



















林德宜《乌克兰战争:中国对西方指责的回应》原文:Ukraine War: China Response to Western Finger Pointing and Blame Seeking 

The four stages of US  diplomacy:

Step 1: Create a problem (entirely unrelated to China)

Step 2: Accuse China of not doing enough to solve the problem

Step 3: Keep blaming China as the problem worsens

Step 4: Blame China for creating the problem

(Unconfirmed US Foreign Policy Textbook)

With the war in Ukraine entering its fourth week, the extent of politicking, finger pointing and blame assignment is reaching new levels of intensity, irrationality and insanity. Western media reports continue to be filled with images of Ukrainian victims of war, descriptions of Russian atrocities, praise for the resolute defence put up by Ukraine’s President and military, and commentaries rooting for a military solution to ensure the victory of western democracy over Russian autocracy. 

Russian President Putin especially is the target of Western media and public wrath with opinion pieces and sound bytes jostling on who can demonise him most and vying in labelling him with the choicest vocabulary used to describe the worst of war criminals. 

Apart from Putin and Russia becoming the victims of the western media onslaught, China and President Xi are now appearing as key targets of jingoistic propaganda. Thus slanted news reports from the US, Britain, Australia and other Western friendly English media in Japan, India and other countries are suggesting that Xi in his meeting with Putin just before the Beijing Winter Olympics had requested that the Russian invasion of Ukraine be postponed until after the end of the Olympics. 

Not only is there no evidence to support this ridiculous claim but the fact that the invasion is going on at the same time as the Paralympics in which Russian and Belarus participants have not been allowed to take part shows that there is no connection between these two episodes. If seen as acceptable, a similar argument can be made that Putin has secretly timed the invasion with Biden’s agreement to take place just before Biden’s State of Union address on 1 March to ensure that both he and Biden can benefit equally from the domestic and global attention.    

Other reports are even more twisted and calculated to arouse hatred towards Xi and China. Following what appears to be the current principles of US foreign policy, the latest opinion piece in the Washington Post, the favourite paper of US politicians in Congress, makes the ludicrous claim that Xi has been a co-conspirator in what is happening in Ukraine. 

Unfortunately in any war, the first casualty is truth. However, to ensure that truth is not cancelled, it is important to undertake the necessary research and data gathering before arriving at a conclusion.  

Ignored or forgotten in the fog of war generated by western media is how Joe Biden, Boris Johnson and Emmanuel Macron, facing domestic political losses that could see them out of office, may have goaded Putin and Russia into this latest opportunistic western instigated war to ensure their own personal hold on power.     

Thus, in his State of Union address Biden was not only quick to trumpet to the world how the United States, under his leadership, was resolved to ensure the victory of freedom over tyranny. He also boasted: 

“We prepared extensively and carefully. We spent months building coalitions of other freedom-loving nations in Europe and the Americas to — from America to the Asian and African continents to confront Putin.

I spent countless hours unifying our European Allies.”

Now, supported by members of the European Union as well as the United Kingdom, Canada, Japan, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, and others, he is able to proclaim that he is “inflicting pain on Russia and supporting the people of Ukraine”.

Inflicting pain; stirring up Russia phobic hysteria; cancelling Russia in the economy; banning Russian participants in sports, culture and other sectors; imposing across the board sanctions to punish and impoverish ordinary Russians; proposing the assassination of Putin and seeking his overthrow by fair or foul means; and even extending blame to Xi and China may appear the right moral and political response by the leaders of the West and western media. 

But other countries of the world that have seen the West’s recent wars in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and elsewhere waged on spurious grounds and fraudulent allegations should not only examine closely the root causes that have compelled Russia to undertake its military action. They need to stand firm and reject being drawn into the western orbit seeking to destroy Russia. 

In this regard, China’s position on Ukraine is clear and consistent in bringing about peace in Ukraine. In fact it should be the model for the West if the war in Ukraine is to end. 

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Russia relations, Ukraine,

As a Chinese proverb puts it, it takes more than one cold day to freeze three feet of ice. The situation in Ukraine has become what it is today for a variety of complex reasons. What is needed to solve complex issues is a cool head and a rational mind, not adding fuel to the fire which only intensifies the situation. China believes that to resolve the current crisis, we must uphold the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations (UN) and respect and protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries. We must adhere to the principle of indivisible security and accommodate the legitimate security concerns of the parties involved. We must settle disputes by peaceful means through dialogue and negotiation. And we must keep in mind the long-term peace and stability of the region and put in place a balanced, effective and sustainable European security architecture.

As things stand, the international community must make continuous efforts on two priorities.

One priority is to facilitate dialogue for peace. China has made some efforts in this regard and had close communications with the relevant parties. On the second day of the conflict, President Xi Jinping spoke to President Vladimir Putin on the phone and expressed China’s desire to see Russia and Ukraine hold peace talks as early as possible. President Putin responded positively, and Russia and Ukraine have since had two rounds of talks. We hope that the upcoming third round will make further progress. China believes that the more tense the situation, the more important that the talks continue. The wider the disagreement, the greater the need to sit down and have negotiation. China is prepared to continue playing a constructive role to facilitate dialogue for peace and work alongside the international community when needed to carry out necessary mediation.

The other priority is to prevent a massive humanitarian crisis.





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