for children to go to school.

Students can only use the open space assembly area for sports and extracurricular activities. However, the open space assembly area is surrounded by classrooms, which are not air-conditioned. When singing or speaking competitions are going on, it is inevitable to disturb the students in the class.

Urgent need for an auditorium hall

Since the stage of the open space assembly area is often drenched by rain water, all held events are at the mercy of the weather. If the weather is bad and it rains cats and dogs, the event is interrupted. During the rainy season, students would miss out on activities. Don't forget, both singing and speaking competitions need a good sound system to be more presentable. In the absence of suitable venues, how can district level competitions be held so that students from all schools can communicate and learn together under one roof?

Moreover, in the absence of a proper badminton court, the school badminton team had to go out for training. With the auditorium hall, lectures, reading meetings, badminton or all kinds of ball games can be carried out in the spacious hall. In addition to protecting students from exposure to the sun and rain, they can also avoid canceling outdoor training activities due to bad weather.

In the pursuit of five different dimensions, namely moral, cognitive, physical, social and aesthetic in the school, one must carry out the spirit of emphasizing sports as the lifeblood which can enrich students' life. Of course, the university can use the auditorium hall to scout for students who are passionate about all sports within the school, and cultivate more future "Lee Chong Wei" for the country to realize the vision of an Olympic gold medal.

In view of the urgent need for an auditorium hall, the school has set up a working committee and started the construction of the auditorium hall. The multi-phase auditorium hall project is divided into two phases, with the first phase is estimated to cost RM6 million and the second phase about RM4 million. The multi-purpose auditorium hall will cost about RM10 million. Construction costs have been exacerbated by the rising prices of everything caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the geopolitical crisis in Eastern Europe. In addition, due to the special terrain, the auditorium hall had to be built on a slope, which led to additional costs of construction.

Although SJK (C) Damansara is located in Tropicana City, which is relatively an affluent neighborhood, the school does not even have an auditorium hall, which inevitably limits students' activities. A school without an auditorium hall is like a house without a kitchen. If the host family needs to borrow the kitchen from the neighbors for a long time, it will be inconvenient for them and trouble for others. As the saying goes, enduring poverty cannot be taken care forever. Eventually, the host family has to build a kitchen. Similarly, all of the teachers and students of SJK (C) Damansara also need to shoulder the task of completing this grand project.

The auditorium hall is not only a building, but also a symbol of the spirit of the school family and it serves as tangible evidence of the community's enthusiasm for Chinese education.





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